Gayest & Greatest 2012
by Sally Huffer
Illustration by Terry Klumpp
If the Mayan calendar does end up predicting the end of time as we know it, our Gayest & Greatest winners can at least revel in their recognition for about two months. Still, we’d like to assume Gloria Gaynor’s anthem will be playing at midnight on December 21, and we will all wake up the next day for a post-apocalyptic par-taaay! Who wants the world to end on a Friday, anyway? After 5,125 years, can’t they give us the whole weekend before unleashing cataclysmic doom? Same thing happened back when Prince’s 1999 was the soundtrack. Friday finals. If the gays were in charge, we’d all enjoy a bountiful Sunday brunch and then expire. The Mayans were fairly open-minded when it came to sexuality and gender. Maybe that’s why we call it a civilization. And just as the Mayans revered their gods and rulers, we honor our leaders in this issue of OutSmart magazine’s Gayest & Greatest. Fortunately, no sacrifices. Just ceremony.
OutSmart readers have chosen their community favorites from auto dealerships to socialites.
And the 2012 Gayest and Greatest survey winners are…
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