Local News

Bunnies on the Bayou Sets New Record

Photo by Dalton Dehart

On May 20, Bunnies on the Bayou held an annual check presentation at Pictures Plus in Montrose, to distribute funds to the 12 beneficiary organizations. In its 33rd year of staging the huge Easter Sunday cocktail party on the Wortham Center plaza, attendance reached 3,113 guests and the host committee was able to fully fund the requests of 12 local not-for-profit groups totaling $95,500.

The organizations included AIDS Foundation Houston/Camp Hope, AIDS Housing Coalition, Bayou City Performing Arts (BCPA), Bering Omega Support Network, Expert Nutrition, Lazarus House, Lesbian Health Initiative (LHI), Lesbians Over Age Fifty (LOAF), MCC/HATCH, Pet Patrol, Safe Affirming Family Environment (SAFE), and Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP).

Bunnies President Jack Berger and Camilo Rojas (from presenting-sponsor Silver Eagle Distributors/Bud Light) handed out the grants. Bunnies on the Bayou is run totally by volunteers and has grown into one of the largest LGBT fundraising events in Houston.

Planning has already started for the Bunnies 2013 event on Sunday, March 31. The venue for the Bunnies summer event “Bunnies in Heat” on Sunday, August 26, will be announced shortly. For more information on the organization, visit bunniesonthebayou.org.


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