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October 2016 Horoscope

By Lilly Roddy

October should be a smoother month for all of us. The middle of the month could be edgy, but overall we should be able to make decisions more easily. Happy Halloween!

The sun starts the month in Libra, but enters Scorpio on the 22nd. Mercury is back up to speed and moving along in Virgo before going into Libra on the 7th and finally into Scorpio on the 24th. Venus divides her time between Scorpio for the first half of the month and Sagittarius for the last half of the month beginning on the 18th. We will be focused more on relationships and real commitment this month.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). With the planets moving through Libra this month, you are certainly focused on the relationships in your life. If you are involved, this can be a time when you see your relationship grow into something bigger and better. If you are single, this is a great month to be meeting someone. This goes for business as well as personal relationships. Your career energies are very strong this month. You may want to take on a leadership role, or possibly be looking to do something on your own.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Paying attention to your health is what is important for you this month. This is an excellent time to begin a new health regimen, see your doctor for a checkup, and improve your work environment so that it is a happier and healthier place to be in. Romantic and professional relationships are in the spotlight during the latter half of the month—a great time to reconfirm your sense of intimacy and get clear about your common goals and directions.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). You are finally getting some relief from the sluggish energies you had been going through. You are feeling more decisive. Be careful not to overthink things—that can add to your confusion. The first half of the month is good for creative activities, and especially things that involve children or waking up your own inner child! In the latter half of the month you are happy to get back into your routines. Keep an eye on your finances, since you may want to spend more impulsively.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). Your interests this month are focused on your home and family. (Of course, this is Cancer’s natural place to be.) You may be looking at moving, or just improving your current residence. This will also be a more active, social time in your home and with your family. It may be easier to release old, painful memories from the past so you can move forward emotionally. Your relationships are also spotlighted for the next 40 days as Mars—planet of action, anger, and amour—fires up this part of your life. Do something to bring some excitement into your relationship!

LEO (July 23–August 22). Your daily life continues to get busier this month. You are communicating more clearly, and it is easier to get people to listen to you. This could be a great time to go back to school or look for other ways to improve your existing skill set. By midmonth, you are shifting your focus to your home and family. Keep your center of attention on improving your health. This is an excellent month for you to get back into shape. You will have plenty of drive and follow-through. Relationships with co-workers could be more difficult. Get things out in the open so there isn’t a flare-up. Take the lead and be the bigger person.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). In October, you are paying more attention to your finances and your resource base. You are in a period where you can both make and spend more money, but you know some decisions have to be made this month. For the last three months, you have been thinking hard about what you should do, and you are now ready to move forward. Your communication skills draw attention toward the end of the month. Your words have power, so use them carefully.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Happy birthday to the Librans! This is your personal yearly cycle when you are reassessing last year and considering new plans and adventures for this year. This should be a much more positive year, with Jupiter (planet of benevolence) visiting your sign until next September. You may travel more this year, go back to school, relocate, and even enhance your existing relationships. By the latter part of the month, we shift our attention to our monetary picture. Family demands more of your time over the next 40 days or so. Take the leadership role—they all want you to.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). October is always a good month for you to relax a little and take some more time for yourself and your own spiritual centering. You are continuing to look for ways to increase your long-term security, both financial and emotional. You are looking at ways to cut back and make sure that the time and money you spend has a real return on your investment. This is a busy month, and you may start several new activities. It is easier to say what you mean. Your partner will be especially supportive this month. By the end of the month, you are ready to get back into the action.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). October continues to be a busy and socially active month for you. Work may have been confusing in September, but this month has you back on track and getting things taken care of. Activities that are associated with community organizations are especially favored this month. You may want to take on a leadership position. Friendships will also be more important to you. Overall, you are more clear and decisive through the end of the month. Near the end of the month, you will be ready for some rest and retreat.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Get ready for a busy, active, and energetic month with Mars traveling through your sign for the next 40 days. With Mars, you will have plenty of energy, courage, and self-confidence. What you may not have is patience and a sense of timing. Mars is good for starting exercise programs, starting a new business, stepping out of your comfort zone, and standing up and being heard. This is definitely a time to step up. On the whole, you are very much in touch with your community. You have a concern for the future, and feel that people should participate in improving where they live.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). October is a busy month for you. You are more open-minded this month as you enjoy a larger overview of your life and current situations. This is a good time to do some planning for your career or long-term financial security. You may be out seeking a new position for work, or even starting your own business. You will want to be involved in community organizations, but only if they have a real purpose. You could be inclined to take on the leadership position. Next month might be even busier!

PISCES (February 19–March 20). You are finally getting some clarity about your career and long-term goals. You have been on hold, no matter how hard you’ve tried to push forward. Over the next few months, it’s an especially important time associated with your career. You may embark on something brand-new, or look for a promotion. Relationships and trust are so important to you this month. If you are in a relationship, this could be a time when your partner’s career is highlighted. They will need you to be there for them. You will need a break in the action at the end of the month, so take some time to yourself.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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