Greg Abbott Attack Ad Suggests Lupe Valdez is Too Gay for Texas

Republican Governor Greg Abbott is subtly gay-baiting his possible Democratic challenger in November, out lesbian former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez.

In an attack ad released Thursday, titled “Too Liberal for Texas,” Abbott’s campaign made sure to highlight Valdez’s sexual orientation.

Valdez faces Houston businessman Andrew White in a runoff for the Democratic nomination for governor on May 22.

Abbott, of course, is rabidly anti-LGBTQ. As both attorney general and governor, he bitterly fought marriage equality in Texas, and during the most recent legislative session, he supported anti-transgender bathroom legislation.

The Dallas Morning News reports:

In the 30-second ad, while a narrator touts how Abbott has helped to make Texas “the most pro-life state in the nation,” the screen includes a caption.

Superimposed on a photo of Valdez, it cites this remark from her, as reported by the San Antonio Express-News in late January: “My partner is a very strong, independent chiropractor. For me to try to tell her what she should do with her body, she would tell me what to do with my mouth.”

Valdez was referring to her partner, Lindsay Brown.

Abbott spokesman John Wittman, asked if the Republican incumbent was trying to reinforce that Valdez is gay, replied, “The [Express-News] quote is a way to remind people that Lupe Valdez is anti-life, pro-abortion.”

The Abbott campaign has purchased the rights to, where it posted the ad. Valdez’s site is

Watch the ad below.

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