Arts & EntertainmentFilm/DVDTelevision
Kathy Griffin: Pants Off and Tired Hooker
No, KG herself is not gay, but this DVD sure is. In addition to bits entitled “Marcus Bachmann: Professional De-Gayer” and “Weekend at Anderson Cooper’s House,” America’s Favorite Fag Hag also reflects on Kim Kardashian’s wedding, Casey Anthony’s parenting skills, something gently called “Eye F–ker,” and more. It’s fair to classify Tired Hooker as a sequel to the aforementioned Pants Off, as KG continues a comic diatribe on Kim Kardashasian’s brief marriage. She also riffs on celebrity scandal queen Lindsey Lohan’s recent community service trip to the morgue, Hugh Jackman’s sexual preference, and more. 2011. Paul Miller directs. August 7. Shout Factory ( —Nancy Ford