This is a very active month, especially during the last two weeks. Mercury will go retrograde in Gemini from May 22 through June 29, and that will have the strongest impact on the mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius. We also have the first half of the eclipse phase, with a lunar eclipse on May 26. The corresponding solar eclipse will occur on June 10. The eclipse will give all of us a better perspective on how to make our daily habits and routines better. Days to be active are May 2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 26, and 31. Days to keep it low key are May 3, 15, 22, 27, 29, and 30.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Finances, making the best use of your resources, and finding ways to improve your skill set are all active goals this month. You may also be exploring new ways to access your finances by letting go of antiquated bookkeeping systems. The first half of the month is a better time to improve your job situation, or to consider starting something on your own. Home and family take on extra importance this month, and you may need to take a leadership role there. Business groups and associations can be very helpful to you this month. Relationships may be overshadowed by your financial concerns. In the latter part of the month you are more communicative, especially about the past.
Taurus (Apr. 20–May 20)
Happy Birthday to the cows and bulls! This is your personal new year cycle when you look back at the past-year and try to determine which new directions you will take. Your career is really under review this year, and that may take most of your attention during May. This is a time to step up and make your voice heard. You may be exploring your own business, or putting more focus on the income-producing activities that you enjoy. In the last half of the month, you are examining your finances and finding out how to have more financial freedom. Your partnerships need some TLC. The two of you need a spark to break you out of your boredom and remind you of the reasons that brought you together in the first place. Relationships that make you free trapped will have to change, or they may end. Act in your own best interest.
Gemini (May 21–June 21)
This is certainly going to be an active and busy month for you, particularly toward the end of May. Your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde in Gemini on the 22nd, so you should try to have all new projects already in place and running by that time. Otherwise, you will need to wait until June 29 before you start new ventures and have a better chance of success. You will need more time to yourself for rest and retreat during the first half of May. Choose your company carefully. In the last half of the month, you are more ready to interact with the other humans. The eclipse on May 26 will have a strong impact on your relationships. Those that are solid will experience the eclipse as a time of renewal and boost your interest in the partnership. If your partnership isn’t doing well, the eclipse will bring you to the bargaining table.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Your social life is beginning to open up again, and you are ready to connect with your friends and colleagues. Even if you are still “social distancing,” you are connecting with friends online or even on the old-fashioned telephone! This is also a good month to market your services. By the middle of the month, you will need to balance your rest-and-retreat time with your desire to put more energy into yourself, your health, and your partnerships. The need to free yourself from debt still remains strong. This is a good month to look into refinancing or finding credit cards with a lower interest rate. In your partnerships, this is a time to look at new goals and interests that can renew your relationship. This can also be a good time to look into wills and estate plans so that your money can be safeguarded.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Your career sector is where most of the action is taking place this month. This is a theme that has been strong since the end of 2020, but this month helps to bring some focus and decision-making to that area of your life. Some of you will want to start your own business, others will be looking to move up the ladder, and those who are older may be looking at working only part-time or retiring. You are reviewing your boundaries as well as your goals. You are expecting more adult behavior from those around you, and you will not be as patient. The second part of the month is more socially interactive. Mercury retrograde will be putting you in touch with friends and co-workers from the past. Be careful that you don’t put too many demands on yourself this month!
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
This time of the year is normally busy for you as the planets travel through the more public parts of your horoscopes. This month you are open to learning new topics and sharing your ideas through your work, social media, and with your friends. With your work, this is a great month to promote your services, to seek a better position, or to consider more education to improve your career opportunities. In the last part of May, the emphasis shifts to your career arena. Mercury will be retrograding through your career area by the end of the month, and until June 29. This will be a good time to push forward with ongoing projects, but not for starting new ones. The eclipse cycle is also occurring in this same area. Eclipses tend to open the door to new opportunities. You might even consider relocating during this eclipse cycle that extends through the end of the year. Lots of rethinking to do at the end of the month.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
You are more open about your inner self this month, and you want to create a greater sense of intimacy and trust in your partnerships. With healthy relationships, this helps to deepen the connection. With unhappy relationships, this is an excellent month for counseling to find the blocks, remove them, and move forward—or consider alternate solutions. This same energy is pushing you to rid yourself of debt or other obligations that limit your freedom. With work, you get a big boost of energy to look for new clients or new territories. You may be stepping into a leadership role. At the very end of the month, you are going to be much more reflective about your ideas and views, and open to sharing them with those around you. This would also be a great month to get away for a vacation and renew your soul.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Relationships are the primary topic for you as the month begins. The larger theme of renewing your relationships has been ongoing since January, but this month there is extra energy there to help you focus and arrive at some decisions. Old relationships may be falling away as you look for a partner that matches who you are now! Stable relationships will renew and rebound. There are shifts in your home and family that indicate a change in duties and/or taking on the patriarchal or matriarchal position as the head of the family. This may also be a time for moving or remodeling. With your career, you are more specific about your goals and what you will and will not do. For older folk, this can be a time of downsizing and possibly just working part-time. You are working on creating greater stability in your life!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
As the month begins, you are improving your work environment by updating your equipment and finding a better way to work with difficult co-workers. You are looking for more autonomy, and you may shift to working from home as a permanent solution. Health and exercise routines are also very active this month. This would be a great month to start a routine, renew what you were doing, or get a physical to make sure you are ready for more activity. In the last half of the month, and especially at the end, the Mercury retrograde and the eclipses will be directly impacting you. This is likely to have the most impact on your relationships, business dealings, romances, and friendships. With Mercury retrograde, you may hear from old friends and romantic partners. With the eclipse, there could be new people coming into your life. The eclipses are on May 26 and June 10. Keep your eyes open!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
This month, you are in a creative, playful, and self-indulgent period. (Yes, I used the word “indulgent” for the Capricorns!) You can really apply yourself to your hobbies and alternative interests during May, and get the same satisfaction that you get from your work. If you have children, this is a great month to be with them since they help to keep you in a playful mood. Toward the middle of the month, you are getting back into your routines. Mercury retrograde will affect the fluid functioning of your work environment, and you may have to look at new office equipment. Relationships are very active over the next two months. Mars, planet of courage and instant gratification, enters the relationship area of your horoscope. If you are single, the first two-thirds of the month is a great time to meet someone new. If you are already involved, this is a time for renewing your relationship by making some time to be together without external distractions. If you are having problems in your partnerships, this will certainly push you to some sort of resolution. You are ready to take action all month!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
This month, your home and family roots take the spotlight. You will want to make your nest more comfortable, and this may include remodeling and even relocating. There could also be some shifts in the family hierarchy as aging relatives need more care. You have been focused on prioritizing your life and eliminating the parts that have outlived their usefulness. You are wanting more from your partner, and this is certainly a time when renewing long-term commitments will help to create a stable family base. This is still an excellent time for a career focus and expanding to new markets or new career opportunities. By the end of the month, it’s time to kick back and reflect on what gives you pleasure. You will be wanting a more relaxed and flexible agenda with Mercury retrograde. Make sure you put yourself first!
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
As the month begins, you are in a stabilizing time when you are attempting to gain some freedom by improving the boundaries in your day-to-day life. You may feel that there are lots of small projects and tasks this month. This is an excellent month for writing, teaching, or attending classes. By midmonth, you are beginning to feel more optimistic and open to new possibilities for living your life. This can be a great time to travel, even with the current restrictions. New options will be coming your way after the Mercury retrograde ends on June 29. Your life could be a lot busier. Mercury retrograde will be activating the family area of your horoscope. You may be hearing from people you haven’t heard from in a while. With the eclipse cycle occurring in your career sector, there could be new career opportunities in store. Keep your eyes open after June 29!
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This article appears in the May 2021 edition of OutSmart magazine.
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