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March 2022 Horoscope: Time to Take Action

Pisces season brings us into a creative and intuitive period.

Pisces, inspired by fashion designer Alexander McQueen | Illustration by Sebastian Gomez de la Torre

For the next couple of months, we are in an active time to put our new plans and projects into play! The first couple of weeks of March flow along the easiest, while in the latter half of the month there is more resistance. Our New Moon is on March 2 in Pisces—a creative and intuitive time when we seek more inner peace. The Full Moon on the 18th in Virgo helps promote better health and improve the flow of things at work. The sun begins the month in Pisces and eventually enters Aries on the 20th. This is the Spring Equinox at 10:33 a.m. Mercury is extra-busy traveling from Aquarius to Pisces on the 9th, and into Aries on the 27th. Venus and Mars move from Capricorn to Aquarius on the 6th. 

Good days this month are March 5, 6, 17, 18, 21, and 26. Days to stay in bed are March 2, 3, 13, 19, 22, 23, and 28. 

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
As the month opens, you are in a time of rest and retreat. You are more sensitive to your environment, and other people’s quirks can rub you the wrong way. Friends can be supportive listeners, especially in the first half of the month. Career activities continue to be strong, but work can be very demanding this month. This may inspire you to look elsewhere or start something on your own. By the end of the month, you are feeling more energetic and like your old self. You are clearer and more confident about where you are going.  

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
There is a lot of career emphasis this month as you look at long-term plans for more education, relationship commitments, and opening your own business. You’ve been more than ready to make some major changes in your life for the last two years. This month could easily trigger you to take some action. You will be taking life more personally, and it may be harder to keep your temper in check. Friends and business associations can be very helpful. In the latter half of the month, it is very important to pay attention to your intuition. You are ready to make decisions. Step forward and take on the leadership role that is being offered. Some of you who are older will consider alternative career paths and possibly semi-retirement. But the need to reinvent yourself stays strong for the Bulls and Cows!

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
The first half of the month is a mentally creative time for you. There could be new goals and interests that really keep your brain active this month, so you’ll want to use your time efficiently. You have an expanded world view this month. You can see beyond the fray and offer alternatives that satisfy all involved. By midmonth, your career sector is open to alternative career paths and doing something on your own. You are more visible, and are therefore able to promote yourself or your services to others more easily. In the latter part of the month, getting involved with community or business groups can be very important to creating new markets and financial rewards. Career activity remains strong over the next three years. Your relationships will improve as you get clearer about the direction you are headed in. 

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
You Crabs continue to be busy. Relationships have been very important over the last several months, and we are not through processing them yet! This is a time to renew commitments for some, while others need to confront the issues that impinge on intimacy. This is a good month to clean out all those negative emotions and move forward. Improving your finances continues to be an important issue. You are putting more emphasis on debt and improving your investments over the next 40 days. You may have more money concerns, even if there is nothing visible to make you feel that way. You may be looking at refinancing or investing. Cancers are more creative in the first half of the month. In the latter half, you are ready to put some new goals on your career path. You are exploring new ways to get your products and services to new markets throughout March. Put those plans into action in late March.  

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Relationships continue to dominate your life this month. This has been an ongoing theme since the end of last year. However, action will need to be taken during March. You may not have the time to think through all the possibilities before you make a choice. Your relationships need some TLC! Business partners may seem crabbier, but they just need to feel like they’re important in your life. If you ignore this, there could be fireworks to get your attention! Your career should be going through a renewal of sorts. You want to feel more connected to what you are doing, whether or not it’s part of your career. By the end of the month, you need a break from your routines. This is a good time for a vacation or a weekend at the lake!

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
This is a creative month for you that is good for writing, painting, weaving, and even dancing. You are more in touch with your psychic energies this month. Negative people can be especially hard to deal with, even those you meet with regularly. Your relationships need more of your time and attention this month. If you are single and interested in a partnership, this is a great time to put yourself out there. It will be easier to attract people to you for both personal and business reasons. If you have been waiting for a good time to restart your exercise and diet program, this is the month! You’ve been trying to bring more order and routine back into your life, and you’re ready to make that happen this month. Co-workers can be more demanding, and you won’t have as much patience as usual. At the end of the month, it’s easy to spend money. This can be a good time to make investments—if you take your time to explore options.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
This is a busy month as home and family issues are finally being resolved in early March. You may have power struggles with family members not ready to face the future. If you have children, they are demanding a lot of your attention as they choose future educational options. They can be very self-focused about doing things their own way. For some, this is a time of turning your hobbies into something more substantial. You are looking to improve your work environment, and it’s also a great time to upgrade your internet or your electronic devices. You are also more motivated to live a heathier life with more exercise and fresher food. In the latter part of the month, your relationship sector is very active. This is a good time to renew those bonds or, if you are single, to be out and about! But be sure you make some time for yourself.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Home and family take the lead this month. On a mundane level, this can be a time to do some remodeling or possibly to relocate. You are going through a downsizing of things you have been collecting your entire life. On a deeper level, this can indicate changes in the family as you get more of a voice in what goes on there. Don’t be afraid to step in and take charge. You have a clear agenda and just want things to be peaceful. The health and diet sector of your chart is very active this month. You may want to do some hot yoga, tai chi, or consider more plant-based products in your diet. You will need more peace and quiet at work, since some co-workers can be really annoying. Don’t forget to have some fun—all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21) 
For the last couple of months, you have been working on your finances, investments, and debt. As March begins, you are making choices about what you are going to do with your money. You will have lots of small chores to do during March as you attempt to put some order back into your life. This month, your home is the best place to retreat to. Family needs and demands can feel overwhelming, even if you manage them well. There may be no “best” solution for those shifts in the family, so choose what works for you so you don’t have any resentments about your choices. In the latter part of the month, you are looking to have more fun. If you have children, this is a great time for an adventure. They can help you feel more childlike. You will be making some improvements to your work environment this month. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
The last couple of months have been crazy for the Sea Goats. As the month opens, you are finally ready to make some decisions and move forward. Your confidence level should be strong, especially early in the month. Debt and future security is still a hot topic for your horoscope. You will definitely be taking action on this area of your life over the next month and a half. If you are in debt, you will be working to get yourself free. If you have extra resources, you will be exploring places to invest and create a safer future for you and your family. You need some time to yourself this month in order to maintain your sanity. You may be able to find this through some yoga, meditation, or binge-watching your favorite TV show. At the end of the month, family and having a safe nest become more important. This could be a great time for a family adventure or reunion. 

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
It’s going to be a busy month for the Water Bearers, with Mars (planet of action, adventure, safety, and confrontation) visiting your sign for the next 40 days or so. You will be feeling strong, confident, and not very patient. You will have your say this month, and you won’t be waiting for anyone to give you permission to speak. You may also have a harder time getting restful sleep. Exercise is always suggested when Mars is around. This can help burn off some of the excess energy you are experiencing. This is a great month to initiate a health program! Relationships may be more edgy as you say whatever comes to mind without much filtering. Be careful about being accident-prone from the 19th through the 26th. This is also a good month to explore your creative skills and turn that into a side hustle. You continue to speak your mind at the end of the month as you attempt to get your daily activities organized more efficiently.  

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
This is a big year for the Mermaids and Mermen! There are all kinds of opportunities for an improved position at work, better relationships, more friends and social activity, and finding your place in the world. Pisces is a very mutable energy, so you tend to adapt to your environment rather than impose your demands on it. This is a great year for school, travel, getting a law degree, international politics, blogging, podcasting, taking an art class, and studying dance or tai chi! Yes, there are all kinds of possibilities this year. You are creating your own “tribe” so that you really fit in! People will be drawn to your magnetism. In relationships, this makes your existing partnership better. If you are single, it’s a good time to meet new people for potential alliances. Toward the end of the month, you are ready to spend some money, so you’ll want to watch your impulse-buying during that period.

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This article appears in the March 2022 edition of OutSmart magazine. 

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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