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May 2022 Horoscope: Start Your Projects Now

Taurus season brings in a new wave of motivation.

Taurus, inspired by filmmaker John Waters | Illustration by Sebastian Gomez de la Torre

There is a lot happening this month with Mercury going retrograde from May 3 until June 11 in Gemini and Taurus. Start any projects you need to start now! Mars and Jupiter both enter Aries, with Mars on the 24th and Jupiter on the 10th. This should give the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn a big boost of energy. 

We also have the second part of the lunar eclipse on the 16th in Scorpio, affecting the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This will be a big motivation for those signs to reconsider their options and previous choices this month, and to go back and correct the choices that aren’t working. Good days this month are May 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 29. Difficult days are May 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, and the 27th. This month the sun starts in Taurus but enters Gemini on the 20th. Mercury is retrograding back through Gemini and Taurus. Venus starts the month in Pisces before entering Aries on the 2nd and Taurus on the 28th. Mars starts in Pisces but enters Aries on the 24th. Jupiter begins in Pisces but also enters Aries on the 10th. Saturn remains in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. 

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
It might feel like a “hurry up and wait” month, since it begins with you being in a place of rest and retreat. Your psychic receptors are being activated, so you are more affected by others. Your work on finances and investments is especially strong with Mercury retrograding through this area. After May 3, you are ready to act on what you have been discovering. You may have new plans, but wait until after June 11 to act. Jupiter (our planet of growth, good fortune, travel, and expansion) moves into Aries and stays there until the end of October, so it’s a time with more opportunities in all areas of your life. Your patience gets much shorter after the 10th. Give yourself more space and options through early July. Gather your forces and be ready to act after June 11.

 TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Happy Birthday to the Taureans this month. This is your personal yearly cycle to review the past year and to determine what to focus on this year. With Mercury retrograde, you will have more time to review. This introspection will be extra-strong in the last week of May. Early May is a good time for business, connecting with friends, expanding your outreach, and reexamining your relationship needs. You are outgrowing your previous views about partnerships as current expectations reflect the boundary work you are doing. This can affect both romantic and business relationships. You are more sensitive toward the end of the month—a good time to be more careful about the company you keep. Your psychic energies are turned up, and you may not be able to tolerate your environment as well as you have in the past. 

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
Career activity continues to be very busy, even with your ruling planet, Mercury, retrograde from the 3rd through June 11. You may want to delay your plans until after that date. This time of the year is usually when you ease off on your routines and expectations. That desire is very strong in the latter half of the month—a very good time to reconnect with old friends, former employers, and extended family. If you are looking for work, checking with past employers could be very beneficial for you. Toward the end of the month, you are more motivated and energetic. Friends can be very supportive by offering ideas, financial advice, and ways to give your career a facelift. 

 CANCER (June 22–July 22)
This month is a busy and socially active time for you. This is a good month for you to be either the teacher or the student. You are very open to new ideas, so it’s an excellent time (particularly with Mercury retrograde) to review your social-media presence. You will be more psychically sensitive to others, and may even be able to read their thoughts and motives before they act. Associating with community-service or business groups is favored throughout May. Career activities open up toward the end of the month, but it would be best to do your research and make any decisions before June 11. You are still working on getting your finances in order and freeing yourself from those chains.  

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Career activity is very strong this month, particularly with Mercury retrograding in your career area! This can be a time to review your work history, decide how happy you are, and see what other options are available. You have been wanting something that stirs your passion and isn’t just about filling time and space. This is a very good time to promote your services on social media, or to improve your overall presence there. You are in a creative place that is good for both taking and teaching a class. This is also a good month to work with your finances, especially if you’re looking to refinance your home. Be careful, as it is very easy to spend too much this month! Relationships are better, but you are still looking to improve your partnership by clarifying personal responsibilities and commitments. If you are not happy, your tolerance is very low in this area.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
Two especially active areas this month are your partnerships and your social-media communications. And with Mercury retrograding in your career sector, being clearer with your messaging is very important. If you are unhappy, career issues will come right to the surface. If you are looking to improve things, this Mercury retrograde should help clarify where you need to make progress. This is an excellent time to get away and enjoy some personal time with your partner. Even in business relationships, people are more open to your views and ideas. Continue to keep an eye on your spending, as you may have unexpected expenses later in the month.  

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Finances, debt, and creating a more positive income stream is being stimulated this month. You may feel trapped by your debt, or unable to move in a direction that makes you feel complete. Exercise and eating better are all a part of this month, as well. The Mercury retrograde is a great time to use that gym membership, or just connect with your friends and restart a walking group. Co-workers and working conditions are very demanding, and you may feel that you are being ignored. Near the end of the month, you are talking louder so people start to hear you. Relationships could use some renewal time so you don’t feel like you’re doing this all on your own. Stay focused on getting rid of your debt!

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Relationships are a big focus for you this month. If you are in a partnership, this is a good time for renewal, therapy, and resolving any issues—in both romance and business. Relationships that have real problems will either be resolved or ended. It continues to be a creative time for writing, painting, and improving your kids’ learning environment. As we get to mid-May, you will want to step up your health care, exercise, and diet regimens. You will get a big boost to get you started with that later in the month. Your family still needs your support, but not as much as in the past. Your life is stabilizing in that area.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21) 
The main focus this month is improving things at work, revamping communication, and eliminating redundancy. You may be looking at new office equipment as well, but wait until June 11 to go shopping! Home and family are taking up a lot of your time this month. For some, this is a time to move or relocate, while others are looking at home makeovers or remodeling. Your family may need your support more than ever. You seem to offer them emotional support that they can’t get anywhere else. You are ready to take a break from all the intensity as we get toward the end of May—a much better time to get away and take some time for yourself. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
This is a creative and playful month for you, so you should have more interaction with the children in your life. This is a perfect month to search for your passion and find what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning. You have lots and lots of ideas swarming through your head this month, and you have been trying to get them organized. This should be an excellent month to do that. Your home office may need some reorganizing if you are working at home now. As we get closer to the end of the month, you may be looking at moving or remodeling your home. Family tensions can be substantial, as everyone wants to have their own way. Your patience can be very short, so set those boundaries! 

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Home and family are the important areas this month. You may be doing some remodeling, or just reorganizing the kitchen. You are looking to free yourself from some of the domestic obligations you have always done. You will be looking for innovative ways to feed yourself and your family. For some, this can be a huge time of downsizing and moving to a place that better suits your needs. Family demands are strong, but you are looking to express your point of view and not just come in and fix things like you’ve always done. The eclipses are occurring in your home and career areas, so there can be new opportunities for doing something different or possibly retiring. It’s best to wait until June 11 to put any new plans into play!

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
This month continues to be busy, demanding, and not giving you a lot of personal time. This is a great time to get back into your health and exercise routines, and continue to remove people from your surroundings that add only misery to your life. You get right to the point more often, and have a lot less patience with people. Communication, writing, publishing, teaching, and furthering your education are also very active areas this month. You don’t mince words with people, and you have no time for their excuses. This can be a good time to get your office organized, streamline your daily chores, and make better use of your time and energy. At the end of the month, home and family are in the spotlight.

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This article appears in the May 2022 edition of OutSmart magazine.




Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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