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December Horoscope: Better Than November

By Lilly Roddy

The holidays in December will be a lot better than November’s Thanksgiving holiday. We will all be feeling a lot less “heavy” and dragged down. We have a New Moon on the 11th that helps us to open up and feel better about the holidays and the world’s condition. The Full Moon on the 25th helps us to focus on family—and the people we call family. Emotions and feelings are strong, and right there on the surface during this Full Moon. Make sure you have some quiet time for yourself. • Also on the 25th, Uranus (planet of reinvention and freedom) goes direct. We will all be more open to acting on our impulses, trying to satisfy our needs as well as looking for an adventure to stimulate our intellect. • Good days this month are the 1st, 4th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 24th, and 25th. Days to have eggnog with extra “nog” are the 6th, 10th, 19th, 20th, and 29th. • In January 2016, Mercury is retrograde for the whole month. You may want to get your new ideas and projects started before then. Mercury is back up to speed in February 2016.

ARIES (March 21–April 19). As December begins, you are in a good mood, looking forward to the holiday and enjoying connecting with people. You can also use these energies to help and promote your own career. People are more open to you. Your relationship needs your attention. Take some time to renew that physical and emotional connection with your partner, or your partner may be crankier than usual. Work and career take over as we get closer to the end of the month. You may feel like you’ve overdone it with the holidays by then!

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). The beginning of the month is a fairly introspective time, considering this is a holiday month. You are more focused on money than usual, and are trying to make some new long-term plans to make you feel safer in the future. Don’t overthink this. Your personal relationships need some tending to. As the holidays approach, you are in a more relaxed time. This could be a great time for you to get out of town for the holidays just for fun.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). Relationships are really getting the spotlight. You are in a period of questioning your relationships and how you construct them. You are trying to establish new purposes and directions for your relationships. This can also be a time when you realize some of your relationships have outgrown their usefulness. There are some new opportunities for new jobs or a career shift. Your holidays should be nice, but you may be preoccupied with what’s going on with your relationship and with work.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). You could be easily overloaded with things to do this month. You may have way too many “have to’s” on your dance card. Keep yourself focused on your current situation and don’t overload your holiday schedule. Keep your schedule flexible on the19th and 20th. You will not be very patient. As we get closer to the holidays, you are paying more attention to your partner. You both are beginning to look at long-term plans. If your relationship is not doing well, this could be a chilly holiday. Take the actions necessary to improve your situation.

LEO (July 23–August 22). This is normally a good time of the year for you, and this December is no exception. You are in a playful mood and will want to surround yourself with positive and optimistic folk. If you have children, this is an especially good time to be sharing the holidays with them. You are straightforward in your communications this month, and don’t have time for people who can’t “get it.” As we get closer to the end month, you are ready to get back on your schedule and agendas. Watch what you eat over the holidays. You will be more sensitive than usual to food.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). The home and hearth are your focus not only for this month, but for the whole year. There is an overall shift in the family as everyone senses that they’re getting older. The holidays may have more nostalgia for you than usual. You are also working to make your nest more secure. You may be considering moving or doing some needed repairs. You have been looking at long-term plans for improving your career. You are a bit more relaxed as we get closer to the holidays, and ready for some holiday cheer!

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). This is an especially active holiday month for you. Mars, planet of selfness and confrontation, visits your sign for the whole month. You will have the sense that you need to take care of everything right away. You may also have a harder time sleeping, and find that small things really irritate you now. You will certainly feel out of balance. This is a good time to start new projects or to make an investment in yourself. Try to slow down some during the holidays. Keep your holiday plans simple. You will not be up for much drama! Getting out of town for the holidays could prove to be really fun!

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). Overall, you are taking a hard look at your finances and potential new career or work goals. Time is money this year. When you invest yourself in something, you’ll expect to get something back or you will withdraw your support. Groups and organizations can be especially good for business contacts this year. As we get closer to the holidays, you are gaining more clarity about your future plans. Be careful that you don’t opt out at work—better to connect with others during the holidays.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Your birthday is your personal yearly cycle when you assess the last year and set new ambitions and purposes for yourself for the upcoming year. This is an especially significant year with Saturn, planet of future security and long-term planning, visiting for the next two years. You are working on your boundaries and trying to make sure that your actions are used in the most efficient way possible. You are in a big, decisive time concerning relationships, career, your family, and what’s best for you. As the holidays approach, you begin to lighten up some and get back to having a good time.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Typically, the early part of the holiday season is more of a time for retreat rather than for lots of holiday parties. You go if you have to (because you are a Capricorn) and you instinctively know what is the right thing to do. There is a lot to do at work, and you are trying to get some new ideas off the ground. Work is more of a place for you to hide out for now. As we get closer to the holidays, you will be a lot more social and ready to get into the holiday season. Capricorn is the sign of tradition, and those old goats do love their traditions.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). This is a good time for you to be connecting with groups and organizations. You could easily take on a leadership role. You will also be focusing on some groups more and eliminating others that don’t have any use. Your mind will still be fairly restless, especially in the first half of the month. You are in a good time for a debate or dealing with intense negotiations. As we get closer to the holidays, you are ready to retreat some and avoid the madding crowd. January is a busy month with Mercury retrograde in your sign. You will have plenty to do. Enjoy your rest.

PISCES (February 19–March 20). You have recently been enjoying more clarity and sense of purpose than you have had for a few years. You are working on your boundaries and telling people “No,” which is never easy for the mermaids and mermen. This is a good month to look at new jobs, positions, or even starting your own career. As we approach the holidays, you are ready to be more social. This is a very good month to see friends that you have not had time to connect with. It may be easier than usual to spend money this month, so watch that impulse buying.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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