
Creating Change Conference 2014

From January 29 through February 2, nearly 4,000 LGBT activists, organizers, and leaders invaded the Hilton Americas in downtown Houston for Creating Change 2014, the largest annual gathering of folks involved with the LGBT movement in the nation.

The five-day conference, produced by the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, featured over 390 meetings, events, training sessions, and workshops covering everything from transgender visibility in the media to LGBT Latino/a community outreach to policing within the LGBT community. Creating Change 2014 also saw an increase of almost 500 participants from the previous year.

Four fantastic plenary sessions were also featured at the conference, energizing all who attended. Most notable was the opening keynote address by trans activist and star of Orange Is the New Black, Laverne Cox. “This feels so amazing, all this love that you’re giving me tonight,” Cox said. “I have to say that a black, transgender woman from a working-class background, raised by a single mother—that’s me—getting all this love tonight—this feels like the change I need to see more of in this country.”

If you weren’t able to make it to Creating Change 2014, you can view conference highlights on Task Force TV (, and be sure to plan ahead for next year’s event, which will be held in Denver, Colorado, on February 4–8, 2015. —Megan Smith

Creating Change Conference 2014 – The Task Force In Houston. Photos by Dalton DeHart.
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Dalton DeHart

Dalton DeHart has been one of Houston’s premiere photographers for over 25 years. He is a staff photographer for OutSmart Magazine. Preserving years of Houston's LGBT events through digitization of historical photos and uploads of new events all year round! The Dalton DeHart Photographic Foundation:

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