
August 2022 Horoscope: Plan Ahead

Get as many projects started as you can during Leo season.


Leo, inspired by novelist James Baldwin | Illustration by Sebastian Gomez de la Torre

You should be getting as many projects as possible started this month, with Mercury retrograde coming up on September 1. Mars, our planet of action, reaction, and anger, enters Gemini for a very long stay. Normally, Mars visits each sign for about 40 days at a time. Mars will be retrograde from October 13 through February 2023, so plan ahead! This is going to be very impactful for the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These signs will become more easily angered and ready to defend themselves at any moment. They will also have more energy to burn off through exercise, and they may not sleep as well. Good days this month are August 2, 16, 18, and 22. Days to stay aware are August 1, 7, 9, 11, 14, 21, 27, and 28. 

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Your energy levels remain strong. This continues to be a good time for relationships, travel, looking for a new job, and even going back to school to start a new path. It’s easy for you to spend money impulsively this month, and it’s a good time for creative activities, spending time with your children, and sharing your love with others. You will want to make your home more comfortable, and family connections are more important than usual this month. You begin to focus on improving your work environment, eating better, and getting your routines in order. Friends may be busy, and not as able to be supportive. 

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
The Bulls and Cows are very active in the pasture this month. Mars, planet of action and adventure, continues to visit your sign through August 20. This is a perfect time to invest in yourself. Family activities are very strong, and they may need your participation and leadership. You may also need to make your home more comfortable by remodeling. Work and family demands can be very strong this month. Boundaries are important so you won’t feel taken advantage of because of your good nature. This is a great time to take a leadership role or potentially start your own thing. Later in the month, you are looking to have more fun and enjoy life. Watch your spending habits after the 20th!

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
It’s very important for you to communicate your thoughts and ideas this month. You are working on your boundaries and getting clear about your life goals. This is a great time for getting involved in community or business organizations. By August 20, Mars (planet of action and anger) enters your sign until March 25, 2023, and will be retrograde during that time. You will want to deal with any issues that present themselves, particularly those from the past. This would also be a great time to start a diet or exercise program. In the latter part of the month and through September, your home becomes your safe haven. Career and work are still unsettled, but things clear up after October. Focus on you this month!

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Values, self-worth, and financial responsibility are big on your list this month. You want to share what you have with others, but you don’t always make sure you have enough for yourself. This is a great month for taking care of tax problems, putting yourself on a budget, or brushing off neglected skills. You are more sensitive to your relationship needs this month, so it’s a good time to renew bonds. If you are single, this is a better time to meet new people for relationships. You have less tolerance for the B.S., and that gets stronger toward the end of the month. Your career area continues to be very positive for advancement or doing something on your own. You can find support for your ideas, and particularly those that affect your career, through professional groups. This is a good time to try some of the newer approaches to business, since working from home was made for your sign!

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Happy Birthday to the Leos! This is your personal yearly cycle of review and renewal. This is a busy month, with your areas of self, home, relationships, and career all active. You are more outspoken at work and ready to take on a new role. In relationships, you are reviewing the goals you have in common. If you are unhappy, you are ready to confront problems and solve them, one way or another. If you are single, you are weighing the rewards and costs of getting into a partnership. All of this is true for business partnerships, as well. At home, you are ready to toss out old emotional triggers that have been controlling you. By the end of the month, you are ready to chill out. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
This month you’ll have some situations that require flexibility on your part. You are usually ready for an August break, but work demands are taking a lot of energy. You could be redesigning your office to respond to how business works now. This is also the month to improve your health and find some inner peace as you focus on yourself. This is a good time for getting a loan, exploring investment strategies, and being more open to help from your partner and close friends. By the 20th, the energies shift and you are ready to move forward. Your career area is very active from the 20th through March 25, 2023. You may not have much patience, especially with co-workers as you search for a leadership role. You will not have a lot of patience, so exercise can help release the tension.   

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Friendships are very important to you this month. This is an excellent time to get together with those who give you optimism about your life passions. Your career continues to be very positive, with people being more open to your ideas. You seem to have some special charm in this area in early August when you could close some deals and generate good clients. By midmonth, you are ready to take a step back. You are more sensitive to your environment and trying to understand your calling in life. You can normally dismiss other people’s harshness, but that could bother you in late August. Established relationships continue to be positive through October. You are more social after the 20th. This could be a good time for a vacation. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Relationship energies are very active through the middle of the month. If you are in a partnership, this is a time of renewal. If your relationship is not doing well, you will want to confront those problems and arrive at a solution. If you are single and interested, this is a great time to be out there! People will be drawn to your magnetic sexual energies, even if they don’t know why. You are still trying to find a balance between home and work. You may need to do some remodeling, or change roles in your nuclear family. At work, you need to feel recognized because you have plenty of ideas and can take on a new management role. In late August, friends can be very helpful. Finances become more important after the 20th—a good time for investments or loans.  

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec. 21) 
You are still in a creative cycle this month—a great time for taking or teaching a class, going on vacation, and having more fun with your partner. You are being very clear in your communications. You are not as flexible as you normally are, and your tolerance for childish behavior is very low. You may be looking at buying a new car or considering an alternative. You want to make more efficient use of your time and energy. This month you may feel trapped by old diet and exercise habits, but you can make changes that may not have been possible in the past. Relationships become active after August 20. Confront problems with your partnerships and remind each other why you are together in the first place. Career changes become more important toward the end of the month! 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Financial security is a big topic this month. You are concerned about eliminating debt and creating a greater sense of personal freedom. In personal and business partnerships, you are looking for more trust and intimacy. With home and family, you are looking at relocating and finding a good vacation spot. This is a great month to indulge your favorite activities. If you have children, they continue to push boundaries so you need to be clear with them. At the end of the month, your communication skills are much improved at work. Health and exercise take over your focus after August 20, so put this on your schedule!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Long-term security is still the main topic this month as you look at what is working and what is not. You want to have more control over where you work and who you work with. You are also redefining your partnership goals. This is a great time to have a business meeting with your partner to make sure you are both pulling in the same direction. If you are single, this is a good time for partnerships since you are clear about what you need and what you don’t need! Home and family are in your thoughts as major changes happen there. Your tolerance for family drama will be low, and you will be ready to set everyone straight. For some, relocating, remodeling, or downsizing may be on the horizon. In late August, you will want more intimacy and trust in your relationships. 

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Self-care is your mantra this month. You are more sensitive to your environment and may need to work at home so your co-workers’ energies don’t pollute yours. You are not hesitant to tell others how you feel, since you’re not as willing to put up with messes. Boundaries are becoming more important for you. You are looking for the things in life that give you pleasure and support your spirit. On August 20, Mars (planet of action, self-defense, and initiation) enters the home, family, and roots area of your horoscope until March 25, 2023. You may be looking to relocate, and family issues come to the surface to finally be resolved. Maintain your perspective and do what is good for you!

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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