
Next Meeting of Aaron Scheerhoorn Foundation on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at the Houston GLBT Community Center

The next organizational meeting of the Aaron Scheerhoorn Foundation for Change will be held at 7:00 pm, on Thursday, February 10, 2011, at the Houston GLBT Community Center. The Center is located at 1900 Kane Street, and participants in the meeting should use the Silver Street entrance.

At the meeting, organizational by-laws will be adopted, and officers will be elected. At the last meeting Doug Anderson was nominated as President, Sara Magnero as Vice-President, and Nancy McGinnis-Roberts as Secretary/Treasurer.

Ray Hill, who has served as temporary chair during the initial organizational effort! s, will pass the responsibility on to the elected officers. Hill plans to keep current on the organization’s progress.

In the first business meeting to follow the election, the officers will draft up a list of proposed goals and lead a group discussion to determine the priority of each goal.

Committees will then begin forming, to work through the detailed aspects of the major goals. Members of the community will be encouraged to offer help as the committees work to plan and implement their goals.

This meeting is open to the entire community. For further information on the next organizational meeting, please contact Doug at or Nancy at

The Aaron Scheerhoorn Foundation for Change is a grassroots effort born out of the tragedy of Aaron Scheerhoorn’s death on December 10, 2010. Pursued by an assailant, and with a visible knife wound in his shoulder, Scheerhoorn asked for refuge at Blur Bar and was refused. While attempting to find refuge elsewhere, he collapsed and was stabbed to death as his assailant caught up with him, in Blur Bar’s parking lot.

Members of the Foundation will work to end apathy about the incident, increase safety on Montrose streets especially near clubs, and begin a ‘safe shelter’ program to enlist local bars and businesse! s to promise to offer safe shelter to any person in peril. The group also plans to revive a community neighborhood watch similar to the now-defunct Q-Patrol.

The Houston Police Department and the Houston Transgender Center have already indicated that they support the efforts that are in process.

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Brandon Wolf

Brandon Wolf is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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