ColumnsSignOut Horoscope

SignOut March

Happy birthday Pisces! Get creative! Get social! Get financially independent!!
Happy birthday Pisces! Get creative! Get social! Get financially independent!!

The first half of March is an unsettled time as several planets change directions at the beginning of the month..
By Lilly Roddy
Illustration by David Eduardo Flores Perez

Mars officially goes stationary retrograde on March 1, after having slowed down during the last couple of weeks. A Mars retrograde is very good for tackling and finishing old projects that you’ve been putting off. However, it’s not a good time to start a brand-new project. • Saturn goes stationary retrograde on March 2 and will be retrograde until July 20. Saturn does a retrograde performance every year, allowing us to revisit our ongoing future plans and tweak them where necessary. • Jupiter goes stationary direct on March 6, allowing us to feel more hopeful about the future. • The Sun enters Aries on March 20, the first day of spring. On March 7, Mercury will be back up to speed and we won’t have to wait any longer to make certain decisions. • This many changes in the early part of the month will make us feel rather unsettled and scattered. The latter half of the month will feel a lot easier. • Positive days for this month are the 3rd, 13th, 14th, 18th, 26th, and the 28th. Days to keep things low key are the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 11th, 22nd, and the 29th.

Aries (March 21–April 19). Mars (your ruling planet) continues its path in Libra, affecting your relationships. If you’ve been having problems in your relationships, Mars will force a showdown so that there can be some resolution to your problems. On the positive side, this is a great time to be renewing and revitalizing the long-term relationships in your life. You’re being pulled in many different directions during this month. Make sure that you are happy before you try to satisfy everyone else.

Taurus (April 20–May 20). This is a very good month to be focusing on working conditions and health problems. Don’t be afraid to take the lead and make some suggestions about how to improve things. Try to get out and socialize more this month. Your friends will be really glad to see you, and they can also help with social networking for your career. You definitely want a clear plan for your relationships so you can move forward. If you can’t get some clarity, you will put the relationship on hold and possibly look elsewhere.

Gemini (May 21–June 21). As the month begins, you are very focused on your career. Although some of your plans and ideas had been delayed, March finds you back on track. The first part of the month is a very good time for you and your creative ideas. You just seem to have a way of coming up with simple but effective solutions. In the second half of the month, expand your horizons and get involved in some community organizations. Your relationship partners are more supportive this month.

Cancer (June 22–July 22). The Crabs have been feeling very antsy during the last couple of months, and they are back on the prowl in March, looking for something to pique their interest. You are much more laid back during the first half of March, before becoming more energetic later in the month. However, you will be focusing a lot of thought and effort on making your home a safer and more comfortable place. This can be a time when family problems reach a boiling point. You will be ready to face them and get them out of the way.

Leo (July 23–August 22). This month you continue to be only too happy to share your thoughts and views with everyone around you. In your relationships, you are in a much more compromising mood than usual. You are looking for common ground so that you have something to build on. You continue to clean out, downsize, and evaluate the usefulness of people and things in your life. Make sure that you have some time for yourself in the first half of the month.

Virgo (August 23–September 22).  Relationships are clearly the focus for you this month. You are looking for more peace and harmony, and a psychic sense of understanding with your partner. If you are single, this could include former partners who are really close friends. You’re also doing some reorganizing in your work environment. In the latter half of the month, you are more focused on your financial needs. Your friends could be especially helpful in this area.

Libra (September 23–October 23). Mars, planet of action and confrontation, continues her long visit in your sign. This position of Mars helps you to be more courageous, take more risks, and defend yourself when necessary. You are more focused on your work environment in the early part of the month. You could be taking a leadership or advisory role. In the latter half of the month, your personal relationships need some revitalization. Get out of town with your partner and have a good time.

Scorpio (October 24–November 21). With your overall theme of reorganizing priorities, you continue to get the tasks on your agenda taken care of. You are in a slightly more laid-back mood during the first half of the month. You may need more time to rest or just relax. In the latter half of the month you are more focused on creating a more peaceful workplace environment. Issues at work could come to a head, and that release could make everyone feel better.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21). You are definitely in a time of personal retreat during the first half of the month. You could certainly decide to stay at home, away from most of the drama that surrounds us. If you can get out of town, it would be really good for you. In the second half the month, you are more energized and ready to get out and enjoy yourself. You are certainly more playful. If you can connect with some old friends, it could be a good time for you socially, as well as for your career.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19). You continue to be busy this month, and especially into April. This is a time when you might be pulled in too many directions at once. Especially during March, you need to make sure that you really want to do the things you’ve agreed to do. Otherwise, your resentment and anger are likely to show up. Communication continues to improve for you throughout March. The latter half of the month may make you feel a bit trapped, so make sure you don’t overload yourself.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18). You continue to work on creating and stabilizing your career. You are clearly ready to do the work that’s necessary to make career goals happen. You’re also focused on financial matters this month. Personally, this is the time when you’ll want to be appreciated for what you do. If you don’t get this appreciation, you may be looking for other places to sell your services. In the latter half of the month, you’re feeling freer and more spontaneous.

Pisces (February 19–March 20). Happy birthday, or “solar return,” to the Mermaids and Mermen! This is your personal yearly cycle when we get to assess what we did last year and establish new plans for the following year. You definitely want to express your creativity via your family, your friends, and your work. Social groups and organizations can be especially beneficial to you this month. And lastly, continue to work on freeing yourself from your financial burdens. • Illustration by David Eduardo Flores Perez

Read Lilly Roddy’s year-long forecast at “What does 2014 have in store?.” For more astro-insight, go to to Hermes Foot.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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