Mercury, the planet of communication, will be going retrograde April 16–May 20 in Taurus. This will have a significant impact on the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio, but everyone will feel its effects. This is a good time to review the past, complete unfinished projects, and reconnect with old friends—but try to avoid starting new ventures, as things may not work out as smoothly. On April 19 at 11:13 p.m., a powerful solar eclipse in Aries may have a significant global impact. The month starts with the sun in Aries, moving into Taurus on the 20th—the same day Mercury goes retrograde. Venus remains in Taurus until May 10, and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto maintain their positions in Cancer, Aries, Pisces, Taurus, Pisces, and Aquarius, respectively. April 7, 8, 10, 11, 23, 25, and 29 are good days to look forward to, while caution is advised on April 3, 14, 15, 20, and 21.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
This is your yearly birthday, or “solar return” as we say in Astrologese—your personal new year for reviewing the past year and looking forward to the next year. This is an especially good time for you, with more opportunities to expand your life and your present goals. Family is definitely your focus this month. You may want to entertain more at home, consider remodeling or relocating, and deal with family issues directly. You will be acting more directly, and may have less patience than usual. You will want to find positive ways to release this energy through exercise, yoga, or martial arts. Later in the month, you look at your finances and your skills. You want to do something fun that inspires passion. The eclipse on the 19th may open new doors.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
This is a big month for you, with Mercury going retrograde in your sign on the 16th. As the month begins, you are in a rest-and-retreat mode. This is a good time to gather your thoughts and get centered for the rest of the month. You are more sensitive to things than usual. Later in the month, you will begin to stick your head out as your energy builds and you are feeling more grounded. You are exploring ways to make your dreams come to fruition. You are moving into a time of leadership and taking your life into your own hands. You may consider starting your own business, or if you are older, cutting back and enjoying a less demanding life. We have more energy for our daily activities and taking care of events from the past while Mercury is retrograde in your sign.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
Overall, you are in a more stable time of decision-making and paying attention to your boundaries. This is a much better time for social activity, connecting with friends, or working for a community cause. This is a better time for business, sales, and presenting your skills. You will also want to have more fun this month. In the latter half of the month, you are taking some time for rest and retreat. This is a great time to enjoy creature comforts. You may be questioning your spiritual beliefs, and you are more open to alternative views about spirituality and life after death. Watch your spending this month, as you are more likely to impulse-shop. Your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde this month, so take time to focus on the past.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
This a busy, active, and energetic time for the Moon Kids. Mars, planet of action, self-protection, health, and instinctive responses, visits your sign for the next 54 days. Mars is always best for initiating new activities and ventures. Try to get as much as possible started before April 16 when Mercury goes retrograde. That’s the time to focus on projects you have started, and work on planning for your next quests. This is an excellent time to focus on your health, diet, and just being generally more active. You Cancerians will be short on patience as you take life more personally! Your career area is very active with new opportunities. This can be a great time to take a leadership role, or expand into something you can be in charge of. Friends are much more supportive toward the end of the month.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
This is going to be an active social and career-focused month. As the month begins, you are open to new ideas and furthering your education. This is also a very good time for travel and expanding your presence on social media. In the latter half of the month, you’ll be paying attention to your career, family, and social expectations. Mercury will be retrograde in this area of your Zodiac. You may be rethinking decisions about career choices, or correcting some problems that were overlooked. You have been looking to do something new, and this may be the time when you are triggered to consider other options. Close friends can be helpful if you reach out for their help! This is also the time to pay more attention to your investments and spending. Money may be tight, and you will want to be more conservative.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
You are entering a time of improving your boundaries in relationships, both business and personal. In positive relationships, this is a great time to set new goals for the future. In difficult partnerships, this is the time to resolve those problems or move on. With your ruler, Mercury, going retrograde on the 16th, you should get as much started as you need to. After the 16th, it is time to review and focus on the past. In the first half of the month, you are paying attention to your finances, and especially to freeing yourself from debt. This a good time for refinancing, especially with Mercury retrograde after the 16th. In the latter half of the month, you are more creative and want to share your knowledge with others. This is a great time for teaching or taking a class, stepping outside of your own culture, and taking a more global view of the world.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
The majority of planets are in the relationship area of your horoscope, so this is a great time to have a partner, look for a new partner if you are single, and just learn how to have a better relationship with yourself. If you are single, this continues to be a good time to meet new people. This is also a better time to deal with lawsuits or attorneys. In the latter half of the month, you are focused on your finances and the state of the economy. With Mercury retrograde in that area of your horoscope, this may be a good time to consider refinancing, getting rid of debt, and exploring new investment possibilities. This is a great time to do research, but taking action needs to wait until after May 20. The eclipse on the 20th could feel very personal. That could be a great mental-health day!
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
This is going to be a very busy month for you. Your work is very busy and perhaps even chaotic. This is a good time to get organized and re-establish positive routines in your life. Co-workers can be more difficult and demanding. The eclipse on the 20th could open new doors for you and break through the stalemate. In the latter half of the month, you are much more engaged in your relationships. Mercury will be retrograding there, and you will hear from people from your past. Mercury retrograde can be difficult if you are having partnership problems. You will not be able to move forward until those issues are addressed. In Mercury retrograde times, difficult partnerships often come to an end. Home and family are becoming more and more important in your life. Changes could occur that reorders the family.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
You are looking to have more fun and be more creative in early April. If you have children, this is a great time to be with them—they bring out the playfulness in you! This is a super time to enjoy your hobby or a getaway, but after the 16th it’s time to get back to work. It’s an especially important time to pay attention to details at work. You may need to go back and resolve some issues you missed. These are more likely to occur at your workplace. Your personal routines may seem off. This is an important time to pay attention to your health and exercise regimen. In the larger picture, you are reviewing your career path. You may be planning to do something entirely different. If you are older, you may be looking at cutting back and having more time to yourself.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Home and family continue to remain one of the strong areas of focus in your horoscope. This can be a super month for a family reunion, remodeling, relocating, and expanding your family through births and marriages. You may want to spend more time at home and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your partnership requires some attention this month and next. This would be a great month to get away and renew those bonds. If left unattended, there could be more disagreements and fighting. If you are single, the first half of the month is a good time to meet new people. After the 16th, it’s best to keep your options open. In the latter half of the month, you are looking for ways to bring more joy into your life. You are more creative and are enjoying your life more.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
As the month begins, you should be fairly busy with lots of personal plans that you want to get done to make life easier. You may hear from family and siblings. The first half of the month is better for learning new apps, replacing old equipment, and being more outspoken about what is going on in your life. In the latter half of the month, you are thinking about your family. It’s a good time to connect with those you haven’t seen in a while. You may also want to do some house repairs and even consider downsizing to give yourself more freedom. The eclipse on the 20th may provide clues on how to approach that. This is a very good time to restart exercise or diet programs—and get results!
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Career and relationship decisions, improving your personal boundaries, and stability are all on the agenda this month. You are reviewing your sense of self-worth and looking at ways to improve your financial picture. You may be asking for a raise or increasing your fees. This is a much better time to market yourself. With your new boundaries, you are tired of being the responsible one who doesn’t get the recognition. In the latter half of the month, you are more introspective. You want to change your routines so you have more flexibility. The latter half of the month is a better time to contact people from your youth. Your actions this month need to take you forward!
For more astro-insight, lillyroddyshow.com.