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February 2025 Horoscope: Navigating Cosmic Chaos

From Aquarius to Pisces, February is a time for reflection.

We remain in our retrograde pattern through the middle of April. Mars will be going stationary direct on the 23rd and is not back up to speed until the middle of March. However, Venus, our planet of love, money, and commitment, goes retrograde at the end of February, and we review our commitments from the past. Just to add to the confusion, Mercury will also be retrograde in March! Slow down and take your time. Things that are being started now may not come to fruition.

The month starts off with the sun in Aquarius, but enters Pisces on the 18th. Mercury also travels through Aquarius and Pisces this month. Venus starts off in Pisces but quickly enters Aries on the 4th. Because Venus will be going retrograde, she will be in Aries from February 4 through May 10. This will be a time to review all of your commitments. Mars remains in Cancer, the nation’s birth sign, through the middle of April. This can create some anger and volatility in our country

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
As the month opens for you Rams, it’s a busy time of connecting with friends, expanding your outreach to new areas, and making plans for different pursuits in your life. With your ruler, Mars, retrograde, you are busy reexamining your life and the choices that brought you to this moment. You may feel that you have to defend yourself, especially in family matters. In the latter half of the month, you are in a rest-and-retreat mode. You are more sensitized to your environment, and things that you would normally ignore bother you more. This would be a good time to take some mental-health days. You will get more done if you do things you enjoy first, and then move on to the more demanding things. It may be a good time to get away to the beach, the lake, or the mountains.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
This month your career, long-term security issues, and a possible relocation are in the spotlight. Some of you will be considering starting something on your own. Your industry is changing, and you may even choose a totally different path. If you are older, you may be cutting back and working on a better home/work balance. Some of you will want to exit society and live off the grid! Your tolerance and patience are at a very low ebb. There are also shifts within your family of origin. You may need to step in and take a greater role in the family hierarchy. You are reviewing your activity with business or social organizations. If they aren’t living up to your expectations, you may move on. Personal freedom of choice remains a significant element in your life. Demanding people and situations will push you away. Make sure you have plenty of space.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
This is an especially busy month for you, especially in your career, where there may be a total shift in direction. With your career, this is a time to take a leadership role, consider doing something on your own, or if you are older, stepping back. You are paying more attention to your boundaries and how much you are appreciated for what you do! Soon, the planet Uranus will enter your sign for the first time in 84 years. This can be a time when you reinvent yourself, go back to school, move to another country, get rid of demanding people, and look for a whole new social group of friends. You may be more restless than usual, and it may be harder to make decisions as you consider all your options.

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Mars, planet of action, self-defense, and our expression of anger and survival continues his retrograde path through your sign. You may be more restless than usual, quicker to anger, and taking life very personally, as we all should. Mars will be active in your sign through the middle of April. This is a very good time to take care of anything that you have been putting off. This is also the perfect time to restart your exercise and health programs. This can also be a time when you are more accident prone since we are rushing ahead with Mars. Slowing down can help! This is a very good month to extend your education, follow up on your personal interests, or explore other countries and cultures as you continue to widen your view and perspective. You are making plans for the future, especially around your career and home.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Partnerships, both business and personal, are under scrutiny this month. On the personal level, this is about you understanding your need to improve your partnerships and not repeat toxic relationships. This can be a very good time for therapy for both of you. Difficult partnerships may come to an end, and good ones may need to be renegotiated. You are a lot more responsive and may not hold back on how you really feel. You are also continuing to work on your finances and reducing your debts. This is a good month to review your investments and consider possible refinancing. You may also be reviewing your career path as well. You have been wanting to break the routine and do something that connects you with your passion. You will be more decisive after mid-April.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept.22)
Health, exercise, improving the work environment, and making your efforts more efficient are all active this month. This can be a time to consider improving your social media, devices, and how you want to be portrayed. In the latter part of the month, you are more relationship focused. This can be a very good time for commitments, renewals, and fixing what is not working. You may also need to be clearer about your boundaries and needs, and not hoping your partner will guess what is going on inside of you. Partnership problems must be addressed if you are going to move forward or bring what you have to an end. There are big career shifts slowly starting to occur. You may be looking at doing something on your own, taking a leadership role or, if you are older, cutting back. This is a good time to connect with old friends from the past!

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
It’s a mixed bag for you this month. You are looking for more fun and ways to express your creative nature. You may be considering having children, including your children more in your daily life, and being more childlike in your own expressions. There could also be some control issues with your children, or you may just be letting your own inner child out of the box! Health and work routines are still under scrutiny. You may be redoing your workspace and making things work more efficiently. This is also an excellent time for a visit to the doctor for a checkup. Relationship reviews are coming up as we move into spring. You will be looking to set new goals for your partnerships. And finally, career activity is very strong as you review where you are and if you are going to stay there. Your patience there is very low. Be careful not to act unless you are really ready to leave! Make some plans for your future.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
This continues to be a time of shifts and changes in your family. This has been building since mid-October 2024, but now you may feel that you have to respond to the changes to bring some stability to the situation. This can be a time of old people passing on, shifts in the family hierarchy, hidden secrets being exposed, and a possible relocation. This is a very good time for therapy and any type of detoxing activity. Health and work environments are still important, and they get more important in the latter half of the month. You are looking for ways to express your creative side. You may even be thinking about turning a hobby into something that brings in income. Take your time with your decisions, as conditions may not be suitable for you to act until after mid-April.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
Clearing up communications, improving your daily life, and getting toxic folks out of your life are all on the menu this month. You may be exploring new habits and methods to change your responsibility or approach. You are continuing to be more responsive and responsible to your family. If you have older relatives and family, you may need to step in and take more control of the situation. This can also be a time of home repair, moving, and downsizing. You may feel that your needs are ignored or not valued. You are improving your boundaries so that you aren’t the only one contributing to the betterment of the home and family. You are looking for more fun activities after midmonth. You are looking to make some changes in your relationship patterns over the next couple of months. You are wanting more fun and more spontaneity.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
This month you are working on getting your daily life in order, setting better boundaries, and using your time and energy wisely. You are certainly not as patient with others, and you may be very short with your comments. Relationships continue to be busy and overly active with retrograde Mars here until mid-April. This can be a good time to connect with lovers from the past. In a current relationship, this can be a time for renewing bonds and exploring new directions and goals to be put into place after April. If you are having difficulty in a relationship, you will need to get it resolved or you will not be able to move forward. You are reviewing your values, what and who is important to you, and ways to enhance your own value. You may be seeking a raise or increasing your fees.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Happy Birthday to the Aquarians! This annual cycle is even more important than ever. You are looking to make major changes in your life on every level. You are being more direct with others in your life and coming to terms with your own sense of personal power. This is a time when you let go of past motives, reasons, and fears so that you can move forward. This month, you are feeling the pinch of finances and the higher cost of living. You may be looking at cutting back and setting a budget. You may need more time to yourself as you go through this release process, as this can create an identity crisis. You may not be sure of who you are, and who you are becoming. Therapy, or confiding in a friend, can be very helpful and soothing.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
This is more of a rest-and-retreat month for you. Although you are plenty busy with lots of activity, your psychic ability is getting stronger—and that may make it harder to be around those you don’t care for. This is a great time for a getaway or a trip to a spiritual retreat. This can also be a super time for a reading or a past-life regression. By midmonth, you are ready to jump back into present reality. Career and long-term security are still strong on your topics list. This is a very good time to consider options, but it will be best to wait until mid-April to make your decisions. A part of you wants to have more fun and avoid some of the demands of others. And you may also be looking at moving, downsizing, or getting away from the noise of the city. Take your time, as you won’t be ready to decide until April!

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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