SignOut May

We continue in May with the second and third of this year’s three eclipses. The solar eclipse is on May 9, and the Lunar eclipse is on May 24 at 11:25 p.m. This eclipse cycle is stimulating us to look deeper and harder at things. Information is often revealed to us during eclipses that changes our perspective about the world. These are highly energized days. • May 17 through the 21st can be volatile. Be sure to stay rational during that period. It will be hard to get enough sleep during that time, and our minds will just be very restless. • Days to get out and celebrate life are the 3rd, 7th, 11th, 24th, and 28th. Days to let a smile be your umbrella are the 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 25th, and 26th.
ARIES (March 21–April 19). Your focus this month should be getting a better handle on your finances and making better use of your personal skills. This is a very good time to review any stock or savings portfolios. You are moving more slowly and carefully. You are eliminating some people out of your life. After mid-month you are much more active, busy, and chatty. The 20th and 21st could be very testy days for work and relationships. You can always justify your actions, but consider if they really help you in the long term.
TAURUS (April 20–May 20). May completes your yearly cycle when you look at what you have accomplished during the last year and determine which new goals you will take on this year. Taurus is slow and cautious in her movements. Particularly during this month, you are really looking at your future and where you are headed. This is a big time of decision-making—a cycle of endings and beginnings. By mid-month you lighten up and shift your attention to your financial picture. Good opportunities open up for a new job, a pay increase, or even a chance to start your own business. The eclipse on the 9th is for you!
GEMINI (May 21–June 21). You are in a time of rest and retreat. You are feeling more sensitive than usual, and normal conditions can seem more irritating. Choose your company carefully. You will be feeling especially sluggish on the 24th and 25th, and your psychic energies are very strong. Trust them. Your energy returns by the very end of the month, so you’ll be ready to tackle new projects in June. You will get back to being extra busy.
CANCER (June 22–July 22). This month you are feeling a strong social current. You want to get out and see friends and even visit groups and organizations that you used to be involved with—but they still must convince you that they are worth your while. Relationship and career energies are very tense from the 19th through the 21st. Action may be required, but you have more time to act than you think. You are more creative toward the end of the month—a good time for writing or attending a seminar.
LEO (July 23–August 22). Since you have been in a generally serious time, this month you really focus on long-term goals, cleaning out the stuff you don’t need and generally trying to create a more stable life. This can be a time when you are really pushing to establish yourself at work and earn some extra kudos. By mid-month you are feeling more social and want to get out and enjoy life. Friends and associates can be very helpful toward the end of the month, but you have to be open to receiving that help.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22). This is a much more relaxing month for you. You are feeling creative and not experiencing as many mental blocks. This is a very good time to advance your career or some individual effort. The first two-thirds of the month is a busy time. Be sure to take a break from all the activity on the 25th and 26th. You will really need to get away from the madding crowd. Otherwise, this is a great month for most any activity.
LIBRA (September 23–October 23). May is a very introspective month for the Librans. You are really looking at your options and deciding what you want to do. For some, this is a time to pull up stakes and move on to greener pastures. Some of you are totally rebuilding your lives and your work. Tensions are high around the 19th through the 21st. Don’t let the pressure force you into a decision. Relationships could be extra tense before life lightens up considerably after the 25th.
SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). With the eclipse that takes place in your relationship sector, there is a big focus on relationships this month. This will bring more awareness and understanding to your relationship. If your relationships are rocky, this is a very stressful time. If your relationships are in a good place, this is a time of setting new goals for the future. If you are single, this is a great time to put yourself out there. You will be cautious, but you will expect results. Overall, it’s a great time to be getting organized and putting everything in its place.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Your work environment is being spotlighted this month. Changes are possible there, and you are already attempting to get things more organized. Some people are grumbling, but you are ready for change. This is also a great month for any sort of diet or exercise regimen. If you are single, this is a good month to market yourself. If you are involved, this is a good time to spend some time together. The 24th through the 26th will be low-energy days for you. Try to get some time alone on those days so you can recharge. After that, you’ll have a big burst of energy!
CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Generally, this is a more laid-back time for Capricorns—if we can ever say that the Kids and Goats are laid-back. This is a more creative time for you, and it can be especially productive if you are working on a new project. The 19th through the 21st will be tense as you try to divide your attention between work, home, and time for yourself. Be true to yourself and stay centered. You are much more motivated in the last week of the month.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). Your home and emotional security is very important this month, and you may be motivated to do a spring cleaning. Some of you are considering remodeling or moving to a smaller location. You are planning ahead for the future—especially for your career. If you are pushing yourself at work, you are definitely making headway. Some of you will be concluding projects and looking for another project to commit to. You are more easygoing toward the end of the month.
PISCES (February 19–March 20). This is a very unusual month for you. First of all, the psychic energies are so much stronger than last month. This may make it difficult for you to get out there and just deal with the routine things. You will be most productive in the first half of the month. The lunar eclipse on the 24th is in your career sector. Look for some news around that time that will open new doors for you. Your energy will be very low during this time, and you will want to sleep even more than usual. You get your sea legs back at the end of the month!
Read Lilly Roddy’s forecast for the entire year at 2013 Astrocast. For more astro-insight, log on to