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June Horoscope: It’s Time to Really Dig in and Deal With Problems

By Lilly Roddy

Astrologer Lilly Roddy  Photo by John Conroy
Astrologer Lilly Roddy
Photo: John Conroy

The Full Moon on the 2nd in Sagittarius will help open us up to new possibilities. Mercury is finally direct on June 16—a good time to sign documents, purchase electronic devices, or close on a new home. With the New Moon also falling on the 16th, the latter part of June is great for beginning new projects—especially those involving media and communications.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). This month you are focused on making some changes in your home and with family members. You may want to entertain at home, and it’s also a good month for weekend-warrior projects. You are ready to take action on any family problems that arise. The 14th, 15th, and 16th are days when you are more defensive than usual. The latter part of the month is a good time to concentrate on exercise and diet programs.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). You continue to work on getting your finances in order through mid month. After that, it’s a good time for investing in yourself, a business, or the stock market. You are clear about your sense of self worth. Spending time with family or close friends can be very enjoyable this month. You will certainly be making your home a more comfortable and beautiful place. Communications improve by the end of the month—if you aren’t too pushy!

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). This is your personal yearly cycle when you assess the past year and set new goals for the coming year. Since Mercury (Gemini’s ruler) has been retrograde in Gemini, the first half of the month will be an especially introspective time for you. You may even be feeling nostalgic about the past. You will be ready to take action and make choices after the New Moon on the 16th. You have more of a focus on money and the use of your resources after mid month. Take a class, get out of town, or do something fun during the last week of June!

CANCER (June 22–July 22). Your psychic, sensitive side has been on high alert this month. You will want to choose your company carefully and make sure you have some time to rest and get away from the psychic vampires. Keep your focus on finishing the projects you have in front of you. Don’t let your exercise and diet program get off track. Toward the end of the month, you will have a lot more energy and be ready to start some new projects. You may appear to be a lot more impatient and crabby!

LEO (July 23–August 22). Your social activities are still going strong. With the Mercury retrograde bringing in old friends from your past, you may end up with more activities than you can handle. This continues to be a positive time for you, and after the 16th you’ll have great success promoting yourself or your business. Relationship opportunities open up for you after June 6. If you are involved, this is a good time to renew your bond. If you are single, this can be a very positive time to meet someone new!

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). With so much activity in your career sector, it’s a good time to take on leadership roles and promote your personal agenda. As you work on current projects, don’t forget to get your old projects finished. You may feel that things are moving a bit slowly, but after Mercury is direct on the 16th, you’ll be back on track. The latter part of the month is more social, and it’s good to be involved with group and community associations. Don’t miss this opportunity to get support from friends and associates for your bigger goals.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). You are taking a bit of a break from the big demands you’ve been placing on yourself. You are working with redefining who you are, and that is changing every aspect about you—including work and relationships. This is a time to step back and see how far you have come. The first half of the month is a great time to get away from daily demands. By the end of the month, career activity is reactivated and you begin to push forward once more. Encourage people to support your cause so they don’t feel challenged or left out.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). Last month and this month are introspective, retreat-oriented times after all the hard work you’ve put in on future plans. Try to keep the first half of June low key and flexible—you’ll need the rest. After the 16th, you will be ready to get back on track and feel more decisive and confident about your choices. There are some new career opportunities opening up for you, but it may be mid September before that actually happens. Don’t get impatient! You’ll be ready to have some fun by the end of the month.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Since the beginning of the year, you have been working on a long-term plan for expanding your career or perhaps retiring. You want to set clearer boundaries with everyone around you. During June you’ll focus that energy on the relationships in your life. This is a time of recommitment—or it can be a time of ending partnerships that have outlived their usefulness. You will want everyone around you to act more like adults. You take a big breath on the 16th as you get ready to make some decisions! Potential career opportunities expand after mid August. Get ready, because you will be busy.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). You have been focused on lots of details this month. With Mercury retrograde, you have been working hard on getting your home, workplace, and body in better condition. Don’t let others make you feel rushed or coerced into acting. Trust your instincts and be ready to act after the 16th. You will feel reenergized toward the end of the month, when relationships will be your focus.  Partners and friends will be more demanding of your time. If you are single, you are out looking. If you are involved, you’re all about renewing your relationship!

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). Your inner child has been very active this month (and last month). You have been focused on improving the environment and the educational opportunities for you or your children. The kids may want to be more independent or physically competitive, and partnership energies continue to improve. This can be a very positive time for your partner as he or she receives accolades for career accomplishments. You’ll want to get back into some sort of exercise program toward the end of the month—but don’t overdo it on the first day!

PISCES (February 19–March 20). With Mercury retrograde in your area of home and family, you have really been thinking about your past and perhaps reconnecting with people that you haven’t seen in a while. This is a very good month for any type of home-improvement activity. The focus on your career has slacked off a bit as you eliminate some options that were originally on the table. You are still working on future plans, but you’re being much more discriminating. You will feel a bit more social after the 16th, but you still might not come out to play until August!

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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