Queer Things to Do in Houston This Weekend
Complied by Lourdes Zavaleta
This weekend, raise money with Rob Lowe, take a trip to Galveston for an annual art festival, celebrate an early Halloween with a costume party, and more:
• Friday afternoon, Rob Lowe will headline The Council on Recovery’s fundraiser at Hilton Americas. The actor, author, and producer will share his personal story of hope and recovery from addiction, while helping raise money to support The Council’s work in Houston. Check-in starts at 11:15 a.m. and lunch and the program starts at 12 p.m. Tickets and more information here.
• Also Friday, Little D Markets and Better Block Foundation will team up to host Arts & Ale, a fundraiser to support the recovery needs of artists in Houston who were affected by Tropical Storm Harvey. Starting at 6 p.m., the donated work of local artists will be showcased and auctioned at Better Block. The event is free and open to the public. More details here.
• Friday night at 8, join Houston Gaymers and Hatch Youth for an LGBTQ youth game night at the Montrose Center. More information about attending and volunteering here.
• Saturday at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m., visit Galveston Island for ARToberFEST. The two-day festival will showcase the works of 120 artists from across the U.S. at the island’s downtown cultural arts district. Tickets and more information here.
• On Saturday at 6 p.m., the National Leather Association Houston will host their 6th annual Spirit of Leather Awards at the Montrose Center to recognize and honor those who serve and make contributions to the Houston leather community. More details here.
• Also Saturday, the Hines Center for Spirituality and Prayer presents Coming Out in Faith at Christ Church Cathedral at 6:30 p.m. Four religious leaders will share their coming out stories and how LGBTQ issues are addressed in their past and current faith communities. More information here.
• Saturday night, visit Rich’s Downtown for their first Halloween party and costume contest of the season. The club will be decorated as a saloon as this year’s theme is Wild Wild West. Doors open at 10 p.m., and the costume contest starts at 11:45 p.m. More details here.
• On Sunday, join Guava Lamp at Sunday Karaoke. Doors open at 4 p.m., and karaoke starts at 8 p.m. More information here.