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Pride Houston 365 Gender Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming Grand Marshal: Odyssey Oakengrove

Oakengrove advocates for equity and reproductive rights.

Pride Houston 365 Gender Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming Grand Marshal Odyssey Oakengrove

β€œI believe in giving us our flowers while we’re still alive. Being recognized by my community in such a public way is humbling and rewarding. I am going to continue to be loud and active in calling for equal rights for all people, but now I know that I am being heard.” β€” Odyssey Oakengrove

Known For:
Oakengrove’s gift is being loud. Their role in the community came about through protests for equity in Houston, especially when it comes to protecting and equipping our children with the best chances for success in the world. They support organizations that call for humanity and liberation, and amplify Black and brown organizers such as Brandon Mack and Sarahy Garcia. Oakengrove wouldn’t be the activist they are today without the mentorship of these organizers. This outspokenness led to Oakengrove being invited to join the Houston LGBTQ+ Political Caucus advisory committee and subsequently being elected to the board of trustees.

One of their most frequent tactics to call for awareness is to remind people at abortion-rights rallies that β€œit’s not just women.”

As a trans-masculine person who can be pregnant, Oakengrove needs the right to choose what is best for their reproductive healthcare. Having people refer to β€œwomen’s rights” makes them and others like them invisible. They think it is important to educate other queer people and allies on how language is impactful, and what consistently seeking justice for all looks like.

Dream to Change the World:
Riding a moose as a war steed into battle.

Ultimate Life Mission:
Contentment, joy, and safety for everyone.

Favorite Hashtag:

What: The 46th Annual Official Houston LGBT+ Pride Celebration: Festival & Parade
When: Saturday, June 29 (Parade is 7:30–10:00 p.m.)
Where: Houston City Hall, 901 Bagby Street
Info: pridehouston365.org

Brandon Wolf

Brandon Wolf is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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