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NJ Judge Gives Gay Couple Custody in Family Battle

JERSEY CITY, N.J. – A New Jersey judge has allowed a gay couple custody of 5-year-old twins, resolving a family lawsuit over who could best care for them.

The lawyer for Donald and Sean Hollingsworth says last week’s ruling is a legal victory for tolerance and diversity.

But the lawyer for Donald Hollingsworth’s sister, Angelia Robinson, told The Star-Ledger in a story that the issue has nothing to do with gay rights.

Robinson gave birth to the girls after carrying a donor embryo fertilized by Sean Hollingsworth and was declared her the legal mother.

But the judge says the children would be better off remaining with the Hollingsworths in Jersey City rather than living with the sister in Middletown.

The judge says the sides disagreed on many issues, including what the girls should be told about homosexuality and surrogacy.

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