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Call Out to LGBTI Artists Worldwide






Third Annual RightOutTV Music and Video Awards Call Out to LGBTI Artists Worldwide

It’s time again to honor musical artists from the LGBTI community worldwide.

The 2013 RightOutTV Music and Video Awards team is accepting submissions for songs and videos to be evaluated by a prestigious panel of thirty-seven entertainment industry judges.

Openly queer singer/songwriters from around the globe may submit songs and music videos in a variety of indie-friendly categories such as “Best Video DIY” for the more homegrown project, and “Best Song So Far” and “Best Video So Far” for those masterpieces released years ago that still deserve recognition. Back by popular demand is the category of “Most Moving Video,” which spotlights musical pieces with high emotional impact.

The ever-evolving RightOutTV Awards now include a “Best Non-English Video” category in an effort to expand the global reach. “The Best Comedy Video” category is open to drag artists and will also include submission of episodes of web series from LGBT writers and creators as well as live and produced music videos.

“Even with all of the advancements being made with LGBTI rights, musical artists and our community ambassadors still struggle to be heard on mainstream radio and have their queer-themed lyrics become commonplace in song contests,” says Marlee Walchuk, one of the awards creators and producers. “We feel that RightOutTV’s ‘LGBTI only’ platform is extremely important, because we know that receiving nominations and being named award winners helps give these artists the credibility and attention that they deserve.”

Nathalie Callender, the other half of the RightOutTV Awards production team, says, “We’re so excited to have many of last year’s judges returning for the 2013 awards. We have handpicked people whom we admire and whose opinions we respect. New additions this year include rock/punk legends Carole Pope and Bif Naked; Juno award winner Shari Ulrich; Royd Haston from Disney Music; and folk music icon and activist Holly Near. Celebrity vocal coach and artist development expert Cari Cole and the fearless leader of indie women’s music, Madalyn Sklar from GoGirlsMusic, have also joined to help decide on the winners. Even our judges are global, with three more from Australia, one from France, and another from Portugal.”

Winners of the 2012 RightOutTV Music Awards received an extraordinary amount of press, and fourteen stunning statues were shipped to Vienna, the UK, Portugal, Canada, and all over the United States. This year, Walchuk and Callender hope to reach even further to find deserving out talent.

Marlee Walchuk and Nathalie Callender were honored to hear that they will be inducted into the GLBT Hall of Fame in December 2013 by the Stonewall Society for their creation and management of RightOutTV and the impact RightOutTV has had as a resource for the LGBT arts community and the community at large.

Awards website for submissions:

The deadline for submissions is September 24, 2013, and nominees will be announced October 10, 2013. The popular “Fan Fave” voting (the only public voted award) begins September 30, 2013.

The RightOutTV Music and Video Awards is an offshoot of the free LGBTI artist promotional site at Walchuk and Callender of the music duo Sugarbeach launched RightOutTV in November 2010 after realizing there were few places to release their own queer-messaged music videos. The women—married to each other—also saw a need for more unity in the global LGBTI music community. RightOutTV was created as a vehicle to serve both these purposes and to provide a fully developed promotional website and channel for artists who deserve respect and recognition for being out and proud with their music.




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