ColumnsSignOut Horoscope

SignOut May

Happy birthday, Taurus!

Our attention this month is drawn to Venus going retrograde—yes, another one. Venus is retrograde from May 9 through July 7 in Gemini, and this means going back to have a look at how well our relationships are doing, and how well we are managing our resources. It is not a good time for changing hairstyles or having plastic surgery. Sometimes old relationships can show up at your door during a Venus retrograde. • We also have a solar eclipse on May 20 at 10:16 a.m. in Gemini. This might have an impact on oil prices worldwide. Individually, it is an energized time when we will want to communicate more about our thoughts. • Good days this month are the 3rd, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 22nd, 27th, and 28th. Days to stay under the covers are the 5th, 15th, 23rd, 25th, and 30th.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). This month you are focusing on money and managing your resources better. Self-worth and self-esteem issues may also come up. Career energies are less tense, and you aren’t as restless. This is a good time to heal old wounds at work. Exercise and health energies have returned. You will be more conscious about your health through mid-July. After mid-month, you need to have your say.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Happy Birthday to the Cows and Bulls! This is your personal yearly cycle of endings and beginnings. A time to reassess the last year and plan again for the next year. You are feeling more upbeat, and there is more opportunity around you in both work and relationships. With Venus, your ruler, going retrograde, you will be looking at your investments and how you use your money. Friends can offer some real escape and relaxation this month.

(May 21–June 21). It’s a very busy month for you and yours. As the month opens, you are in a bit of a retreat mode. And with Venus going retrograde in your sign, this will be a time of rethinking your relationships, your own identities, and how satisfied you are with work. If things are not going well in your partnerships, you’ll see where those problem areas are. The solar eclipse in your sign on the 20th will really stimulate you to find something career-wise that is more creative and fulfilling. Family may keep you busier than you want to be.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). You are a social butterfly crab this month. During this Venus retrograde, you want to get out and spend time with friends—especially old friends. You are still in a reinvention mode in your career. You have to change what you do or how you do it. You need more passion in what you are doing. Relationships are reaching a new level of understanding. We all need more space and individuality to make relationships more whole. At the end of the month, you retreat a bit.

(July 23–August 22). Your career energies have been very active during the last month, and with Venus going retrograde, you are rethinking your progress and looking at how to improve. You are formulating a plan to make your resources work better for you. Connecting with friends this month will be especially important. You are feeling somewhat nostalgic about this area of your life. Relationship energies are slowly getting better. Take some time to get away from your routine—it will work wonders.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). With Mars in your sign, you are ready for action. Try to get as much as you can started before the 9th. After that, turn your energies to projects that are already in progress. It’s a great time for exercise and diet programs. You may not be sleeping as well, and you’re more irritated than usual. Venus is retrograde in your career sector. Time to look at what you do, how effective you are, and if you are really happy with where you are working. And with the eclipse occurring in your career sector, there could be new things opening up. Just wait until July before you make any commitments.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Duality is a strong theme for you this month. On one hand, you are feeling alone, weighing and measuring the cost of a relationship. Is it worth it to you? And on the other hand, there are people around you who are showing interest, but you are unsure about acting on how you feel. Career aspects are still in flux. You just don’t know what you want. Find a place you can work, and be okay with that. Your ruler, Venus, goes retrograde, which will make this an especially introspective month. Change some of your routines. This will make you feel better.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). Relationships are the big topic for this month. If you are involved, this next couple of months will find you talking about what level your relationship is going to. A new level of commitment is coming. If you are single, there are plenty of opportunities. And with Venus retrograde this month, you will be looking back at your previous relationships. Trust will be a big deal for both groups. Watch your money this month—you may want to spend impulsively.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). You are very busy, with lots of activity in your daily home life. You may be overextended at work. And your temper could flare at the worst times. You need more time to yourself. Work has been frustrating over the last couple of months, but there seems to be some resolution there. Relationships are very important with Venus retrograde in your relationship sector. You should be hearing from old lovers again. If you are single, this could a time of rekindling.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Energies are tense for Capricorns. Part of you is just ready to chuck your old life and find something more interesting, but the other part is wrestling with trying to hold on to as much as you can. You are not being clear and direct, and you’re not supposed to be. This is a good month to be a bit more laid-back. Coworkers could be having more drama than you want to deal with. Expect some communication foul-ups at work.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18).You are focused on your inner home life. You are working to have more stability. Don’t overdo it with home projects, or the list could become endless. You are clearer about what’s going on, and you are feeling more organized. Finances are being discussed with romantic and business partners. You are both looking for ways to improve that part of your life. Be sure to take some time to play this month while Venus is retrograde in your fun house.

PISCES (February 19–March 20).  As the month starts, you are feeling more stable and clear about your day-to-day life. Relationships continue to be active. You will want more interaction and participation from your partner. Otherwise, there will be some serious discussions about this topic. If you are single, the first 10 days of the month are good for you to get out and look. After that time, you’ll want to work with the people who are already in your life. The eclipse on the 20th could make you very wobbly. Keep your dance card light on that day.

Read Lilly Roddy’s forecast for the entire year at 2012 Astrocast. For more astro-insight, log on to

Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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