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December Is Busier Than Usual…

Happy birthday Sag!
Happy birthday Sag!

…as we approach the end of the year.
by Lilly Roddy

The holidays will be rather hectic, but nothing seems likely to disrupt travel plans as in previous years. • Planet-wise, Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th, Uranus goes direct on the 22nd, and Saturn moves into Sagittarius on the 23rd. The sun starts the month in Sagittarius but enters Capricorn on the 21st. Mercury is also in Sagittarius, but enters Capricorn on the 16th. Venus, also in Sagittarius, enters Capricorn on the 10th. Mars is leaving Capricorn on the 4th and enters Aquarius for the next 45 days. Saturn also changes signs this month as she enters Sagittarius on the 23rd. Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto remain in the same signs. The Winter Solstice is on the 22nd at 5:03 p.m. • The Full Moon is in Gemini on the 5th. This will help us to communicate more clearly during December. The New Moon is on the 21st—a good time to start new projects for the upcoming year.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). The beginning of the month is more of a laid-back time for you as the holidays approach. You are much more career-focused in the second half of the month—a time when you may be looking for new employment or even changing careers altogether. You will be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to be at your best. Choose good mentors who are not just judges. Set your own boundaries rather than letting others do that for you.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). You are continuing to get your ducks in a row, with an emphasis on money and financial investments. Relationships demand more intimacy from you. From the middle of the month on, you are more laid-back and ready to enjoy the holidays. Your career has more focus after mid month. Watch your temper, and don’t be too bossy with others. This is a good month for you to take on a new project!

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). Relationships hold your interest as the month begins. If you are involved, this is a good time to recommit yourself to those partnerships. You are taking a hard look at how relationships work for you, and you may be getting rid of the ones that aren’t working. As we get into mid December, we will want more closeness. If you are single, this is a good time to put yourself out there! It’s also a very good time to get your financial affairs in order.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). We are paying more attention to our health and organizational skills in the first half of the month. This is a good time to visit the doctor, start a new health regimen, and get our home and workplace de-cluttered. Relationships are more significant in the latter half of the month—a time to reinvigorate the relationship you are in by opening up to your partner about your deeper emotional needs. If you are single, it could be a great time to meet someone new.

LEO (July 23–August 22). The beginning of the month is a happy and positive time for you. This can be a good time to improve any negative situations in your life, or even look for a new job or a new partner. By mid month, we are back to more of the usual routines and just getting things done. It’s a good time to get your healthcare needs in order. Relationships heat up as the month progresses. Watch your temper, especially at the end of the year.

VIRGO (August 23–Sepetmber 22). You are all set for the holidays much earlier than anyone else—but when they finally get here, you’re already over them. This month is good for working on core issues within your physical home or your emotional family home. You are working on making your nest especially comfortable. You settle into a more relaxed pace around mid month. The energy is very positive, and you can get a lot done with little effort. It’s a great time for creative activities. At the end of the month, you are working on stabilizing your relationships.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Communications are clear and concise this month. You should be feeling confident and ready to take on a new project. It’s a good time to take a self-improvement class as you work on getting your daily activities under control. By mid month you’ll start to feel a strong connection to the holidays and tradition. Being with your family is very important. Relationship dynamics are shifting in your family, and you may need to step up! Your relationships remain intense, stimulating, and unpredictable.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). You are focused on your finances and resources this month as you think about making some long-term investments and lightening your work load. By mid month, you are operating in a very practical mode that emphasizes cleaning things up or out. The holidays are a bit tense for you, so keep your visits short and sweet, especially when you’re around family. You’ll see lots of good work opportunities appear through the middle of July 2015, so make the most of them.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Happy Birthday to the Sags—your yearly cycle of rebirth! This is a very good time to look at long-term planning. You are feeling older and more mature, so you’ll want to eliminate the activities that don’t serve you. By mid month you are more focused on financial planning. This would be a great time to be more direct in telling others what you expect from them. Just be careful about who you choose to call family. The holidays may not be so important to you this year, but you’ll still want to get out and about with people, which will really elevate your mood! Illustration by David Eduardo Flores Perez.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Life has changed so much for you in the last few years, and you’re ready to start a whole new set of traditions for the holidays. In early December you are a bit more laid-back and not very eager to be part of the holiday crowd. By mid month you are right in the middle of things and really enjoying yourself. This is a great year to do something really different for the holidays! But then you’ll be ready to get back to the daily grind in the new year.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). This is going to be a very dynamic month for the Water Bearers! Mars (planet of action, initiation, and sex drive) will be moving through your sign until January 12, 2015. You will be expressing yourself very freely. This can be a good time to initiate a new relationship or start your own business since you’re much more social in the early part of the month. But then you’ll want to choose your holiday company much more carefully this year. Relationships are especially positive!

PISCES (February 19–March 20). As the month begins, you are in a position of power and recognition. You are taking on more of a leadership role, especially over the next couple of years. This is a good time to start profiting from your creative and artistic talents. You are usually ready for the holiday crowds and gatherings, but this year you are more sensitive than usual and this may keep you closer to home. Nevertheless, it’s a good time for you to connect with others in your community.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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