
Out for Good


October 8

OutMark your calendars; you won’t want to miss next month’s Out for Good, a dinner and celebration of National Coming Out Day. The fundraiser, benefiting The Montrose Center, celebrates coming out and the empowerment of our community, and will take place in the Crystal Ballroom at the historic Rice Hotel downtown. Jessica Frinsco and Margarita Perez are honorary chairs, while Lauren Kelly and Chad Pitt of Mix 96.5 will emcee the evening.

The holiday was started by Robert Eichberg and Jean O’Leary on October 11, 1988, to celebrate the second gay march in Washington DC a year earlier. It’s often used as a day for LGBT youth to come out to their parents, friends, and co-workers. And, of course, it’s a great day celebrate how far we’ve come. INFO: —Marene Gustin


Marene Gustin

Marene Gustin has written about Texas culture, food, fashion, the arts, and Lone Star politics and crime for television, magazines, the web and newspapers nationwide, and worked in Houston politics for six years. Her freelance work has appeared in the Austin Chronicle, Austin-American Statesman, Houston Chronicle, Houston Press, Texas Monthly, Dance International, Dance Magazine, the Advocate, Prime Living, InTown magazine, OutSmart magazine and web sites CultureMap Houston and Austin, Eater Houston and, among others. More »
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