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November 2016 Horoscope

Holidays could be tense this year.
By Lilly Roddy

With Election Day this month, it will be an interesting time for all of us. Neptune goes direct on the 19th, and this should help the oil and gas industry here in Houston. This will also help to get us out of the sluggish mood we have been in for most of the year.

Thanksgiving could be tense this year, and we may have higher-than-normal expectations for the holidays. Try not to overcommit for the holidays.

The sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st, marking the beginning of our approach to the Winter Solstice. The daylight hours get shorter as we consolidate our projects and focus on the events in front of us.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). Your core issues for this month are reassessing your relationships, working on creating greater trust, and formulating a plan to either take your relationship to the next level or bring things to an end. Trust and emotional safety will be at the top of that list. If you are single, this is a good time for new relationships since you will be going in with your eyes wide open. You are also putting more energy into your career, changing positions, or even starting something on your own. We take a more laid-back approach in the latter part of the month. Step away from your routines and enjoy a short vacation.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Relationships and partnerships top your list as the month begins. You will be setting new goals for your associations. If you are single, this is a good time to be out looking! Business and career activity increases, especially after the 9th. Be ready to take a leadership role there. Continue to focus on improving your financial condition and getting debt out of your life. Your temper will be shorter than usual. You can use this energy to develop a better health regimen or to confront the people who need to hear you clearly.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). Getting things organized and put in their proper place is your primary ambition as the month begins. Your work environment will be the place you begin to get more organized. Another item on your list of things to improve is you! This is a great month to pay attention to your overall health through eating better and adding regular exercise to your agenda. By the middle of the month, your attention shifts to your relationships. You are setting new long-term goals for all of the partnerships in your life—and perhaps bringing some of them to an end. Your need to be clear about your intent is especially strong, so words will count more this month.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). As the month begins, you are interested in being more creative and playful. This is a better time to get out with your partner or friends and have some good times. Put some energy into your relationships—they need to be renewed. Your partner won’t get tired of hearing about how much you love them. If you are single, this is a good time to be putting yourself out there. You have really been working on getting your life, your work, and your health in shape. Although that slows down some at the beginning of the month, by midmonth that drive should return and be even stronger than before. Pay attention to your finances after the 9th, when you will need to take some action.

LEO (July 23–August 22). You are more focused on your family through this whole month. This may or may not make it easier for you during the holidays! This can be a good time for a home makeover. By mid-November, you are in a more playful mood and looking forward to making the best of this month. Continue to focus on improving your health through improved eating plans and reasonable exercise programs. Relationship energies are turned up after the 9th. If you are in a partnership, this is the perfect time for some renewal! If you are not doing well, this will help bring those issues to the surface so you can deal with them. If you are single, you are feeling more confident about putting yourself out there.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). Your communication skills are being activated this month, and you will have something to say about everything that is going on around you. If only they would listen, their lives would be better! The holiday pressure will be very strong, so make sure you have an exit plan. You will want your own space. Nevertheless, you are continuing to make your home a safer and more comfortable place. For some of you, this could include moving. Coworkers could irritate you more easily this month, and you may need to have a meeting to get everyone back on the same page. Don’t wait for it to blow up! Exercise will help you release some of the tension.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). With Jupiter (planet of abundance, travel, and expanded worldview) in your sign until September 2017, opportunities should be opening up for you. Be careful that you don’t overload your schedule. This month you are paying attention to your finances, so it’s a good time to get on a budget, do some investments, or just make better use of your personal resources. By midmonth, you are paying attention to more of the details in your life. You may also experience some delays with things you are working on. Your views about family are going through a major shift. You may want to break with tradition this year during the holidays.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). This birthday (or “solar return”) month is your personal yearly cycle when the sun returns to the same place in the sky as when you were born. This is a time to review last year’s projects and set new directions for yourself. You are still very focused on your financial picture, and especially your future security. You will get some extra energy in your life after the 9th. Your temper will also be shorter! Exercise can help with this. If you are doing a family event for the holidays, go ahead and take charge—you will be much happier if you do. Otherwise, a trip to the Bahamas might be nice!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). As this month begins, you are slowly coming out of hibernation, and that continues as the month progresses. You have needed some time to rest and retreat. You have been working hard on yourself, your future career plans, and recommitting to relationships that deserve your time and participation. By midmonth, you are ready to move forward. You are considering some major decisions and moves in your life. For the holidays, make things as easy as possible. At the end of the month you are ready for another break in the action, especially on the 29th and 30th. It’s much easier for you to say what you want this month!

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). You continue to be in a time of action and decision-making. You have had a real burst of energy with Mars moving through your sign until the 10th. Business associations can be very good for career connections, as well as giving you a place to showcase some of your creativity. By midmonth you are moving into a retreat time, and the holidays could be a welcome retreat for you. As always, take your exit strategy with you. After the holidays, you are ready to get back to your routines. Career opportunities are still very positive until September 2017.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). This month you are focused on your career and creating stability around you. This continues to be an excellent time for you to take a leadership position at work or in your community. You are feeling confident, and other people can feel that. Community organizations are a good outlet for you, but only if they have something to make your participation worth it. Friends may seem few and far between. You are holding on to the ones you have, and are cautious about making new ones. Mars (planet of action, anger, and initiation) enters your sign on November 10 and stays until December 19. Get in touch with your power, your physical body, and your stamina. You will take everything more personally, even if it is not personal!

PISCES (February 19–March 20). Although you remain busy planning your future, you are willing to take a break from the action this month and do something just for fun. After the 13th, you are back to your routines. Your career energies remain very strong as you make plans for where you are going. This is a very good time to take on a leadership role, or even to start your own business. You may not feel very holiday-ish, and that may make your gatherings seem like a duty. Do what suits you—start your own traditions! Make sure you have some time to yourself on the 29th and 30th. Keep in touch with your friends—they could be very supportive if you call on them.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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