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April 2019 Horoscope: Ch-ch-ch-changes

Two strong planets reaching their peak means this is a month for metamorphosis.

Illustration by JanieWhateva.

April is a month for decision-making. Our reality has been challenged, and we will feel more inclined to respond to it by creating a better path of safety and security. We are experiencing the alignment of two strong planets that will reach their peak in April and May. This alignment will have worldwide implications, and will continue the stress on our current economic environment. This energy has been building since last September, and we will have another alignment in July. Develop a good plan to respond to changing conditions! Mercury is direct on April 4, so you can now put all of your new plans and ideas into action! The New Moon on the 5th and the Full Moon on the 19th will be especially powerful, and make us more aware of our unconscious fears. • Good days this month are the 7th, 14th, and 15th. Crazy days this month are the 2nd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, and 27th. 

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) 
With this being your birthday month, you are reviewing your history of the last year and looking forward to new goals and adventures. There is a lot of focus on career and your role in the family. You will be making some major decisions in these areas. You are still very self-reflective as the month begins. You are trying to balance your time between work, home, and your partner—and still have some time left over for yourself. The early part of the month is a good time for a short vacation, but by midmonth, several things will need your full attention. In the latter part of the month, you are attempting to free yourself from financial obligations. Your self-confidence is stronger at the end of the month!

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
You are spending time with friends, community organizations, and like-minded people as the month begins. You are more interested in finding ways to improve the neighborhood and find a common cause to unite the people you associate with. By midmonth, you are ready for a break and some personal time as you push your limits to the edge. At the end of the month you feel more renewed, but you are taking measured steps to move forward. You want more freedom in your life so you can express more of your true self. Restrictive relationships or overly demanding work conditions will have you looking elsewhere. Connect to your passion!

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
This is a busy month, with emphasis on your work and connecting with friends. This month you are looking for projects that really call on your creativity. You are more than ready to step up and take a leadership role over the next month and a half. Friends and social organizations want your participation and leadership. If you are single, this is a good month to be meeting new people. If you are involved, this is a great month to renew those bonds. You will need more time to yourself by the end of the month, but you’ll still have plenty of energy to focus on improving your health, taking care of old financial matters, and making sure you get a break from your routines. 

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
You are feeling pulled in several directions at the same time this month. Work and home are demanding a lot of your energy, so where to set your boundaries is the $64,000 question. At work, you are calculating where you should focus to get the best results. You may be impatient and even judgmental with those who block your way. With relationships, you are either solidifying those connections or moving on. You are more creative at the beginning of April, and more businesslike in the latter half of the month. Friends and associates are more important in your life in the latter part of the month. Renew those positive connections.  

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Career is extra-stimulated this month. You can be looking at starting your own business, taking on a new project at your current job, or even retiring. You can easily be bored with your current situation as you look for something to attach yourself to. This is an important month to pay attention to your financial picture. There could even be unnecessary changes on your bills. You are looking for new mental stimulation, which may involve going back to school, going on vacation, or doing a study on spirituality and metaphysics. Business associates can be very supportive and helpful with any project that you are working on!

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Renewing the bond with your partner is very important this month. Your partner helps you see the bigger picture, since you can get caught up in the details. If you are single and interested, this is a good time to meet new folks. You have extra confidence this month, and this boost of self-assurance is especially strong at the workplace. You will want to take on a leadership role or help promote your company’s goals. You have a very direct approach this month, and that may be too much for some. If your boss or coworkers feel threatened, they may block your path. Words have power this month!

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Your work environment and your coworkers continue to be strong in your horoscope this month. There may have been confusion generated last month that is finally being cleared up in April. You’ll have no patience with those who leave their work or responsibilities to others. Relationships are highlighted by midmonth. This is a good time to renew those bonds and make sure you have the same goals. Home and family are very important this month as well. You could be remodeling or moving, and midmonth will be the time to make a decision about that. Keep working on freeing yourself from debt—that will be a big motivation for you throughout the year. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Your views on relationships are going through a big revision. Restrictive relationships will have you looking elsewhere. This is a time of major renewal. In ongoing business or personal partnerships, this is a time of getting clear about what we need now. That will bring a sense of renewal, and those partnerships that can’t adapt will be coming to an end. You are paying attention to details and your daily habits this month, with an eye on improving how you use your time. This is a good time to begin a diet or exercise regimen. April can be a time when some of you are starting your own business, even if it is just part-time. The need to be in charge of your own reality is very strong. This is a month of big decisions for Scorpios! 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
With Jupiter, your ruling planet, visiting Sagittarius until November, this should be a positive, busy, and upbeat year! Relationships are the hot topic for April. If you are involved, you will need to put some energy into your partnership to renew those connections. If you are single, this is an excellent month to put yourself out there. Your magnetism is very strong! This is also an excellent time for a business partnership as well. However, you will have little patience with those who can’t keep up. You are reassessing your finances and investments, and looking for conservative, safe investments. Your home is a place of retreat, and you may not let others in if they don’t know the password. By the end of the month, you are ready for some play time!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
April is a major month for you! On the surface level, you are re-evaluating everything you do and everyone you are connected to. At the beginning of the month you are more introspective with your views, but by midmonth those views are coming to the surface. Some of the changes that are occurring are bigger than you, but you’ll still have to adapt to them. You could be moving, relocating your career base, or even retiring and learning to live off the grid. This is a very good month for an exercise program. You are more motivated than you have been in a while. Toward the end of the month, you will need time to relax and be playful, or to spend time with your children.  

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Home and family are going through renovations this month, and you may be moving or doing some remodeling. You are ready for family members to let go of the past and move forward with hope and forgiveness. If you can’t, you’ll be leaving without them. This is also a good month for you to focus on your artistic skills and sharing those skills with others. You are communicating more clearly and getting to the point. Patience will be hard to come by over the next couple of months. Be sure to have plenty of exit strategies so you don’t have to feel trapped. This is a great month to be with your children, playing, and finding that joie de vivre you seem to have lost! 

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) 
Your sensitivity levels are very strong this month. You may need more time to yourself, especially in the early part of April. You will be putting a lot more energy into your home and family over the next month. You could be doing some remodeling, putting out new plants and flowers, or inviting your closest friends over for BBQ, especially after midmonth. It will be easy to spend money this month, so watch your impulse spending! Career activity remains very positive. This is a good time to look for a better position or to start something on your own. Your neighborhood is much more active in the latter part of the month. This could be a time when you get involved in a community project, and even take on a leadership role!

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This article appears in the April 2019 edition of OutSmart magazine.




Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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