Notable is the Solar Eclipse on October 14th and Lunar Eclipse on the 28th. The Solar Eclipse will impact the Cardinal signs of Libra, Cancer, Aries, and Capricorn, while the Lunar Eclipse will impact the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Eclipses open a door to a new path or opportunity.
Delays seem to be a part of the forecast for the first three weeks of this month. Flexibility is the key. The more you adapt, the more successful you will be!
As has been the case for the last 40 years, the Outer Planets of Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus will go direct in the fall, indicating a need to move on, initiate new activities, and finish tasks begun. Despite delays, the energy is revving up.
Intense days are October 6, 7, and 8. Stay alert! Good days this month are the October 3, 13, 22, 24, and 31. Days to be on your toes are October 1-8, 10, 14-15, 17-21, and 28-29. Pace yourself this month.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Relationships continue to be tested. If you are in a positive relationship, this is the time to find ways to reconnect to that familiar teamwork. If you are in a difficult partnership, this is a time to clear the issues. This will be very strong on the weekend of the 7th and 8th, and the Eclipse on the 14th. This is a good time for exercise to burn off some of the excess energy you feel. This is also a good time for a new project or to re-create your career path. Career choices are still unsure. Finances are more important, especially in the last part of the month. This could be a better time for a loan or personal investing.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
This is a busy time, particularly late in the month, with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th. As the month begins, you get your workplace in order. You are very direct about getting along with co-workers. You may be the voice that speaks for the larger group. This is a great time for improving health and exercise routines, but don’t overdo it. After the 10th, you will review your career path. The Eclipse on the 28th could trigger you to make those choices. You may start your own thing, take on a leadership role, or retire from the rodentia race altogether. Partnerships are active in the last three weeks of this month. Your relationships need some TLC!
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
Career and long-term security decisions are foremost. You may step up and take a leadership role or start something on your own. Your credibility is very important now and through the end of next year. Spend quality time with your family; you need the time for personal retreat. This is a more creative and playful time. Take time to make memories with your children. They are more independent and taking more risks. If you don’t have kids, you are the one looking to be more playful. At the end of the month, you will get back to routines. You will want to have input in new projects at work.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
The Solar Eclipse on the 14th will have a strong impact since it will involve home and family. You may be doing fall cleaning, remodeling, connecting with your family more, or possibly relocating. This is a social month for connecting with like-minded colleagues and friends and also a better time to market your services or seek out a new job. It’s easier to communicate ideas and needs in the first half of the month and to get them met! In the last half of the month, you are more creative and playful. This is an excellent time to focus on a hobby or turn that into a side gig. The last Eclipse activates your social life.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
You have been letting people know what you think and getting your life organized. You’ve had a lot of things to do, and you are ready to finish them. Career and social contacts continue to be positive. This is a good time to look for a better position or take on a leadership role. Relationships are still fairly edgy, and bad relationships are being processed out of your life, particularly after the 10th. Toward the middle of the month, you are more focused on security, home, family, and personal property—a very busy time at home and work. You have a lot on your “to do” list. You may do work around your home or bring your family together. You are more direct with the people around you!
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
Decisions about the future weighed heavily on you last month, and you can expect some of the same this month. You are more psychically sensitive. You pay more attention to your boundaries and may not seem as adaptable or flexible to the people around you. Money, investments, and debt are active the first half of the month. You pay more attention to your future and are more thoughtful about your spending. You have a strong buy impulse as the month begins, but that fades after the 12th. The last half of the month is busy. This can be a time for travel, teaching, increasing your skills, or working with global organizations. You are more aware of world events. The Eclipse on the 28th will activate energy to invite different alternatives into your life.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Happy birthday! This is your annual cycle of endings and beginnings. This continues to be an active time, with Mars visiting your sign since August 28. You may have felt more unbalanced and more quick to anger. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th may open you up to new partnerships and may close down others. Not particularly negative, this can be people relocating or taking a different trek. The weekend of the 7th and 8th can be rather tense. You may feel that you need to project yourself or push back on those pressuring you to respond in a certain way. It continues to be important to improve your health and work habits. Finances are better, and this is a better time for investments, dealing with debt, and increasing your resource base. This will be extra strong in the last half of the month as you are working to free yourself from debt.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
As the month begins, you are in a time of rest and retreat. Your psychic senses are stronger, and conditions that you might normally ignore seem to bother you more. You have been trying to get your daily life more organized and clear out some stuff. This will get a lot stronger after the 10th. In the middle of the month, you feel more grounded. Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, and you will be more direct and less patient. The Solar Eclipse on the 28th in your relationship sector triggers changes there, opening the door for a new relationship and potentially closing the door on an old partnership. You are looking for more personal freedom, and those who want to shut you down may be exiting your life with the Eclipse.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
This is an upbeat and social time in your life, a great time to connect with friends, join a social group, or take on a leadership role in your community. You are ready to take action, and you may be coaching others on how to make better use of social networking. It will be easier to work with social media and expand your business reach, especially in the first half of the month. Boundaries are more important than ever. You are not as flexible and adaptable. You consider the cost and return on your investments. In the last half of the month, you are in a rest-and-retreat mode. You are more intuitive, and negative energies can have a greater impact on you. This can also be a time when you have to focus on home repairs, downsizing, or potentially relocating.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Most of the planets continue to be very active in your career sector. In the first half of the month, you are ready to take a leadership role and get things accomplished. You are not as patient as usual and may seem pushy to others. You are not very playful, and you expect people to do what they say or you may exclude them from your life. Some of the pressure to go forward or to take a step back will dissipate as you move forward more confidently. In the last half of the month, you are more connected to your community and friends, a time for social networking and expanding your presence on social media. You will be an inspiration for work colleagues and friends. You are ready for some fun! This should be a better time for travel or weekend getaways.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
On the 10th, Pluto begins a 21-year journey traveling through Aquarius, triggering major life changes. People with the earliest birthdays in your sign are most impacted. As the month begins, you are in a great time for mental activity, taking classes, expanding your presence on social media, and enlarging your vision of the planet. You are more talkative and will want to express your views and opinions. Toward the middle of the month, you are more focused on career and long-term security. You may take on a leadership role or possibly start something on your own. Patience won’t be your watchword. This is a good time for improving health and exercise. The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th could impact your career and family. Lead the charge in your own growth and change
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Career, long-term security, reputation, and personal boundaries are strong. You may be putting off decisions until you are ready to move forward at the beginning of next month. In partnership, this is a time to renew your bonds and set new goals, as you have completed most of the goals you had envisioned. In difficult partnerships, this can be a time to make up or break up. At work, you are not as flexible as usual and may not be happy about doing others’ work. You are more concerned about finances and investments as the month starts. In the last part of the month, you are interested in just enjoying your time and having fun. Travel could be better during this time of the month, and you may need to get out of town around the 28th. You are paying attention to what is relevant to you and not what makes others happy!
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