Pride in the Media

It’s Clear Skies Ahead

KHOU-TV meteorologist Pat Cavlin has a real passion for the weather.

Pat Cavlin
Meteorologist Pat Cavlin (Courtesy photo)

Meteorologist Pat Cavlin had just joined KHOU-TV (the local CBS affiliate) in March of this year when he was asked to be the station’s face for the 2022 Pride Month.

“I didn’t think it was a big deal, but it was very nice [that they asked me],” the 30-year-old weatherman recalls. “But then a friend pointed out that that would have been unheard of in this business 20 or 30 years ago. I guess I’m lucky—I’ve never had any issues with being gay in television.”

Working in television news was never on Cavlin’s radar growing up. The New York native was mainly a theater kid, but also an avid sky watcher.

“As a very young kid, I watched the Weather Channel in Brooklyn,” he says. “I loved snowstorms!”

With his family’s encouragement, Cavlin attended SUNY Oswego for a bachelor’s degree in meteorology. He was thinking of doing research and getting an advanced degree, but his college RA, noting his charisma and charm, thought he’d be great on camera and suggested he try out for the campus television station. Despite his theater background, he says he didn’t want to be “one of those weather guys putting smiley faces on sun cutouts.”

But he auditioned anyway, and found his true calling—one that was actually a lot more scientific than he had imagined.

Cavlin spent the next four years in college predicting the weather on the campus TV and radio stations. He also went on storm-chasing trips and saw his first tornado in Bennington, Kansas, chased the largest tornado on record in El Reno, Oklahoma, and witnessed one of the most well-photographed supercell thunderstorms in Booker, Texas. His passion for meteorology is obvious as he describes those three amazing adventures.

And so far, Cavlin is very happy with the weather in Houston.

“I miss the cooler weather,” he says of New York, “but it’s better here than in Florida, where it was the same weather all year long. The summer here was long, but at least you have seasons here.”

Cavlin left a station in Fort Meyers, Florida, to take his KHOU job—just missing the biggest Florida weather story in decades.

“I talk to my friends back in Florida, and it’s just depressing,” he says of the aftermath of Category 4 Hurricane Ian that slammed Florida back in September. “I really believe you are exactly where you are meant to be. Had I still been in Florida, Ian would have been the biggest story of my career, but then I would have been living with the brutal aftermath. The national weather crews got to go home after the storm, but the local news people are still there dealing with the devastation.”

Before arriving in Florida, Cavlin worked at News 12 Long Island, his hometown station. He has also been a volunteer EMT, and spent some time working at a station in Macon, Georgia—an experience that he calls “character building.”

“One of the things I love about Houston is just living somewhere there is a gay scene,” he says. Although he hasn’t gotten too involved in LGBTQ activities beyond attending some Pride events, Cavlin is anxious to learn more about his new home- town. He has explored Houston both on his bike along park trails and from an airplane, since he’s had his pilot’s license since 2015.

Although he’s still feeling his way around the city, there’s one thing about Houston that he learned early on: “If you like Tex-Mex,” he laughs, “this is the spot for you!” He’s already discovered upscale Hugo Ortega’s upscale Mexican spot Xochi downtown, and he’s eager to check out more of the local culinary scene.

But Cavlin is sure that his new television home is where he’s meant to be. “I love the people at KHOU,” he says. “And not just my co-workers. Even the bosses are great. You know what I really love about them? It’s just how encouraging they are to everyone.”

Watch Pat Cavlin on KHOU-TV on Saturdays at 6 and 10 p.m., and on Sundays at 5:30 and 10 p.m.

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Marene Gustin

Marene Gustin has written about Texas culture, food, fashion, the arts, and Lone Star politics and crime for television, magazines, the web and newspapers nationwide, and worked in Houston politics for six years. Her freelance work has appeared in the Austin Chronicle, Austin-American Statesman, Houston Chronicle, Houston Press, Texas Monthly, Dance International, Dance Magazine, the Advocate, Prime Living, InTown magazine, OutSmart magazine and web sites CultureMap Houston and Austin, Eater Houston and, among others. More »
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