Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
SignOut Horoscope

Navigating the Eclipses

Leo’s influence on your month.

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SignOut Horoscope

Prepare to Move Forward

Virgo season is all about advancing our goals after the 19th.

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SignOut Horoscope

Pause and Reflect

Rethink your commitments during the Venus retrograde in Leo.

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SignOut Horoscope

Take a Step Back

The Venus retrograde ushers in a time for reflection and review.

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Time to Look Deeper

Gemini retrogrades and inner growth take center stage.

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SignOut Horoscope

An Active, Intense Month

Taurus energy ushers in a period of introspection.

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SignOut Horoscope

Mercury Goes Retrograde

A powerful Aries solar eclipse on April 19.

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SignOut Horoscope

A Busy and Tense Month

Time for decision-making during this Pisces season.

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SignOut Horoscope

Time for Action

This Aquarius season is a positive month for new opportunities.

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Intense Beginnings

We enter January in a slow and sluggish period that comes to a standstill when Mars goes stationary direct on…

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