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September Horoscope: The Direct Approach

This month, Mercury, the planet of communications and travel, is direct.

By Lilly Roddy

The most important thing to know this month is that on September 9, Mercury, our planet of communications and travel, is direct. We are able to start our new projects, push forward on our career plans, and purchase a new smartphone! The Full Moon on the 6th really plugs us into our psychic energies that will be very strong from the 4th through the 8th. Make sure you keep good people around you then. Our speed and momentum pick up, and we are more ready to make decisions through the rest of the month. The sun begins the month in Virgo, but then enters Libra on September 22, the first day of fall. Mercury starts the month in Leo, but quickly reenters Virgo on the 9th. Mercury leaves Virgo on the 29th and enters Libra, while Venus starts the month in Leo but enters Virgo on the 19th. Mars starts in Leo and also enters Virgo on the 5th! You can see that the mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini) will be the most influenced by all of this Virgo energy of exactness. We are all more analytical and nerdy with so many planets in Virgo.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). You have been getting your life in order over the last month, and now you are ready to get back to your routines. This is a great month to start any type of exercise or health program. You are cleaning up your work area this month and setting boundaries with coworkers. Relationships require your attention toward the end of the month when you’ll have a lot more energy for that. This will stimulate your career sector, and it will be a much better time to meet with clients, potential clients, or even possible business partners.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). As the month opens, you are continuing your focus on your family and home. You could be doing remodeling or even considering moving. As we get into the middle of the month, you are in a creative and peaceful time. You want to connect more with your children, or to be more playful on your own. This is an especially productive month for you, but you have to focus on the things you like to do and not on your duties. By the end of the month, you are more ready to get back to your routines.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). With your ruling planet direct, you can clear out the cobwebs and start making some decisions. Your home and family are the topics for this month. This can be a time when you clean things up, do some remodeling, and perhaps even relocate. The beginning of the month will go slowly, but you will pick up momentum as the month progresses. The weekend of the 16th through the 20th could be a tense time for you. Avoid any drama if you can, but don’t back away from a challenge. Choose your battles wisely.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). You have been very focused on your money and your future financial picture, and now you are ready to take some action on the plans you have been considering. Writing, advertising, and self-promotion are all positive activities this month. Don’t give up on your health program. You are making good progress even though you slowed down last month. Watch your spending this month—you will be tempted to satisfy your needs without thinking everything through. At the end of the month, family life takes over your plans.

LEO (July 23–August 22). You had a lot of energy and drive last month, but it was hard to put your ideas into action. This month will flow along much smoother. Relationships are accentuated this month. If you are involved, this is a good month to renew those intimate emotional bonds. If you are single, your animal magnetism is much stronger. This can also be helpful if you are marketing your business or services. By midmonth, you are looking at how to manage your finances better. It can be easy to spend money this month!

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). Happy Birthday to the Virgos! This is your yearly cycle when you look back to assess your past year and look forward to new projects for next year. After the 9th, you will be ready to act decisively. Mars (planet of action, courage, and short tempers) will be visiting your sign until October 22. You will want to improve your overall health, step forward to establish your boundaries and goals, and focus on your specific needs.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). September is a month of rest and retreat for you. You will be more psychically sensitive to your environment and the people in it. This can be a great time to get away from your routines and focus more on your inner life. Family life can still be demanding, but you will need some time to yourself. This is a good month for doing some planning, connecting to the things that give purpose and meaning to your life, and limiting your commitments to activities that increase your sense of security. By the end of the month, you are ready to break out of your cocoon and reenter the world.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). With Mercury retrograde in your career sector, you spent most of last month reviewing your plans. After the 9th, you are ready to put those plans into action. An undercurrent of energy is building that wants you to reinvent yourself. This process gets even stronger as we get into next year. You are more social this month, so working with groups and/or getting more involved in community activities can be very beneficial for you. This is also a good time to step up and take on a leadership role at work and in your neighborhood.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). You have been in a big holding pattern since last month. After the 9th, it’s time for you to put your ideas into action. Your career sector is very busy this month. You could easily take on a new position, start your own business, or set up a new marketing program to improve your current conditions. You will not be the most patient person to be around, and it may be harder for you to sleep. Be sure to put some energy into working out! Your social energies increase by the end of the month. You are ready to get out with friends and have a good time.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). As you start the month, you have been looking at and reassessing your long-term investments. You are moving into an even more serious time (how can that be?) marked by a focus on your career. You want to make the best use of your time and energy. September can be a great month for marketing your business, looking for other employment, or working with foreign companies. Your negotiating skills are improved. By the end of the month, you are moving full steam ahead. Relationships become a bigger part of your focus by the end of the month.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). Relationships continue to be your focus this month. Over the last month, you came to a better understanding with your partners. Even if you are single, you are clearer about your own needs. You will want to take your relationship to a deeper and more intimate level. We can build trust and security by working on projects together. This is true for both business and personal relationships. By the end of the month, you are ready to step away from your routines and clear your head. Your communication and writing skills improve at the end of the month.

PISCES (February 19–March 20). Relationships become the focus of your attention, especially after the 9th. This is a great month to renew those bonds, or if you’re single, it’s a good month to put yourself out there. Your charisma is stronger than usual, and others will be attracted to you more easily. You can also use this energy to promote your business or services. You are making better decisions about your career direction and what you are going to do with your time. Friendships are changing around you. Look for new people to come into your life in October!

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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