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Left-Wing Activists Shower Pawlenty With Confetti

SAN FRANCISCO – A left-wing activist group is claiming responsibility for a copycat confetti attack on Republican presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty in San Francisco.

A video posted by CodePink shows two of its activists Thursday dumping pink confetti on a table where the ex-Minnesota governor was signing books at a health insurance industry conference.

Stone-faced Pawlenty aides vigorously brushed the pink, shimmery fluff off the table as the activists chastised Pawlenty for his conservative views on gay rights and abortion.

San Francisco police led the pair away. Pawlenty campaign spokesman Alex Conant said he had no comment on the stunt.

CodePink says the action was inspired by a similar incident in Minneapolis when an activist showered ex-House Speaker and GOP presidential aspirant Newt Gingrich with glitter.

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