
Made for Roasting

Marsha Mellow keeps it real with drag and life.

Marsha Mellow (Photo by Ernesto Rodriguez)

Question: What’s spongy, smooth, and is enjoyed after a good roast? Answer: your friendly (yet truthful) neighborhood drag queen Marsha Mellow. The host with the most knows how to stir the hot chocolate pot with her quick wit and sharp tongue. Just like her name suggests, she always does so with a sugary sweet finish that leaves the audience wondering if she delivered an insult or a compliment. The world may never know. Read more about why she leaves the audience screaming “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!”

I don’t really give a shit about pronouns. If someone wants to be called something, cool — it doesn’t cost me anything to respect it. It’s not like it affects my life. As for me? I’ve been called he, I’ve been called she, but let’s be real — I mostly get called “bitch.” So yeah, let’s just roll with bitch.

Inner Avatar?
My inner avatar? A disco ball with claws—sparkly, dangerous, and always reflecting light back at the haters.

Houston, Texas — where everything is bigger, including the personalities.

Drag birthday?
February 4, 1995. It’s been 30 years of doing what I love, connecting with people, and growing along the way. I’m just grateful to still be here, doing what I’m passionate about.

Is there a story behind your stage name?
Some guy barged into my office one day and said, “You’re gonna be Marsha Mellow.” No discussion, no debate — it just stuck. Sure, I could’ve been Kirsti Alexander or Candy Warhol, but let’s face it, Marsha had the edge. And now, after 30 years of hearing “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha” nonstop, I guess I’m stuck with it.

Tell us about your outfit in the photoshoot.
The outfit? It’s fine, but let’s talk about the real star — the jewelry. I’m rocking emeralds, which I love, and they were a birthday gift from my bestie, Dessie Love-Blake. It’s one of those gifts that says, “You’re a badass,” without actually saying it. I’ve always been an Elphaba — green, bold, and a little wicked.

What got you interested in drag?
I wasn’t interested at all, to be honest. A friend took me to my first drag show — Lindsay Love and Kofi were performing at JR’s on a Monday night. He turned to me and said, “You should do drag. You’re quick and witty enough to kill it.” I laughed and said, “Fuck that.” But then I gave it a shot and let me tell you — it was like discovering my secret weapon. Plus, free drinks? Sold.

Describe your performing persona.
Marsha Mellow is bold, sharp, and unapologetic. I bring quick wit, glamour, and just enough chaos to keep things unforgettable.

Any titles or pageants under your belt?
I did Ms. Houston at Large USofA back in ’97. It was a disaster — pageants require discipline, and I’m allergic to that. I spent the evening gown portion looking bored and strutted off the stage like I had somewhere better to be. My sisters Dessie and Chevelle can keep the crowns; I’ll stick to winging it and having fun.

What’s on your bucket list?
I’ve never really made a bucket list, but if I did, finally starting my At the End of the Bar podcast would be on there. Also, convincing George Stephanopoulos to fall madly in love with me — because why not dream big?

Most memorable moment as a performer?
A guy once told me I saved his life after we spent a night talking during a show. He was planning to kill himself but changed his mind. That hit me hard — drag is fun, but moments like that remind you it can also mean something.

Most embarrassing moment on stage?
I don’t really get embarrassed because I’ve never taken myself that seriously. I mean, come on—I’m a short, fat, bald, hairy guy in a dress. How serious can I be? I’m Gen X; I can laugh at myself, laugh at you, and not give a damn. That’s probably why I’m happier than most people.

What’s your ultimate goal as a performer?
As far as goals go, I keep it simple. The world’s a shit show right now — maybe it always has been, but damn, it feels magnified these days. If I can make one person laugh and forget about all the crap, even for a little while, I’ve done my job. Sure, I love the glitz and the glamour, but at the end of the day, I’m here to spread a little joy in the chaos.

Thoughts about legislation regarding drag performances?
It’s stupid and a waste of time. Drag isn’t hurting anyone. If anything, it’s making the world a little brighter, and anyone trying to legislate against it is just proving they’re miserable assholes.

What are your favorite hangout spots?
These days, I’m all about staying home. Back in the 90s, I was out every night, but now I’d rather chill with my babies and a good movie.

Do you have a drag family? If so, tell us about them.
Not really — not like the Andrews or the LaRues, who are actual dynasties. I did have a drag mom when I started, the late Lindsay Love, who helped guide me in the early days. I’d consider Dessie Love-Blake and Chevelle Brooks more like actual family — my sisters through and through. My drag nieces are Keymiyah Dupree and Teresa LaRue, and Muffy Blake-Vanderbilt? She’s the cousin who always keeps things interesting.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Sitting on the couch, eating Ruffles with French onion dip, and watching Coal Miner’s Daughter. Bonus points if I’m drinking ginger ale out of a champagne glass — it’s the little things.

Tell us about your aesthetic.
My aesthetic is mostly big hair and a mouth — and I do love a good power suit. Someone once said, “Marsha made a career out of fabulous hair and a mouth,” and honestly, they weren’t wrong. Thank you, Lupe and Robbie, for keeping my hair the real star.

What’s your must-have clothing accessory/prop?
A perfectly shaken pornographic Grey Goose martini with three olives. It’s not just a drink — it’s a vibe.

#TeamReba or #TeamDolly?
#TeamDolly, no contest. She’s an icon, a legend, and the blueprint.

Share with the readers about the book(s) you have published or will soon be published.
In 2020, I released my first book, As Is. Now, I’m finishing Unapologetically Yours: The Marsha Mellow Chronicles, part memoir, part chaos, and entirely me. It’s a mix of wild stories, raw honesty, and lessons learned over 30 years in drag. It’s not just about drag—it’s about life and owning who you are unapologetically.

What do you do in your downtime?
Downtime? What’s that? I’m always working on something — art, writing, performing. My brain doesn’t know how to shut up, but when I do get a moment, I love just being at home with my babies and enjoying some peace and quiet.

What would people be surprised to know about you?
I’m not an extrovert or an introvert—I’m an omnivert. Yes, it’s a real thing. Google it. In my 20s and 30s, I was always out, but once I hit 40, I realized how precious time is. Now, I spend it differently — mostly at home with my babies or hanging out with my bestie, Ernesto.

What was your dream job as a child?
I wanted to be a talk show host. The closest I came was when the casting team for the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy reboot reached out to me. I went through the whole process — auditions, meetings, even signing contracts. Obviously, I didn’t get it — they went in a different direction. Maybe something better will come along, or maybe not. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Favorite bad word?
My absolute favorite has to be ‘FUCK.’ It’s the Swiss Army knife of profanity. It can be a noun, a verb, an adjective – hell, it can even be punctuation if you are creative enough. It’s Fucking fabulous don’t you think? Funny though I rarely use it in my show.

Who is your celebrity crush?
George Stephanopoulos. Smart, charming, and low-key sexy.

Marry, Shag, Kill: The PineSol Lady, Mr. Clean, or Mrs. Buttersworth?
Marry Mrs. Buttersworth — she’s sweet. Shag Mr. Clean — he’s ripped. Kill the PineSol Lady — sorry, but someone’s gotta go.

Any advice for up-and-coming performers?
Stop copying what you see on Drag Race. Be yourself and be fucking amazing at it. Don’t try to be a carbon copy of someone else — you’ll always come up short.

Who is your favorite drag character from media? And why?
Jack Lemmon as Daphne in Some Like It Hot. I’ve seen that movie so many times I could probably quote it in my sleep. I even forced my best friend to watch it just so I could talk about how perfect Lemmon’s comedic timing is. He nailed every moment. Honestly, in a world full of RuPauls, be a Daphne — and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Where/When do you normally perform?
Every Friday night, I host Showgirls at Rich’s. Seating starts at 8:00, and showtime is at 8:30, featuring an incredible rotating cast that never disappoints!

Which candy/dessert would best describe you and why?
A marshmallow — soft, sweet, and fluffy, but I’ll burn you if you push me too far.

Do you have any pets?
Yes! My dog Milo and my baby opossum Banjo. They’re the loves of my life.

What is your secret talent?
If I have one, it’s staying a secret even from me. Honestly, I’ve made a career out of being quick, loud, and fabulous — I think that counts.

What have you learned from drag that you use in your everyday life?
Resilience. No matter what life throws at you, just pick up the pieces, slap on some glitter, and keep going. Drag has taught me to adapt, improvise, and always find the humor in the chaos.

What title would you give this article?
“Marsha Mellow: Big Hair, Big Mouth, and Zero Fucks Given.”

Do you have any catchphrases you often use?
“Girl, bye.” It’s my polite way of saying “fuck you.”

What’s your life’s mantra?
Be bold, be kind, and be unapologetically you.

What advice would you share with your younger self?
Listen, kid — stop trying to fit into boxes other people made. You’re never going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s a good thing. Lean into what makes you different, trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to make a little noise.

How would you describe Greater Houston’s drag scene for a visitor?
Diverse, talented, and full of surprises. It’s not just a drag scene — it’s an experience. No matter what you’re into, you’ll find a performer or a show that blows you away.

What do you want the world to know about the LGBTQ community?
We’re here, we’re fabulous, and we’re not going anywhere. We’re stronger than ever, and our stories are worth being heard.

Have you ever had a defining moment in your life? If so, share more.
That night when a man told me I saved his life — it reminded me why I do what I do. Drag isn’t just about glitter and fun; it’s about connection. That moment taught me the power of kindness and how something small, like a smile or a conversation, can change someone’s life.

What are your passions in life?
Drag, art, writing, and making people feel something. Whether it’s laughter, joy, or a spark of inspiration, I just want to create moments that matter.

Who are your favorite artists to perform?
Mary J. Blige. My custom “No More Drama” mix? Legendary. I throw money on two beats and pop my wig on the third, sending glitter everywhere. The crowd loves it, and the cleanup crew hates me.

If you could pick one celebrity (living or dead) to perform with you, who would it be and why?
Only one? That’s tough — I’ve got a list of at least 20. But if I had to choose, it’d be Don Rickles. His quick wit, sharp tongue, and fearless ability to roast anyone in the room were legendary. Someone once compared me to him, and I nearly wet myself. I could learn so much from him — how to push boundaries, own a room, and leave an audience crying with laughter.

What else might be worth mentioning?
After 30 years in drag, I’m proof that staying true to yourself and following your passion can lead to something incredible. It hasn’t always been easy, but every laugh, every connection, and every moment of unapologetic self-expression has been worth it. Life is too short not to be bold, authentic, and a little bit fearless. The best is still yet to come.

Follow Marsha Mellow on TikTok at @steventilotta, Instagram at @marsha_mellow_diaries, and Facebook at facebook.com/tilotta.


Sam Byrd

Sam Byrd is a freelance contributor to Outsmart who loves to take in all of Houston’s sights, sounds, food and fun. He also loves helping others to discover Houston’s rich culture. Speaking of Houston, he's never heard a Whitney Houston song he didn't like.
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