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Happy birthday, darling Scorpians!

by Lilly Roddy

Get all of your November projects planned and started before the 20th when Mercury goes retrograde. Mercury then goes direct on December 16, so this retrograde period is a great time to finish old projects. Contact friends and clients you haven’t seen in a while. It is not a good time to start anything new. Mercury will also affect holiday travel this year. In the past, when Mercury was retrograde during the holidays, we had some very bad storms that affected air travel. So make your travel plans in advance and be prepared to adapt if things don’t work out. • There is also a solar eclipse on November 25 that may keep those holiday energies stirred up. You may want to keep your visits shorter than usual, or plan a lot of diversions. • Neptune goes direct this month on November 9, beginning her journey in Pisces for the first time since 1847. Both Neptune and Pisces symbolize compassion and forgiveness. I hope we have some of that again! • We begin the month with the sun in Scorpio until the 22nd, when the sun enters Sagittarius. Mercury will be in Sagittarius for the whole month. Venus starts in Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on the 26th. Mars starts the month in Leo but enters Virgo on the 10th, and will remain in Virgo until July 5, 2012. The rest of the planets are happy where they are: Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Libra, Uranus in Aries, Neptune in Aquarius, and Pluto in Capricorn.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). November should be a good but busy time for you. Finances still have your attention as the month begins, but that eases some after the first week. Your relationship is smoothing itself out as you find more common ground. Career energies are still changing. You need to focus on your job and ride the waves there. You definitely want to do something radically different at work. You are feeling nostalgic for the holidays. Enjoy them!

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Relationships are the focus as the month begins. If you are single, this is a good time to get out there and meet someone new before November 20. If you are in a relationship, this is a great time to spend some time together and renew your commitment. Mercury is retrograde in your sector of shared resources and intimacy this month. This can be a great time to spend with your partner, sharing and getting closer. Secrets should be shared, and any communication barriers will be glaring. Money issues resurface, and you find a solution that really works.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). As the month begins, you are paying attention to your health and your workplace. You may feel the need to really watch your weight as the holidays approach, but you will lighten up on yourself during this holiday season. In the workplace, you are getting “your area” all tidied up. Relationships with coworkers could be strained as the month opens. Since Mercury, your ruler, is retrograde in your relationship sector, this will be a time to review old relationships or to look for problem areas in your current relationship. A referee or therapist could be helpful here. The good news is that November is a great time to renew current relationships.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). Things always get busy at work for you during this time of the year. There always seems to be too much to do, and you are always in the middle of it. You are feeling a bit separated from your family. You may try to revive some of your holiday traditions this year. This is also a time when you may overcommit yourself. Keep a clear handle on what you really want to do. This is a great month to clean up your workspace or office.

LEO (July 23–August 22). Mars, planet of action, remains in Leo until November 10, so you continue to feel courageous and a bit pushy until Mars enters Virgo and you shift your focus to money and finances. You are very focused on your home and family this month. You are working to get your place in order. With your family, it may be hard to find the right words to express how you feel. As the holidays get closer, you are more upbeat and ready to party. Career opportunities are still very good, and this continues through the summer of 2012.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). The planets are currently moving through your communication area. You are saying what you need to without much hesitation. Be careful—your words have had a sharp edge to them lately. It’s a great time for organizing your thoughts and projects. Mars enters your sign on the 10th and will be there until July 2012. Mars is the planet of action, courage, initiation, anger, confrontation, self-defense, and rules the head—so expect to be very headstrong over the next several months. Get as much started as you can before the 20th, when your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde. Then work on what you already have going, and don’t start anything new. Relationships are going to be a lot more exciting and volatile with Mars so strong in your sign. Don’t let the pot boil over.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). You have been much more serious than usual for the last couple of years as Saturn moves through Libra. As the month opens, you are paying more attention to your finances and trying to fix any problems. You will be more content to remain in the background over the next six months, since you just need more solitude than you are used to. By mid-month, you are more talkative and upbeat and will be looking forward to the holidays.

(October 24–November 21). Happy Birthday to all the Scorpios! This completes your personal cycle of the sun returning to the spot it was in when you were born. This is both an ending cycle and a beginning cycle. Some things are meant to be finished at this time, and not renewed. This is also a time of setting new yearly goals. Social energies are good for any birthday partying. By mid-month, you are looking at ways to improve your finances. Make sure you are with family or friends for the holidays—don’t spend them alone.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21).  This is your period of rest and retreat before your birthday. You have been trying to spend more time alone or with well-chosen company. You may feel a lack of energy as the month opens, but your energy level will soon pick up. Career energies require your immediate attention. You still may not feel totally stable until the sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd. You are all ready for the approaching holidays. The solar eclipse on the 25th is an indicator of new things, or the time to start some brand-new project. This happens with Mercury retrograde in your sign until December 16. Keep a list of your ideas and get them into action after December 16.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). This month continues to be a good social time for you—great for mixing business and pleasure. You still have your eye on career goals despite the social distractions. By mid-month, you should be ready to take a rest and back off your schedule. Use this Mercury retrograde period, November 20 through December 16, to take care of things you have not had time to address this year. It is a great time to clean up a bit.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18).  The planets continue their path through your career sector. You have been really working on getting organized for the last several months. By the second week of the month you are much more social and ready to enjoy the holidays and the people around you. Relationships move to a deeper level this month. You and your partner are looking to be even closer, but your relationship needs some attention. This can be true for both romance and business. On the 6th, 7th, and 20th your energy levels will be very low, and you’ll want to keep a low profile.

PISCES (February 19–March 20). This month is about Mars—planet of action and reaction, sexual energy, and anger—moving into your relationship sector for the next seven months. This can be a time of renewal in your relationship. Anything that is not working will immediately be brought to the surface so it can be purged. If you and your partner are not doing well, this could be the time for your relationship to come to an end. A counselor or therapist would be most helpful during this time. If you are single, this is a time when you will want to get out there and be more visible. Get this started before November 20 or after December 16.

Read Lilly Roddy’s forecast for all of 2011 at For more astro-insight, log on to




Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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