August 2020 Horoscope: This Month is Edgy
Start your projects before the 23rd.
General Information: The big news this month is that Mars, our planet of survival, self-protection, and anger, is going retrograde on August 23. Get all of your new plans and projects into play before then, or you may have to wait until December 1 when Mars is direct, which favors new projects. The latter half of this month is very edgy, and may generate lots of anger and fear as Mars interacts with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn—as he did in January and February of this year. Keep your eyes open! Good days this month are August 16, 17, 18, 27, and 29. Days to wear your hard hat are August 1, 3, 4, 13, and 24. This month is, overall, more difficult for the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This trend will continue through the end of September.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Your ruling planet, Mars, is visiting your sign until early January, which will keep you very busy through the end of the year. You will feel the need to respond to everything that comes your way as life takes on a much more personal feel. It may be harder to sleep, and you may feel somewhat clumsy. This can be a great time for exercise and improved health habits. Career continues to be a huge emphasis in your life as many demands on your time are made. Be sure to schedule some play time for yourself ahead of your commitments. Otherwise, you could suffer from a short temper. By the end of the month, you are back into your routines even as the active, edgy energy of Mars sticks with you!
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
As the month begins, you are looking for ways to make your path as easy and fluid as possible. You have a better sense of detachment and observation this month. You can see a better path and some alternate solutions that others just can’t see. You are taking more time to make your home environment more comfortable and pleasing to your tastes. It’s easier to get your message across this month, as your words seem to carry more weight and people are actually listening. This is a good time to review your career direction, as a possible promotion is coming up toward the end of the year. You are more comfortable with your routines by the end of the month.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
You are being extra-clear in your communications this month. You don’t want to agree to things unless you have all the facts and can make an intellectual decision. You are still working on getting your finances in shape. You may be considering putting yourself on a budget, or looking at different investment opportunities. This is a good month to reconnect with old friends and previous co-workers. They may have leads who can help with your career opportunities. Toward the end of the month, you are getting back into your routines and spending more time at home with your family. You need to take more time than usual for yourself. Make sure you get that time so you can function at 100 percent.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Your career sector is very busy this month, and that continues through the end of January. Mars, planet of action and new ventures, is giving you some new career opportunities and options through the end of this month. Mars makes us take life more personally, and we are more easily challenged. Make sure your choices are ones that support your interests, and aren’t just a knee-jerk reaction to someone’s comments. Relationships can be very demanding this month. This is a good month to reassess your relationship and make sure that you are working toward common intentions. By the end of the month, you are in a more creative mood—especially with your writing or communicating.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Happy Birthday to all the Leos! This is your personal annual cycle when you are looking back at the previous year and simultaneously looking ahead toward new ideas, goals, and strategies. There is a strong need in your career sector to either renew your career interests or look for a whole new direction. Restrictive jobs or micro-managers will drive you crazy. There is a lot of activity aimed at getting you to renew your health goals, clean up your office, and find more space for your daily tasks. Co-workers who complain instead of helping can be bothersome this month. By the end of the month, you are back to your normal procedures. More people will be sharing their views on religion and politics with you this month.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
You are wanting a more laid-back approach this month. You are more sensitive than usual, and negative behavior can take a bigger toll on you. It’s a very good month to keep in touch with your friends, even if it is only online. They will be able to provide emotional support as well as suggest real ways to improve your career and finances. Your creative energies remain strong, as well as the desire to do something with them. You could turn an avocation or hobby into your career at this time. By the end of the month, you are once again connected to your normal routines and are able to capitalize on those ideas that came to mind earlier this month. Watch your finances and impulse-spending through the end of the year.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
This is a busy month for you. You are being activated by the long-term stay of Mars in Aries, which is going to stimulate your relationship sector. This will be going on through early January. You may feel more energetic, and ready to pay attention to your health habits. You’ll have little or no patience with people, and you may find yourself pushing your ideas to the forefront and not being very peaceful at all. Work has had your attention since last month, and that continues this month as well. You are attempting to put your best foot forward, but you may have been lacking confidence in the past. This is a month to show your passion and sense of poise. Family can be demanding, as well. Set your boundaries, and don’t put yourself second on all your lists!
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
This month you are focusing on your career and long-term security goals. This theme will get stronger toward the end of September, and gain more momentum throughout 2021. This continues to be a good month for you to write, teach, and communicate your shared wisdom and knowledge with the rest of us. You are getting a boost of that energy through the end of the month as you are perhaps pushing through to some deadlines. You are paying more attention to your health as you address those health problems that you may have put off in the past. Your relationship needs are changing, and you may find that your commitment needs an update. If you are single, you may be more open to a personal commitment than you have been in the past. Friendships are more important toward the end of the month.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
You are more than ready to step away from your current demands and take a trip to clear your mind. Even if it’s just a short trip, there are places to go where you can forget about troubling expectations and anxieties. This can be a great month to work on your autobiography, watch movies that have a lot of foreign locations, or take an online class. This is also a good month for financial planning and reassessing your assets. You may also be looking at starting a new career this month, or even owning your own business. By the end of the month you are focused on your career, and creating stability there. You are obviously looking for more freedom here. If you are older, this can potentially be the time to retire. Get your new ideas in motion before August 23, when Mars goes retrograde.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Capricorns are in a busy and overly active time through early January. You may be feeling some of the same stress you experienced in January and February of 2020. You will feel very strongly that you need to protect yourself, your family, and your assets. Family may require a lot of your focus and create problems with the demands of your relationship and career. As always with you Capricorns, good boundaries are essential so that you don’t overwork yourselves. Make sure your decisions are what’s best for you so you don’t have as much resentment. You may have concerns about money and finances this month, so it’s a good month to review them and make changes if necessary. This intensity will continue through the end of the year. Focus on what you can do!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Relationships are being highlighted this month. If you are involved, this is a good time to renew those bonds and become closer. If you are single, this is a great month to be making new contacts. If you are involved and not doing well, this is still a good time to get to the root of the problem and find a plan that suits everyone. You are still breaking away from some of your ingrained patterns that you’ve carried with you from childhood. You are happier doing things because you want to, and not because of some sense of obligation. On a deeper level, your views about spirituality, god/dess, and religion are being shaken up, allowing you to see a totally different side to the cosmos and its connections. Maintaining your routines can help add some order to your life during this time of societal change. Career and long-term security become more important as you move forward through the year.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Health habits and work routines are being highlighted this month. You will want to improve how you use your time and energy during the next month. You continue to develop your creative talents so they can supplement your income and possibly provide an alternative career path. This is a great month to get back on a good diet program and get some exercise, as well. With your career, business associates and other friends in your industry can be very helpful and supportive. You are looking to share ideas and views, but not to be taken advantage of. By the end of the month, relationships take the spotlight. The end of August can be a great time to renew your partnership bonds, either business or personal. You are wanting a better balance between “me” time and the time you spend with your partner.
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This article appears in the August 2020 edition of OutSmart magazine.
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