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October Horoscope: A Busy Month Ahead

With so many planets entering new signs, get ready for big changes.

By Lilly Roddy

October is a busy month, especially during the first two weeks—although the pace will remain active through the end of the month. Jupiter (planet of growth and expansion, optimism, and overcommitment) enters Scorpio on October 10 for the next 12 months. Jupiter will have the strongest impact on the fixed signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo. Those who fall in these signs should be busier than usual in all areas of their lives.

Good days this month are the 1st, 2nd, 12th, 16th, 18th, 24th, and 26th. Days to duck and cover are the 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 15th, 19th, and 27th.

Lots of planets are changing signs this month, making for a busier and more changeable environment. The sun starts the month in Libra before it enters Scorpio on the 23rd. Mercury, our communicator, also enters Scorpio on the 17th. Venus, the planet of desire, begins the month in Virgo and will enter Libra, her home sign, on the 14th. Mars is close behind in Virgo, but also enters Libra on the 22nd. Jupiter enters Scorpio from Libra on the 10th. Saturn, our inner parent, remains in Sagittarius but will enter Capricorn, her home sign, in December for approximately 28 months. Uranus, our inner rebel, continues through Aries but will enter Taurus in January for a seven-year visit. Neptune swims in Pisces as Pluto trudges through Capricorn. The end of the year is going to be a time of big changes!

And looking ahead, our next Mercury retrograde is from Thanksgiving through Christmas. Now is a good time to start looking at plans for the holidays, rather than waiting until the last minute.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). Relationships are definitely the focus for October. You will be hoping to reinforce your existing partnerships through clear communications and planning. You are willing to look at the more difficult aspects of your partnerships, especially in the latter half of the month. Getting some time away to renew those vows can remind you who is important in your life. If things are going well, this is an excellent time to work on those issues. Finances hold your attention toward the end of the month. Money and trust become more important as you continue to maintain your focus on relationships.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). This month you are getting your workplace, your health, and your routines in better shape! You are making what you do at work more efficient, improving communication with coworkers, and getting the bugs out of your operating system. If you have children, they could be strong-willed and demanding in the first half of the month. By midmonth, relationships play a major role in your life as Jupiter positively influences your relationships for the next year. You are wanting more from your relationships, both business and personal.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). October should be a better month for you because you will be more focused than you were last month. You are in a decision-making mode through December. You are ready to move forward in career and relationship decisions, and let go of relationships that aren’t working. With your family, you are setting your boundaries and speaking the truth with few filters. By the last half of the month, you are looking for some relaxation and fun. Even your routines could become more pleasant!

CANCER (June 22–July 22). As the month beings, you are interested in making your home a more beautiful and comfortable place. This can include remodeling or relocating. You will want to be around family to give you that sense of centering. In relationships, you are clearing out old patterns and wanting to have more authentic partnerships. This also affects your sense of responsibility to your family. You become more independent and outspoken when Mars, planet of action and short tempers, gets active in the latter part of the month. Act on what you think is right, so you don’t have to get angry before you take action.

LEO (July 23–August 22). You have been working on getting things organized while trying to get your family on board. You are examining your resources and finances so you can make better use of them. You are busy taking care of a lot of small projects. The activity level may be too much for you toward the end of the month as you reexamine your boundaries and your temper. Family activity takes over at the end of the month. This can be a time of healing and reconnection, but everyone still needs their own space. Continue on the quest to improve your health—you are making progress.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). You continue to be in a time of action and decision-making, and seem to welcome the challenge. Follow what you are drawn to, as that is what energizes you. Obligatory responsibilities will sap your energy, and you’ll struggle to finish what you started. You are focused on your finances in the last half of the month, and you should watch your impulsive spending during that time. Career decisions take a bigger role in your life through the end of the year. You want to redefine and refine what you do!

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Happy Birthday to the Librans! This is your personal yearly cycle of review and setting new goals and directions. This has been a very busy year, and often a very challenging one. You have been trying to break out of your mold and do something that really revives your spirit, and you’re ready to make some decisions about that. Your courage increases toward the end of the month. You are continuing to clear out relationships that demand a lot but only give a little. This is a good month to start any kind of health or exercise program! You are taking better care of Number One.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). You are in a time of rest and retreat. The first half of the month is better for reflection and having some “me” time. Even though there are plenty of social options, you are selective about your choices. As we get to mid-October, you are feeling more social. This is a great month for promoting yourself or your services. You are looking for really interesting new projects, rather than just doing what you have done in the past. You are open to new ideas and new technologies. Life gets busy and may not slow down until November 2018.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Since the end of August, Sagittarians have been feeling that this is an important decision-making time. You are clearer about your boundaries and expectations—both yours and theirs! You may be pushing yourself too much at work, where there is a lot of activity. Social activities increase this month. Business or community groups can be very good for your business or personal life this month. Toward the last week of October, you are ready for some R&R.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Career and long-term security continues to take the spotlight for you this month. You have been busy, and that is not likely to stop. After doing some reassessing, you are ready to take on a greater leadership role at work or in your community. Family life has been unsettled, but you are ready to move on. You don’t want to be bound by the past. Associating with business or community organizations is very beneficial for you this month and through the coming year. This can have very positive effects for you and your friends, but these organizations must have clear goals and benefits or you won’t be interested.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). You have been working on cutting the cord on your past history and obligations, and you want to be free from previous commitments. This is a period of reinvention for you. You want to feel passionate about what you do and break free of the routine. In the first half of the month, you are in a philosophical mood. You are looking at the bigger picture and how you fit—or don’t fit! After mid-October, your career energies really open up for you. This is an excellent time to promote yourself and your work, teach a class, or travel around the world. It’s going to be a busy year!

PISCES (February 19–March 20). Relationships have been the focus for the last couple of months as you have improved some relationships and gotten rid of others. You are not as flexible and easygoing about things as you used to be. This month you want to create trust and intimacy with your partner. In business partnerships, this could mean you’ll want to have some new contractual agreements. By the end of the month, you are ready for some travel or a change in your routines. Friends continue to be fickle, but that gets better in November.




Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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