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Lilly Roddy’s July 2010 Astrocast

Happy birthday Cancer!

July is a busy month as we get into the summer and our nation’s birthday. There are no retrogrades, so most of you will feel motivated and be able to get your tasks and goals accomplished. Saturn finally moves into Libra for her 28-month stay. This will help to stabilize the stock market and start some real economic recovery. • We are still in a difficult time of the year, at least through mid-August. We need to stay alert around the 23rd and 24th, and again from the 29th to the 31st. These are especially tense times, but the tension is on a global scale that won’t affect us individually. This tension will slowly lessen but not really go away until August 21. • As the month opens, Mercury is swimming through Cancer, quickly entering Leo on the 9th and Virgo (Mercury’s ruling sign) on the 28th. Venus is enjoying her journey through royalty as she glides through Leo and enters the more earthy sign of Virgo on the 10th—an especially good time for Virgos to be self-indulgent. Mars is also in Virgo, giving you plenty of energy. Saturn enters Libra on the 21st, making Libras focus more on what is really important in their lives. Uranus remains in Aries until next month. Neptune remains in Aquarius, and Pluto is digging her way through Capricorn for the next 16 years.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). Focus if you can. Just try. Right now you are feeling overcommitted, with many different people and opportunities pulling at you. You are already starting to eliminate activities and people who don’t carry their weight. You are (or should be) looking at redefining what you do for a career. Some of you may retire, and others will start something brand new. Relationships need their time for renewal and setting new goals. Lots of major decisions are on the table. Take your time—you don’t have to respond just because others are waiting. At the core of this, you are trying to feel more secure.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). You are getting your point across more clearly this month, and your creative energies are flowing especially well. On the surface, you seem to be handling the stress around you well—mainly by letting most of it just roll off your back. At work, conditions between co-workers can be tense. You may be pulled into that as the mediator. If you get the chance, this would be a good month to take some time off, especially in the early part of the month. Your focus and direction return near the end of the month as you take on a much more serious demeanor.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). You have two things that you are spotlighting: getting your money and finances in order, and getting your home in order. You will be putting a lot of energy into your home for the next couple of months. This could be a good time for you to be Bar-B-Que Central. You are ready for some excitement, and a party could really help. On the money side, you are looking at everything that comes in and where it is going. Some of you will be asking for a raise. New friends and groups are on your horizon.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). Happy Birthday to the Crabs and Moon Children and Lunatics. As always, a birthday is a time to reflect on what we have done and what we are likely to do in our personal new year. This is an especially tense time for the Moon Kids. You are feeling a bit lonely, and you may think that there is no one you can count on except yourself. This is a very decisive month—a great time for making plans, or bringing old business or a relationship to a close. You have been in a closing and cleaning-out phase. Now you are about to get into high gear and put your life back into action. Relationships will remain tense until you define new goals for them.

LEO (July 23–August 22). Finally, a time for Leos to rest. You are more sensitive than usual and need to choose your company well. You won’t have too much time for resting, and after the 11th you’ll be full of ideas and ready to put them into play. You will be ready to talk with everyone you meet. Money and investments are another part of what you are centering your attention on. Watch your impulsive spending around the middle of the month. You are open to new people coming into your life for both romantic relationships and friendships.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). This is a very busy month for the Virgoans. Mars, the planet of action, is continuing through your sign until the end of the month. You have plenty of energy for new projects, addressing issues that need your attention, and overreacting if necessary. Not everyone will be able to keep up with you. You may not sleep as restfully during this time. Some exercise and meditation or yoga can help. You will need more attention from your relationship partner, or you may be looking elsewhere. You may be just spoiling for a fight so you can make up later. Be careful not to overcommit.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Your energies are sort of split this month. On the obvious level, this is a time when you are focused on your career. You are feeling like you are ready to push and get some new projects started. There is a lot of support coming to you from both friends and lovers. As we move into the middle of the month, there could be a possible promotion or additional duties that you will be taking on, but not without a lot of thought. You have to feel free to enter into this work commitment. Relationships need renewal, but you are so ready for this that it will seem like a breath of fresh air. Pace yourself—you’ll be busier next month.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). Part of you is in a rather relaxed mode this month. You are not feeling too much of a push in any direction. You want to be treated better and appreciated more for what you do. Your work environment could be very tense. There could be a change of equipment, as well as a need for a change of attitudes by some of those you work with. Friends and business associates are favored this month, and they can be especially helpful to you in relationships and meeting new people. By the end of the month, you are much more focused on your career.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). There is a lot of activity in your career sector this month. You’ll have many details to handle, and some of the people you will be dealing with won’t be very patient. Overall, this is a great time for a new project, or even for considering starting a new job or business. And this is a good month for visitors and celebrating in your home. Children could be rebellious at this time—be clear about your own rules and boundaries before you confront them. You will be reviewing the groups you associate with and determining which ones you will cut out.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). With the planets moving through your relationship sector, you are reviewing the way you have established relationships in the past. This will affect all current relationships as you set new goals for that part of your life. Some partnerships and friendships will come to an end. You are getting your career life back in gear and ready to move, planning long-term goals and making sure that your future is safe. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself considering starting your own company or retiring and doing something totally different.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). It’s time to get the home and workplace into shape. There is a lot of moving, straightening up, and throwing out to do. You are ready to get everything in its place at work. And along with this, you are very innovative and your brain is in overdrive. You are ready to find solutions to any sort of problem. Be ready for an influx of new technology coming your way. Relationship energies are nice, but your partner may be more needy than you are used to. Find some time to spend with your partner so he or she doesn’t feel neglected.

PISCES (February 19–March 20). Relationships are the main item on your menu this month. They all need some attention, some renewal, some hunt-and-capture, and potentially a visit to Hot Springs. If you are having problems in your relationships, this is the time they will come to the surface. Take the time to confront them and find reasonable solutions. Otherwise, they could get more intense and harder to deal with next month. This is a very creative month for you. Take some time to explore your creativity. Even though you are naturally creative, you may not be giving yourself enough time to enjoy your talent.

Read Lilly Roddy’s forecast for all of 2010, which appeared in OutSmart’s January issue. For more astro-insight, log on to




Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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