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Holistic Healer

Liam Adair breaks down barriers and builds up his clients.

Liam J. Adair (Photo by Alex Rosa for OutSmart magazine)

As a child, Liam J. Adair, HHP, ACC, had a hobby of collecting rocks. Little did he know, this early introduction to gemstones and crystals was setting the stage for his journey to becoming the first Black transgender board-certified holistic health practitioner in Texas. Today, Adair is on a mission to help his clients regain control of their lives and develop the internal power to find a space of spiritual well-being. He is also the well-established author of several books, including Fear Rules My Life and Crystal Healing for Your Chakras: The TRUE Call of Nature, published to give readers the ability to begin and maintain their own wellness journey.

Liam J. Adair’s books are now available on Amazon.com

“Being a holistic health practitioner means taking the resources that we’ve been given from the universe to create a whole being—a well-balanced being,” the 38-year-old professional explains. “We are spiritual, energy-based, and all connected with every other person and thing. When we look toward holistic health and wellness, we are looking to reconnect with our surroundings by using these tools and resources that nature and the universe provides.”

Adair is confident that the universe commissioned his career path years ago. “Back in 2005, my mother started making jewelry using crystals and gemstones. Once I connected my first bracelet and necklace set, I was hooked as far as learning and being able to understand what crystals and gemstones could do. I realized that [many of] the rocks that I used to collect were those same crystals and gemstones, and I was able to make that connection.”

A work-related injury that led to a depressive state, coupled with weight-loss surgery, led Adair to make a major career shift from IT to holistic health care. “I realized that I could not go the conventional route of healing what was wrong with my body after my injury. I could not absorb a lot of the Western medications because of my weight-loss surgery. My body would just reject them. I needed to find a natural route,” Adair recalls. “That led me on a self-discovery journey where I realized, ‘Oh, you have tools. You were researching these years ago. You’ve been collecting them since childhood.’ I got more into what crystal healing and meditation could do in terms of healing the physical and the spiritual body.”

The results were undeniable. “That’s what led me to go to school to learn more about it in a structured environment, [and that training gave] me the courage to open up my own practice.”

Having received a bachelor’s degree in holistic health science from Quantum University, Adair offers services ranging from crystal healing therapy to hair analysis, nutrition plans, Reiki touch healing, and more. “My favorite part of what I do is the silent exchange I have with my clients. The moment where we are in contact, our energies are communicating, we are mellowing out and integrating. That would be my favorite part—that connection,” the holistic trailblazer says. “Most people believe that when you are meeting someone, it’s the handshake. But we actually meet before we pound a fist or shake hands or give a hug. Our energies are actually mingling with one another.  Energy is what I read, and what I feel, and how I work.”

Photo by Alex Rosa for OutSmart magazine

The benefits, according to Adair, are an overall sense of balance in one’s self that can also affect personal and professional relationships. “Once you work through the programs that I’ve designed and have added the additional energy-balancing methods, you have a better sense of control over your own thoughts, and therefore your own actions,” he explains. “You can implement these techniques when you come into contact with varying situations, and understand how to respond—versus just reacting. You learn how to keep your peace, as well as handle your business without causing any additional friction. You are able to assess the situation at the drop of a dime, and pull out the tools that we’ve worked through to respond appropriately so that you’re not adding any negativity to the situation. You’re able to get the job done, or complete a task.”

Adair’s expertise, guidance, and services provide a wide range of holistic benefits to those he serves. He hopes that they can ultimately find the power within themselves that has always been there. “I want my clients to gain their sense of personal power. We often walk through life as if someone else is holding the master key, but that is not the case. We can be influenced by someone else’s actions and words, but we are the orchestrators of our own thoughts and actions. We don’t have to take on someone else’s negative energy or thoughts about how we should react to different things in the environment,” Adair explains.  “We can stand in our own power and make those changes. I want my clients to see the path that they can take, that is available to them, in order to reach their goals. I want them to understand that this power is within them.”

For more information, visit www.whliam.com.

This article appears in the January 2023 edition of OutSmart magazine.

Zach McKenzie

Zachary McKenzie is a marketing professional and freelance writer in Houston, TX. He received his bachelor's degree from The University of Texas at Austin in 2014 and has lived in Houston since. Zachary is a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters and enjoys spending his free time with friends, exploring the richness and diversity of Houston.
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