Channeling Dolly
Vancie Vega combines fierce theatrics and maternal love as Dolly Parton.
There are drag entertainers . . . and then there is Vancie Vega! This stage veteran is known across the country as the Dolly Parton impersonator, and just like Dolly, Vancie is someone audiences cannot take their eyes off of once she steps into the spotlight. Her talent has earned her numerous pageant titles, yet the performer always maintains a motherly care for her cast mates and friends. After all, they don’t call her Aunt Vancie for nothing. Find out more about this consummate performer.
Inner Avatar?
Sat Nam “I am truth” or “Truth is my essence”
LaMarque, TX
Drag birthday?
August 1986
November includes Transgender Awareness Week. What would you like to say to the transgender community?
I love transgender awareness month is also my birthday month, and I get to celebrate all month long. The one thing I’d love to say to my community is, “Keep your head up. Major change in the fabric of the world takes a lot of effort and patience.”
What got you interested in drag?
I was a theater rat in school, so I already had the call to the stage. I snuck into a bar with a friend and saw my first drag show. I was hooked. The next day said friend did my make-up. I wore her dress and her hair. Before we went out, I walked her dog while dressed and her neighbor tried to pick me up. I was hooked.
This is the season of giving. How do you give back to your community?
I give back to my community in various ways. Always readily available to share my experience and advice as Aunt Vancie. Anything else I do is private. I tend not to advertise what I do for others.
Describe your performing persona.
Elegant and fluid, with an ability to act in my performance. I think a performance without the ability to act is lacking. There must be a foundation on which to expand.
Any titles or pageants under your belt?
Miss Houston USofA, Miss Austin USofA, Miss Dallas USofA and a few other state titles. Miss Southwest EOY, Miss Texas USofA, Miss Texas USofA Classic, Miss Texas Continental, Miss Continental Elite. I may be missing a few.
What’s on your bucket list?
I don’t really have a bucket list per se. If there’s something I want to do, I simply do it. Life is too short to have lists. What’s the commercial say? Just do it.
Most memorable moment as a performer?
I have two actually. 1) Meeting Dolly Parton dressed as Dolly Parton after working for the Grammy Museum as her. 2) Performing in Las Vegas (as Madonna) for Whitney Houston while she screamed, “You’re better than Madonna”.
Most embarrassing moment on stage?
I don’t get embarrassed. Things happen. We all fall, zippers bust, boobs fall out, wigs come off. It happens. If I keep this outlook, it’s easier for me to navigate life’s ups and downs.
Thoughts about legislation regarding drag performances?
There has always been legislation in one form or another against various minority groups. This is no different. We are in the mainstream now. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like what we’re doing. We need to remain vigilant.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I don’t have guilt with pleasure. I only have pleasure. I don’t see the need to be guilty when indulging in things that make me happy. What makes me happiest are family vacations with my sisters and good food. Most importantly, a shit ton of laughter.
#TeamAretha or #TeamPatti?
What do you do in your downtime?
In my downtime I’m at home or with family. I’m very much a homebody and enjoy my privacy. I live in the country halfway between my parents and it is the most magical place. I am addicted to the peace of it.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I hate shoes.
Marry, Shag, Kill: Jon Hamm, Matt Bomer and Benedict Cumberbatch?
Marry: Matt Bomer; Shag: Jon Hamm; Dismiss: Benedict Cumberbatch (being vegan I can’t “kill” any living thing.)
What’s your life’s mantra?
Kindness is a verb.
Who are your favorite artists to perform?
The obvious answer is Dolly Parton. I can feel like death warmed over, but when I perform as Dolly, there is a Christ consciousness which takes over and I become a spiritual, fulfilled person. There’s something about emulating a woman who is full of said Christ consciousness which brings forth the feeling. Once I have the feeling, it emanates outward and touches everyone in my vicinity. It’s a miraculous thing, and I am humbled and honored to share the experience.
Follow Vancie Vega on Instagram @TheNOTDollyShow, TikTok TheNOT Dollyshow and VancieVega on Facebook.