Arts & EntertainmentBooks

The Evening Hour

Author: Carter Sickels

Few things are as tragic as strip mining in West Virginia. The land is destroyed, wildlife dies, and people must choose between trying to save their homes and trying to save themselves. In The Evening Hour, we watch as Cole Freeman tries to reconcile the life he knew as a child and the life in front of him. He’s avoided the mines by working as an aide in a nursing home. This job gives him access to the elderly throughout the community, and he abuses this trust to steal their belongings and buy their prescription drugs. Both things are sold for a profit until Cole realizes he must stop and save himself. This book has an impeccable sense of place, wonderfully drawn characters (including a gay man I found myself continually wanting to bitch-slap) and a story that engages the reader. While not a “gay book,” the artfully presented tale is a must-read for any lover of good fiction. Bloomsbury ( —Review: Angel Curtis

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