
Hiking the Martyr Trail

Rick Perry’s wife plays the victim card
by Susan Bankston

Like Anita Perry, I am a woman of faith. Unlike Anita Perry, I have never felt persecuted or brutalized because of my faith. And that’s because I have…well,…faith.

Also unlike Anita Perry, my God doesn’t give me much personal advice, but is there to comfort me when I fall on my face. My God doesn’t take sides in football games or tell me which car to buy. My God walks with me beside the still waters.

Sweet Jesus gives me the peace that passes all understanding.

It just seems to me that if Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego can come through the fires without whining or feeling brutalized, then it must take a distinct lack of faith not to be able to stand up to a little criticism on the campaign trail. I love that the 80-year-old Daniel, after spending the night in the lion’s den, went home the next morning to pray. He went home to pray. He didn’t whine or hold a press conference or pray in a football stadium or hold a fundraiser. He went home.

Living in upper-middle-class white America, it’s hard for me to believe that a rich white Christian woman would feel brutalized. Does she even know what that word means? I think she does.

Brutalize is when you verbally bash gay people so viciously that they become the target of violent hate crimes. Brutalize is when you deny medical care to children, or raise college tuition beyond the reach of the middle class. Brutalize is when you will let a pregnant woman hemorrhage to death on the emergency room floor because she might be having a miscarriage. Brutalize is when you would rather fire three schoolteachers than give up your $10,000-a-month taxpayer-paid mansion. Brutalize is when your state has the highest percentage of uninsured and you don’t care.

I could go on and on. You know I could.

I want my friends to know that not all people of faith feel like victims or martyrs. The vast majority of us feel uplifted.

Last week in Pendleton, South Carolina, Anita Perry whined that President Barack Obama was to blame for her son having to resign his job because of SEC regulations, in order to campaign full-time for his father. “My son lost his job because of this administration,” she said.

So now President Barack Obama brutalized her son?

You know, most people have to resign their jobs to campaign full-time because it’s not fair to take a paycheck when you’re not there. I’m also a little stunned that her son didn’t take one of those minimum-wage jobs that Anita Perry said “people are hungry for” when speaking in Iowa. Trust me, people with minimum-wage
jobs are still hungry. That, Mrs. Perry,
is brutal.

Dear Lord, since you appear to be the only one speaking to her, please tell Anita Perry that nobody in America wants to put up with eight years of her whining. But as far as I’m concerned, she can keep on yakking.

Susan Bankston lives in Richmond, Texas, where she writes about her hairdresser at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., at


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Susan Bankston

Susan Bankston lives in Richmond, Texas, where she writes about her hairdresser at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., at

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