
NASA Out & Allied group releases It Gets Better video

By Megan Smith

For more than fifty years, NASA has encouraged people all over the world to do the impossible, shoot for the stars, and achieve their dreams. Now, in honor of LGBT Equality Month, the aeronautics and space organization has created an It Gets Better video that reinforces that this dream is for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Created by NASA’s Out & Allied at Johnson Space Center (JSC) Resource Group, the video features LGBT-identified NASA employees sharing their stories of overcoming barriers to reach their goals. Aimed at high school and college-aged youth that may be struggling with their identity, these employees send the message that the JSC is a diverse and inclusive workplace where LGBTQ people are welcomed, supported, and loved.

“Sometimes I think it’s harder if you think about how you’re different and you think that maybe being different is bad” one astronaut said in the video. “Being different is great and you should really rejoice in those differences. And you should realize whoever you are, whatever you bring, it’s important and that you are necessary.”

For more information on the It Gets Better Project visit

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Megan Smith

Megan Smith is the Assistant Editor for OutSmart Magazine.

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