Adriana LaRue: The Latina Diva of Houston’s Drag Scene
Meet the busty beauty of Montrose.

Adriana LaRue brings the show every single time—period. She and her set of voluminous …er…earrings can be spotted often at Ripcord, but also makes the circuit at JR’s Bar and Grill, South Beach, Tony’s Corner Pocket, Rich’s and Boheme. The Latina diva is known for delivering a sickening look, rocking a severe head of hair, and performing a flawless lip sync. As the kids say, she’s the tits. Find out more about Adriana LaRue below.
Inner Avatar?
Definitely Kyoshi. She’s an earth bender/earth sign, which I am as well, which makes us Virgos.
Drag birthday?
September 8 (my actual birthday).
What got you interested in drag?
RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 1 and my friends at the time who were already performing drag themselves.
Describe your performing persona.
Adriana LaRue is sexy, captivating, fierce, and all-around sickening! You never know who/what you are going to see at my show.
Any titles or pageants under your belt
I won a local pageant in 2019, Miss So You Think You Can Drag, and won Most Beautiful at Miss Gay Texas USofA At-Large 2022. In 2022, I was also awarded most influential woman in the city of Houston.
What’s on your bucket list?
Visiting Hawaii and Greece are on the top of my list.
Most memorable moment as a performer?
Truly one of the best memories was hosting an event to help raise money for transgender children, which raised $35,000 and landed me a nomination with “Who’s Who in America,” a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women!
Most embarrassing moment on stage?
My comeback show after getting my breasts done. I had a skirt on, and as I took it off, one of the chains slipped under my shoe, and down I went in front of a sold-out crowd.
What’s your ultimate goal as a performer?
To inspire other people to never give up on their dreams. To always push forward even when life is throwing the worst possible things at you. My queen Selena Quintanilla said it best: “The goal isn’t to live forever, but to create something that will.”
Thoughts about legislation regarding drag performances?
In 2024, it feels like we’re taking a step backward instead of forward. It’s upsetting to me that, as a country/state, these dirty old men are in charge of our rights and are still trying to control us, when there’s bigger problems than a drag queen reading to a child!
What are your favorite hangout spots?
Ripcord and my house! There’s really no in between.
Let us know about your drag family.
I am part of one of the biggest drag families in the Houston area. Fight a wall if you disagree—LOL! They are my chosen family. They are a diverse group of people that have helped me navigate not only drag but my personal life as well. I love them just as much as I love my blood family.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Watching reruns of Sex and the City and The Parkers while drinking coffee or getting ready for my next show.
What’s your must-have clothing accessory/prop?
A must-have for me is always earrings, nails, and a good three-inch dancing shoe.
#TeamBallad or #TeamUpTempo?
#TeamUpTempo all the way!
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I have the taste buds of a five-year-old. I also tried out for my high school football team. I made it and then quit on our first game because I got scared.
Marry, Shag, Kill: Nick Lachey, Nick Cannon, Nick Carter
Marry Nick Lachey, kill Nick Cannon, shag Nick Carter.
What have you learned from drag that you use in your everyday life?
To not care what anyone thinks of me in or out of drag. Also, as much as you wash your clothes, you should also wash your drag daily.
Have you ever had a defining moment in your life?
Having my breast surgery was one of those defining moments that has truly changed my life. Shoutout to my amazing Dr. George Washington for his amazing work. My career has skyrocketed to a new level!
What else might be worth mentioning?
I think we mentioned a lot on here, LOL, but I will leave you with my favorite quote from my favorite girl: “If you have a dream, don’t let anybody take it away, and always believe that the impossible is always possible.” — Selena
Follow Adriana on Instagram @adrianaxox2, on TikTok @adrianaxox2 and on Facebook adriana.larue.9.