BOOK REVIEW: ‘Blame It on Bianca Del Rio’
This does not belong on the shelf with your other tired old self-help books.
Bianca Del Rio adamantly says that she gives “better advice than Dr. Phil” because it’s based on “years and years of insightful prying and corrosive gossip.” Her health and grooming tips include how to look your best—or at least how to lower your standards. She also weighs in on LBD (Lesbian Bed Death), coming out as a gay man to your girlfriend of four years, how many cats a queen can have before crossing the line, and what to do about a terrible mother-in-law. Then there’s how to deal with homophobia, parents that are overly supportive, bad grandmas, and other family matters. Mixed in with Rio’s snarky insults are the occasional usable nuggets, a lot of “you-go-girl!” empowerment, blunt MYOBiz answers to authentically sticky problems, and fall-down-screaming hysterical laughs. Blame It on Bianca Del Rio absolutely does not belong on the shelf with your other tired old self-help books. You might not even need to find shelf space, because you’ll want to keep this one close by your side. Dey Street Books (deystreet.harpercollins.com).