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May 2019 Horoscope: Decisions, Decisions

Confront those darker issues in our lives and avoid being controlled by hidden fears.

Illustration by JanieWhateva.

May is going to be a busy and active month—a time for decision-making and taking action. This is especially strong through the first three weeks of May. We are continuing to feel the effects of the Saturn/Pluto alignment that started in September 2018, became very strong last month, and continues until March 2020. Darker issues in our lives are coming to the surface so we can confront them and avoid being controlled by our hidden fears! This is affecting us globally as well as nationally. • Days to greet the day with a smile are May 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 30, and 31. Days to duck and cover are May 1, 2, 7, and 29. • The sun begins the month in Taurus, and on May 21 enters Gemini, the sign of the Twins. Mercury is busy, starting the month in Aries before entering Taurus on the 6th and then Gemini on the 21st. Venus begins the month in Aries, and on the 15th she enters her own sign of Taurus. Mars, planet of action, is traveling through Gemini but will enter Cancer on the 15th. Jupiter remains in Sagittarius, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, Uranus is in Taurus, and Neptune travels through her own sign of Pisces.

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
You are focused on finances, creating new resources, and building more stability in your life as the month begins. You are looking for the stability that comes from a better balance between your work life and your home life. Relationships need some TLC. If you are involved, this is a great month to renew those bonds. If you are single, this is also a good month for meeting new people. By midmonth, you are better at communications, marketing yourself, and breaking bad habits. Family relationships are more difficult, and tempers may flare. Keep your exit strategy handy! 

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Happy birthday to the Bulls and Cows! This is your personal yearly cycle when you evaluate last year’s aims and generate a new perspective for this year. You are much more active and ready to generate change in your life. You will have no tolerance for anything that limits or represses your essence. This is a great time to take on a leadership role at work or in your community. You may want to start your own business and really do what you like. Relationships that are too limiting will drive you away. Watch your spending in the early part of the month, as you are more impulsive with your expenditures.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
Your duality is strong this month as part of you wants to retreat and rest, while the other part wants and needs some adventure. You are more active with your friends and community associations during the first half of the month. This is very good for marketing your services or yourself. You are much more direct with people when you speak with them. You may feel that your agenda keeps you moving from one task to the next without much rest. By midmonth, you are ready to take a break from the action. Relationships, both personal and business, continue to be positive. If you are single, this is a good time to meet someone new! It’s also a good month to make vacation plans. 

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Career activity and your family’s agenda are demanding most of your time during May and June. This is a great month to take a leadership role at work, or even to seek out a promotion. Your courage and self-assurance adds to your appeal! Be sure and reach out to your friends and supporters, as they are especially encouraging and helpful. By midmonth, you get a big boost of energy when Mars (planet of action and self-defense) enters your sign for the next 40 days. You will have plenty of energy and courage to get things done. This is a great period to start an exercise program to burn off the extra energy so you can sleep.  

 LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Your career sector continues to be extra-active this month. Some of you may want to start your own business, while others may be looking to find a simpler version of life. With your career, you are looking for something that really stimulates your brain. You are just ready for something new! Friends can be especially helpful, providing you with the incentive to move forward. Work and health routines need some updating. This is also a good month to see the doctor, improve your diet, and add some exercise to your life. In the latter half of the month, you are more social. This can be a great time to travel, or just to get out of town.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
This is a busy social and career month for you! You are open to new ideas and different points of view. This is a good month for taking classes or teaching one, enjoying a retreat at a health spa, or working on your novel. With your career sector so active, this is a great time for you to take on a leadership position. You may also want to push your weight around at work, which may generate some conflicts. There are a lot of fun things you will want to do, so it may be easy to overcommit yourself, especially in the last half of the month. It is also a good month for you and your partner to get away and explore the good things that brought you together in the first place. 

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
With Libra being the sign of relationships, this part of your life is very active. If you are involved, this is a great time to get away and renew those ties of intimacy. If you are single, this is a great time to meet new people. You are getting your finances in order this month, and it’s an excellent period to review your investments and develop a plan to free yourself from debt. In the last half of the month, career and family take center stage. You are more open and expressive about your views at work, which may make work relationships more tense. Because you want to make your home a more comfortable place, you may be doing some remodeling or looking for a new place to live.  

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Relationships are highlighted this month! You will want more passion and a sense of participation from those closest to you. You will push back against partnerships that are inflexible or restrictive. You want someone to stimulate your frontal lobes! Health issues are still bugging you, but changing your diet and including exercise in your routine will make you feel much more energetic. In the latter half of the month, publishing, teaching, taking classes, and travel are all tempting you. This is a good month to consider university study or getting more training in your particular field. It’s easy to overload your schedule toward the end of the month. Watch your commitments!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
As the month opens, you are trying to balance your personal time while still following through on your work routines and expectations. The early part of the month is a great time to market or promote your services. In the middle of the month, you are making good use of your resources and doing very well with time management. This is a good month to improve bad health habits and try new places to eat! Relationships take the spotlight in the latter half of the month. If you are involved, this is a great month to get away from your routines and renew those connections. You are looking for more intimacy, and for a partner who is open and willing to express how they feel. At the very end of the month, money and finances capture your attention as you try to make your resources go farther through budgeting or better investments. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Home and family take the focus as the month begins. This is a great time for home improvement, a family reunion, or just entertaining friends at home. As the month progresses, you are looking for more fun and relaxation. You want to be more creative and less structured in your activities. Children can be a very positive force in your life at this time, since they can help you free your inner child that you keep hidden away in a box in the corner. Your health sector is active at the beginning of the month, and only gets more active after midmonth. This is a good time to improve your working conditions so you have less stress, better boundaries, and less conflicts with coworkers. Toward the end of the month, relationships will be more important. Your partner will want to be heard!  

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
This is a busy month, as you are working hard to limit the expectations that you and others place on you. You are much more vocal and to-the-point about your views. At home, you are focused on cleaning out the closets, garage, and store rooms. You don’t want to be owned by your stuff! Family activities can be a lot of fun this month, but only if you want to be there. For some, this can be a time of moving, remodeling, and making your home safer and more comfortable. In the latter part of the month, work relationships can be tense. You may put yourself in a leadership role to improve conditions, or to be the burr in the saddle that promotes change. Relationships are good, if they have plenty of freedom and limited expectations! You are doing more and more of what you want to do, and less of what you expect yourself to do!

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
The urge to improve finances and make better use of your resources is very strong as the month opens. This is also a great time to consider asking for a raise or seeking a new position. You are clearer about your point of view and what you will and won’t tolerate. You continue to be more outspoken as you focus on rescuing yourself instead of everyone else. This month is very good for taking care of all those small jobs around your home and office. Your home continues to be an active place for parties and family gatherings. Career energies continue to be very positive through early November of this year. This is a good time to start your own business, market and promote your services, or take on a leadership role by teaching team-building. Enjoy this busy month!

This article appears in the May 2019 edition of OutSmart magazine. 




Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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