January’s Slow Start
Capricorn’s steady influence, and other retrograde reflections
We are off to a slow start in the New Year. Mars is currently retrograde, and both Venus and Mercury will join in on the retrograde fun in February, March, and April! These retrogrades provide a time to take care of things we have put off or avoided. With Mars retrograde, we are dealing with our anger and our need to be ourselves. People may be more self-focused and not as tolerant or polite as usual. Work on your new plans, but don’t start them till mid-April.
This month, the sun starts in Capricorn and enters Aquarius on the 19th. Mercury moves through Sagittarius, Capricorn, and eventually Aquarius. Venus starts the month in Aquarius but soon enters Pisces for the rest of the month. Mars starts a month-long retrograde in Leo, but soon reenters Cancer on the 6th.
Good days this month are the 12th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 25th, 26th, and the 30th. Days to stay in bed are the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 16th, 18th, 21st, and the 29th.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
You start the month focused on career, friends, social and business organizations, and looking for ways to have more time to yourself. You are looking to get back on track as you start the New Year by clarifying long-term career and security goals. Friends are especially important this month. You need to know you have support from like-minded people. You are excluding some people from your life because of major differences. Home and family are a big deal this year, as retrograde Mars, your ruler, is stirring things up there. You could be doing home repairs, relocating, or downsizing. You are not as patient as you normally are, but you are communicating better and people are finally listening to you. As the month ends, you are ready to retreat from all of the expectations and demands.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
There is major focus on your career this month. Your career is changing, and you are going to have to make some decisions about your current direction. Some of you will take on a leadership role, some of you will start something on your own, and others will definitely do some downsizing. Family problems may also require you to rethink decisions. Some changes are beyond your control, and you will just have to respond to them as best you can. In the latter part of the month, you are more social and wanting to connect with friends. With business groups, you are more likely to take a leadership role or find a group that is more appropriate to your needs. Friendships may be more difficult, as they may need more from you than you can give at the moment.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
You continue to aware of your need to have more options in your partnerships and in your career. You had been rethinking this area in 2024, so you are now clearer about your overall plan. The retrograde pattern for the start of the year may keep you from moving forward until mid-April. This is a better time for you to reach out to others, consider upgrading your skills, and make travel plans for the future. Your established views are being challenged, and you are seeing the world with a much wider perspective. Your connection to business support groups, teamwork, and friends is changing. You are not as open to hearing about their issues or offering support unless they are willing to take the lead on solving their problems. You are more direct and real with people through the end of April.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
You have a lot on your mind this month. Mars, planet of action, self-defense, instinctual action, and anger, continues to retrograde through your sign. Mars retrograde is a very good time to take care of things you have been avoiding, restart exercise and diet programs, and confront the people you need to. Mars will be direct in March, and that will give you the power and confidence to move forward with your plans. Initially, relationships are the primary topic as the month begins. This is a good time to renew bonds and resolve problems. In the latter part of the month, you are looking for greater trust in relationships, as you are more open to your deeper thoughts and ideas. You will also be wanting to resolve debt problems so you can feel more free and have more options. Rethinking your career direction is in your future!
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
As the month opens, you are trying to feel more grounded and connected to your routines. You may be restarting your health programs for the New Year. Relationships are a big theme for you this month and for several years to come. You are breaking negative patterns in partnerships. This is primarily about you, and not really about your partners. You are expecting more from all your partnerships, and will be setting new rules. In a positive relationship, this is a time of setting new goals. In a difficult partnership, this is about finding some sort of resolution. If you are single, you are more clear about what you want. In contrast to this energy, you are also more sensitized to your environment and may need more time to yourself. This will be an area of balance this month.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept.22)
Your creative energies are strong this month, as well as a sense of bringing your ideas to fruition. This can be a very good time to consider a hobby as potential income. Your personal work habits and routines are the focus this month. You may be restarting a health program, cleaning up your workspace, and upgrading your devices. You are also working to bring more peace and cooperation in your workspace. Relationship issues continue to share center stage. This is the perfect time to set new goals, resolve problems, or be okay with not needing to have a partner. Career activity will continue to be busy, and even busier after the end of January. You should be hearing from friends and clients from your past through the end of March. This is a very good month to reach out to old friends and reconnect.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
You hold on to the traditions of the holidays even throughout January. This is a very good month for being more creative and playful, enjoying your children more, and connecting with your friends just to have more fun! You are not ready to go back to your old routines. You may be upgrading your office or improving your home office. Career energies can be intense this month and through April. Mars retrograde, planet of action and no patience, is active in your career sector. This can mean that problems at work have to be resolved before you can move forward. Your anger will be visible, and others will take notice. Normally, you are the one who looks for compromise, but you are much more self-oriented with Mars so active. Exercise is always a good
idea when Mars is active, but don’t overdo it.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
You are reworking your base or foundation so that you can feel more stable in this time of change. Initially, you are rethinking your career path, where you are not as patient and may be looking for something that stirs your passion. At home, the energy for change continues to increase. There are huge shifts in your family, and there could be a whole new order of the family hierarchy. For some, this can be a time to start over and begin a whole new direction. Others may be cutting back, retiring, or attempting to live off the grid. There could also be home repairs and possible relocating. Your relationships are also changing as you set new goals for your partnership. Any time after mid-April is a better time for making your decisions and having them stick.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
As the month opens, you are more direct with people, and you are feeling more concerned about your finances, savings, and debt. You will be taking action to cut back on areas or services that no longer help you. As you ease yourself back into your routines, you pay more attention to your daily activities. You may be eliminating some of your usual routines and setting new goals for others. This is a better month for writing, podcasting, or even taking a class. You are more open to new ideas and points of view. Family stability continues to be a strong concern. You may be taking a lead role in family matters. This can also be a time when older family members are passing on. Be clear about what help you can give, and what you cannot do! Others view you as strong and don’t see how sensitive you really are.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
This is your birthday month, a time when you look back at the past experiences that may shape your future. Finances take the lead as the month begins. You are looking to improve your resource base, possibly raise your fees, or ask for a raise. You are also more interested in reducing debt so that you don’t feel so trapped by your income. This can be a time when you decide to do something on your own, and rely on your own skills and abilities. With Mars retrograde in your relationship sector, your partnerships need some attention, and right way! This can be a great time to renew those bonds. If you are having problems, they have to be addressed. You are still in a push-pull process with your decisions. You will feel more confident by mid-April.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
As the month opens, you are in your normal rest-and-retreat mode that you customarily enjoy right after the holidays come to an end. You are more sensitive to your environment and may avoid excessive interactions until midmonth. You are ready to make some real changes in your life. You may be exploring changes to your career, your relationship, and where you live. You are getting rid of any unnecessary items or people that might hold you back. You are detoxing your system of negative energies. This can be an excellent month for therapy, a total change in your diet, and a great time to clean out those storerooms. Your need for personal freedom and more options extends to family as well. Your tolerance there is low, and you are tired of waiting for them to “get it.”
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
You are a little more laid back as the month begins. Normally, this is a more social time when you enjoy connecting with your friends, but your psychic sensitivity is stronger than ever. This is causing you to choose your surroundings and company more carefully. You are continuing to be more conscious of your future, particularly future plans related to your career and to your partnerships. You are also continuing to set better boundaries and telling people No more often. In your partnerships, this is a time to set new goals and to make sure that both of you are moving in the same direction. You are also looking at possibly moving or making some repairs to your current abode. Finances and debt become more important as we move into the New Year. All decisions about moving forward should wait until mid-April to ensure maximum success.
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