
Report Any Voting Problems

If you become aware of problems with voting machines, with shortages of equipment leading to long lines, with any of the raft of potential problems — innocent or targeted at specific voter demographics — that cause problems with people casting their vote and getting it counted this election, please do a quick report to an excellent citizens group in Texas that is collecting this data. Take notes of as many specifics as you can before reporting it.

Election systems aren’t perfect. They need to be monitored. Problems need to be reported, corrected. But like many tasks today, there are too few hands for the job. And the job is getting more and more complex.  You can help.  First, report any problem you encounter—during campaigning, voter registration, balloting, or any other time.  Second, publish your report widely. This not only alerts fellow voters to immediate pitfalls, it helps build a database for revamping the system.

To report an incident, click on the  Texas Election Incident Hotsheet.

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