Our activity level remains strong through the first half of June, but we begin to slow down in the last 10 days of the month. Jupiter, our planet of growth and expansion, has entered Gemini, our sign of data, information, and communications, where it will remain for the next year. Our day-to-day lives are busier. There is improved communication and more ways to simplify our lives. Jupiter in Gemini has the strongest impact on the mutable signs of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini. Active days this month are the 2nd, 4th, 14th, 21st, 26th, and the 29th. Days to avoid stress are the 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 16th, and the 17th. The sun enters Cancer, the first day of summer, on the 20th at 3:51 p.m. Mercury, our planet of communication, travels through Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer this month. Venus, our planet of desire and resources, makes her way through Gemini and Cancer. Mars, our planet of action and self-protection, remains active in Aries before eventually entering Taurus.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Your energy level continues to be strong as the month begins, making this a good month to set new goals. You are responding more intuitively and are more communicative in the first half of the month. You have a lot of new ideas about how to keep your life interesting and connect with others who share your interests. With your finances, you are reviewing ways to increase your base and eliminate debt. In the latter half of the month, your interest shifts to home and family. This can be a good time for relocating, home improvement, family gatherings, and taking care of issues dealing with parents and other older relatives. You are paying more attention to your boundaries and are not letting others waste your time.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
This continues to be a very busy time for Taureans. You may have reached some decisions—or a point of no return. You are ready to take action on the 8th. This activity level continues through the middle of next month. You are ready to invest in your own ideas and plans. You are not very patient during this time and are likely to take life much more personally. This can be a great time to improve your health routines and pay more attention to yourself. You are looking for increased financial security. This is an excellent month to make better use of social media for business and social networking. You are still reviewing your career path this month. You are more than ready to make changes there!
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
Jupiter, planet of expanded education, travel, and social networking, has entered your sign and will be here for the next year. This is the time for big ideas! This is also your natural annual birthday cycle—the time to review last year’s progress and set new goals for the year ahead. This is an excellent time to upgrade your skills, go back to school, or finally go after the degree you want. You are also interested in travel and foreign business. You are the best sign for multi-faceted behavior and can handle several things at once. You are closing the door on some activities that don’t serve you, and separating from people who are too immature. Career energies continue to improve, as you are able to get closer to what you really want to do.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
As the month begins, you Moon Kids are in a time of rest and retreat. You are wanting and needing more time to yourself for contemplation and rest. This may cause conflict as your career sector continues to push you forward with new ideas that keep you busy—maybe too busy. You are wanting to look at your options before you decide. Your patience is not at its best, but that does calm down some toward the middle of the month. Your area of groups and friends is more active in the middle of the month. The latter part of the month is better for writing, podcasting, and increasing your presence on social media. You are clearer about what your needs are, and you don’t try to make others happy by denying your own requirements.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
There is a mixed bag of activity for you this month. You have been in a planning mode and getting ready to launch some new activities in your life. Career becomes much more active after the 8th. You may take on a leadership role, start something on your own, and have more troubles with bosses. You are more direct and less patient with others, expecting them to take better care of themselves. This is a very powerful time with partnerships. If things are positive, you are in a time of renewal. If you are having problems, they have to be purged before you move forward. With new partnerships, this is the time to go for your dreams. You are ready for a break from all the activity in late June, when you will need more time for yourself.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept.22)
This month, your career sector is very active and likely to continue being active until next year. This should be a time of new opportunities, being more public, writing/podcasting, expanding your education, and making a bigger impact on your world. You should have plenty of energy and generally feel more optimistic about where your life is headed. For some, this can be a time to relocate for work or a new career position. Relationships need some renewal. You need to make sure you and your partner are pushing toward the same intentions. Difficult partnerships will have to find some resolution, or they may not move forward. Mentally, this is a time of expanding your point of view and seeing your place in the world. You may feel more responsible and call out the injustices you see.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
As the month begins, you are ready to have some fun and break out of your routines. This is a much better time for vacation, travel out of the country, and pursuing an expanded view of your reality. You may feel more tied into spiritual traditions and may study them during this time. In the latter part of the month, you are reconnecting to your career drive and are ready to put new ideas into action. Relationships are still dicey, but you are having to work out the problems before you can go on. This is a great time for renewing bonds by getting away from routines that keep you locked into your own loop. Exercise and health may take on a life of their own, especially later in the month. You want your workspace to be comfortable and free of incidental problems that break your concentration.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Life continues to be an interesting ride for you this month. You are looking to renew your interest in your work and your relationships. You want to immediately eliminate anything that makes you feel restricted or denied. Relationships need some of your focus. This can be a great time to renew old bonds. Or if you are single, this is a better time to connect with others. Co-workers can seem more disagreeable as the month starts, but that calms down in the middle of the month. You are more open to investments, refinancing, and reducing your debt this month. This stays active all year. This can be a great time to look into foreign investments or currencies. Toward the end of the month is a better time for writing, travel, taking a class, and stepping away from your routines.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
Relationships are going to be a big theme this year. If you are in a relationship, this should be a better time. This includes all partnerships, from business to close friends and romantic partners. Your partner will have more opportunity and may be busier than usual. If you are single and interested, this is an excellent time to meet new people. This is also a great time for networking and marketing. People will be more willing to hear what you have to say. You are improving your work environment through newer and better equipment. This can also be a very good time to improve diet and exercise. Home life continues to be a work in progress. This can be a time of home repair, relocating, downsizing, dealing with older parents and relatives, and taking on a leadership role in the family. Your stability increases.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Your inner child is yearning to break free from the demands and expectations that have fueled your inner drive for success. You are wanting to remain productive, but you want to have more enjoyment in what you do! This is a great time to move your hobbies into a money-making phase. You are looking for more freedom to express your creativity. Family may continue to be a pain until the middle of the month. This is also an excellent month to improve your office space with better devices. In the latter part of the month, partnerships become the topic du jour. For single folk, this is a great time to meet new people for business or romantic partnerships. Ongoing partnerships need some time for renewal to get back on track. In the background, you are looking for new resources!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
For those of you born in the early days of the sign, this is a time of clearing, letting go of the past, and getting the negative energy out of your life. This can be a good time for major cleaning and some therapy. The rest of you can feel this need for transformation coming! You are becoming more real and direct. People closest to you easily notice the change. Family and home concerns are still holding your focus. This can be a time for repair, relocation, or a shift in family power dynamics through death. You want more freedom in your life and fewer demands. You are also working through any financial problems, as it is easier to stick to a budget at this time. Your inner child needs some attention, so be sure and take some time to play!
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Career, boundaries, learning how to say No, and making time for yourself continue to lead the topics this month. You are more outspoken and direct, which may appear strange to others. Family responsibilities dominate the month. You may have more family gatherings, want to fix up the old home, and need to deal with aging family members. You are expecting others to help so you don’t do this alone. It continues to be easy to spend money, and impulse control may be lacking. This eases up toward the middle of the month. You revise your routines this month to make that part of your life function more efficiently. In the latter part of the month, you are also looking to have more fun. This can be a great time to be with your children or just to let your own inner child out!
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