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Big Girls Do Cry’ by Carl Weber is trashy, flashy fun.


Thank God for the Gay Guy

‘Big Girls Do Cry’ by Carl Weber is trashy, flashy fun. WEB SPECIAL

by Terri Schlichenmeyer

You should never have eaten that last slice of cake.

Once you got the shirt home, the color looked awful on you. Yes, those pants make you look fat. Oh, if only you had chosen the cruise instead of the dude ranch! Dating that geeky guy from the office seemed like a good idea at the time. You wish you had listened to your instincts.

Throughout your life, you’ve had a thousand regrets. But, as you’ll see in the new novel Big Girls Do Cry by Carl Weber (Kensington Dafina,, things could be worse. You’ve never asked your sister to carry your baby.

Ever since Egypt married Rashad, all she wanted was to be a mommy. They had talked about a family for months and they tried and tried, but it wasn’t until the miscarriage that Egypt found out she couldn’t carry a baby. Rashad made sure she had everything—a magnificent Virginia mansion, clothes, romantic trips—and Egypt couldn’t give him the one thing he asked her for.

But the solution to her problem was down the hall from their bedroom. Isis, Egypt’s sister, had moved to Richmond to get away from the married man she was in love with, back in Queens. Tony wouldn’t leave his wife, so when Egypt asked Isis to be a surrogate for her and Rashad, Isis knew it was the answer to her dreams.

Years before, Rashad had been Isis’ man, but then Tony came into the picture. Isis gave Rashad up to be with Tony, and Rashad let Egypt heal his broken heart. As Isis saw it, she would get Rashad back if she gave him a son, or she would end up with Tony because of his jealousy. It was a win-win situation for her, no matter how you cut it.

On the other side of town, Lorraine, Egypt’s boss, was heartsick. As if it wasn’t bad enough that her husband, Leon, was lousy in bed, he was lousy in bed with another woman. Leon denied stepping out on her, but there was no other explanation for the plus-size panties Lorraine discovered all over the house.

Thank goodness for Jerome. Long ago—before he came out of the closet and admitted he was gay—he and Lorraine had been lovers. Now they were best friends and Lorraine knew she could rely on him. Jerome knew exactly what to do with a cheating snake like Leon…

Sexy, snarky, and sinfully delicious, Big Girls Do Cry is one of those novels that makes you scream out loud because the story’s so good and the plotline, so twisty. Author Carl Weber gives his characters traits you’ll love to hate, and it’s easy to get caught up in their scheming, steaming lives. Once I started this book, I was in trouble: it was hard to do anything else but read.

Perfect for vacation—whether away or in your mind—Big Girls Do Cry is trashy, flashy fun. Pick it up and save it for the beach. Reading it will be something you won’t regret.

Terri Schlichenmeyer has been reading since she was three years old, and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 books.




Terri Schlichenmeyer

Terry Schlichenmeyer is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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