Venus, the planet of love, money, relationships, and resources, goes retrograde on April 5 and remains retrograde through July 8. In addition, our good friend Mercury will be retrograde from June 14 through July 18. This will extend our retrograde cycle from April 5 through July 18. With Venus retrograde in Gemini, it’s a good time to reexamine current investments, improve the quality of communications in our relationships, and pay attention to our physical needs. Those who are having a difficult time with relationships will get the chance to either resolve those problems or bring the relationship to a close. Mercury is always about our brains sorting things out, as well as communications and commerce. We are working to get our lives in order with these two planets’ paths of retrograde overlapping. There will be similar planetary activity in the late summer through the early winter. • The middle of May is a particularly edgy and active time period. You will need to be as flexible as possible, especially with the attempted reopening of the economy.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Along with the current restructuring of your career path, you are focusing this month on how to conserve your current resources and increase your future income. Business associates can be very helpful, but you have to reach out to them. There are new business opportunities, but you must embrace “the new normal.” Communications with people and clients from your past are especially significant around midmonth. It’s best to avoid signing documents that involve new partnerships. However, it is a good time to review previous agreements and explore ways to improve your current relationships. You will need some rest and retreat by the end of the month.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Happy Birthday to the Taureans! This is your personal yearly cycle of review, and the time to set new goals and directions for the future. With your ruling planet, Venus, set to go retrograde early in the month, May and June will be an especially introspective time. You are looking at some major changes for your future, including your location, relationships, and possible career shifts over the next couple of years. You may want to delay committing to your future path until the latter part of July. You could easily be making plans for taking on a new leadership position or starting your own business. You need more personal space to free yourself from routine demands this month so you can ponder what lies ahead!
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
May and June are going to be very reflective times. You will be looking back on past relationships, decisions, commitments to projects, and exploring old talents and skills. With the current economic conditions, your flexibility is allowing you to discover new ways to adapt and improve. Relationships are very important this month! If you are content, this is a great time to renew your romantic bonds. If you are having problems, you will see those issues come to the surface this month so you can solve the complications. For some, this time could reveal that the impasse is obvious and you may need to go your separate ways. You will be feeling more confident and less patient as we move into mid-May. Take your time this month.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Despite the quarantine, this is a good month for you to reach out to friends, coworkers, business associates, clients, and customers. This is also a good month to expand your social-media skills and virtual outreach. You are also being very conscious about your debt, your reliance on loans, and on those credit cards. You enter a more creative cycle around mid-May, and you will want to find a way to express the feelings that are coming up. You are entering a strong psychic period, especially in the latter half of the month. You will want more time to yourself, so this quarantine may be working for you. Relationship goals and expectations are changing as you become clearer about what you will and won’t put up with in the future. Make sure you have time for yourself, especially at the end of the month.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Career and relationships are big topics for you this month, and that trend will continue through the end of the year. Big changes are taking place in your career. This is an excellent month for you to sharpen your skills with online communications. You will be doing business differently in the future, and you are welcoming the change! Especially with Venus (our planet of relationships) retrograde this month, you are reviewing your current commitments and deciding on the future value of your investments and obligations. All relationships will need to be upgraded to meet your current needs and goals. You are looking for something to stimulate your passion at work, rather than just something that provides security. If you are older, this may be a time when you are considering retirement and moving to a quieter place!
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Career activity will be highlighted in the next two months with Venus retrograde in your career sector. This is an excellent month to connect with your existing client base and to hear from old friends. Old ideas may be new again as you reach back to refine your current processes. Toward mid-May, you will want to get back on your health and exercise program. Spending time with your partner will be especially important this month. You are wanting to ensure that connection and psychic closeness that you share. If you are having problems, this is the perfect time to resolve them. Your writing, lecturing, and teaching talents are being activated this month. Although Virgoans love their routines, this is the month to be extra-flexible and try new ways of functioning. Let go of that old business model!
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
You are shifting away from the focus you have had on your home, family, and security, and are shifting your entire focus to your children. You are expecting them to act more maturely and take on some of the family responsibilities. This can include grown children as well. On an internal level, you are doing more self-care and working to sharpen your boundaries. With Venus (your ruling planet) going retrograde for the next two months, you will be reviewing your partnerships and commitments to your goals. Positive relationships will be renewed, and negative ones will be fixed or gotten rid of. Money and security are high on your list this month. You are working to lighten your financial burden so you have more freedom of choice in your life. The latter part of May is a great time for exercise and healthy eating!
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
You are entering a time of reassessment with your career path, retirement path, and the viability of your relationship. With work and family, you are reexamining boundaries as changes take place in the family hierarchy. This is a time to decide what role you will take in ongoing family discussions and decisions. You are trying to find a balance at work between producing an adequate income and having a viable life that isn’t overshadowed by work obligations. In relationships, you will want a greater sense of personal expression, and you’ll balk at limitations or restrictions. This can be a difficult month for relationships if you’ve been having a difficult time. You will be much more direct and to-the-point. In the last half of the month, you are focused on your finances and how to improve your situation. You have a good two-month period to examine your options—but wait until July before you put your plans into action.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Relationships are very important to you this month and next with Venus, the planet of commitments, going retrograde in your partnership house. This is a time to review all of your partnerships, both business and personal. You may be contacted by old friends or ex-lovers from your past. As the month begins, you are paying more attention to your health and exercise programs. You are wanting to free yourself from old, bad habits. As with most of us, business models and old ways of doing business are changing, and you are ready to make those necessary adjustments. You are actually looking forward to improving your work environment. Your family may need you to step in and settle an argument. Hold off on any major decisions until mid-July. This is a great time for research and viability studies.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
The Capricorns are finally getting a chance to breathe for the next couple of months. You will get some time to reflect about the intense path you have been on since last September. You will want to be more playful and creative, and at least take a break from the pressure you have been under. This is also a good month for you to pay more attention to your health regimen and to do more self-care. Watch your spending in the first half of the month, as you are more likely to make some impulse purchases. If you have children, this is a very good time to reconnect with them since you are in a playful mood, and especially because they are staying at home more. In the latter part of the month, you are more likely to say what you think without much of a filter. You may have had enough and are ready to speak your truth, but your delivery and timing could be off. Put yourself first on all of your to-do lists!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
You are entering a very significant time frame as Saturn (the planet of career, long-term security, and personal boundaries) visits your sign for the next two years. You will have almost no tolerance for people who won’t grow up. You also want to set new goals for your relationship so you can renew those connections. This applies to both business and personal relationships. If people are not willing to participate in your life, you will not have time for them. As the month begins, you are trying to make your home more comfortable, stable, and safe. In the latter part of the month, you are connecting to the creative and fun side of your personality. This is a good time to be with your children, or just to be more childlike. On the whole, you are looking at career decisions, future plans for you and your partner, and discovering what it takes to create a sense of emotional security.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
You were experiencing lots of changes in your social activities and connections even before the virus took hold in this country. You Pisceans may do better than any of the other signs during this quarantine. Pisceans naturally need more time alone and away from other people’s psychic influence. You may want to get most of your important activities taken care of in the early part of the month. Toward the end of May, you will want to spend more time at home and away from prying eyes and minds. This is a good month for home improvement, working in the garden, or just sitting on the patio drinking margaritas. In the latter half of the month, you have more energy and less patience. This is a super time for exercise and losing weight. Relationships remain positive, but you will want some time together to renew that bond!
For more astro-insight, log on to lillyroddy.com.
This article appears in the May 2020 edition of OutSmart magazine.