SignOut August

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.
By Lilly Roddy
As August opens, we are in a time of decision-making as a result of Mercury going direct at the end of July. This will make August a busy month as we feel the pressure to get on with our lives. There is more tension during the last half of the month, especially the 21st through the 26th. Face the things that need attention and let the rest go. The New Moon in Leo on August 6 will make us want to be more playful and have more fun. Find your own passion. On August 20, the Full Moon in Aquarius will open up our social lives and introduce us to new groups and potential new friendships. Take some time to slow down at the end of the month. • Good days for this month are the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 28th, and the 30th—not too many, as you can you see. Days of higher tension are the 7th, 11th, 21st, 24th, 25th, and the 26th. Days with high tension or energy levels usually push us out of our comfort zones so that we will change.
ARIES (March 21–April 19). You continue to be focused on home, family, and real estate. This can be a good time to have a family reunion, reconnect with people from your childhood, and create a stronger emotional foundation. You’ll accomplish this by cleaning out your past and living a healthier emotional life. This is a great time to look for a new job or career if you’re feeling restless. Find some time for you and your partner near the end of the month.
TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Your communication skills are really highlighted this month. You’ll find that making your point is especially easy, even with difficult topics. You are more energetic this month as you set your sights on new goals and possible career moves. You are moving slowly and carefully, and you can look for this forward movement to continue through the end of the year. Home and family take the spotlight as you get to the end of the month. Home repairs may be on your menu.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21). As the month opens, you are back to being busy as you continue the process of cleaning out and reorganizing. Your focus during the first half of the month is on making better use of your resources. This can be a great time to promote yourself, an idea, or even a book. You are ready to make a greater investment in yourself. You’ve been speaking with great authority, and that is making more people listen to you. At the end of the month you’ll need some rest and retreat, so put that on your calendar!
CANCER (June 22–July 22).
This is definitely the month for the Moon Kids to take action on their dreams and ideas, and you’ll have extra courage to face any fears that may arise. With Jupiter (planet of growth and expansion) in your sign until next July, you are feeling more optimistic and positive about your life. You are focused on your resources this month, figuring out how to make the best use of them. This can be a time when you’ll want to get your financial picture in better shape. Relationships can be testy at the end of the month, so make sure you don’t neglect that part of your life.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22). The area of friends and organizations is very active this month. This can be a great time to get involved in a business or social organization. Expect to find yourself in a leadership position if you do get involved. This can also be a great time to promote your career or to meet potential new romantic partners. Toward the end of the month, you will need some time to really get away from it all—especially from the 23rd through the 26th. You’re just making sure that you are staying connected to your inner self and your spirit’s calling. Schedule some time for a spa retreat!
LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Career opportunities are really opening up to you this month. With Jupiter, planet of good fortune, in your career sector for the next year, it’s a great time to really promote yourself or your ideas. This can be a time when you want to travel more or go back to school to pursue something you’ve always wanted to do. You have been in a clearing-out phase to prepare for this new time. Friends can be especially important to you this month. Relationships are tense near the end of the month. Just say what you mean so people won’t have to guess.
SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). With Saturn going direct in your sign, you are back on track and moving forward with your plans. Saturn makes us look at our lives in long-range cycles. We can clearly see where we have been as we look toward new ambitions. You are certainly ready to take a leadership role in this process. You’re being driven by a strong need to respond to your community. You’ll be in the spotlight for the next two months, commanding more attention when you speak. Make sure you wear something sparkly!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). You are in more of a social mood this month. Going on a trip out of town to break up your routine would be very good for you. Your magnetic energies are also stronger, and that will help draw people to you during August. You seem to be able to get to the heart of the matter much more easily. Your career energies are a bit off, and you are not as sure about things as you once were. Let your heart guide you in a direction that inspires you. This will give you back the pep you’ve been missing. Make sure you take some time for yourself from the 23rd through the 27th.
CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). This continues to be a very active month for you Sea Goats out there. There is a lot of focus on relationships during August. If you are single, this is a good time to get out in the dating market. If you are involved, this can be a great time to rejuvenate your relationship. If your current relationship is over, things will move along more quickly toward a final resolution. All relationships are under scrutiny this month—business, romance, and close friendships. This is a good month to follow your instincts.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18).You have been reorganizing your work area and finding ways to make things as efficient as you can. You are now back to working on your future plans and long-term career goals. Relationships are coming into better focus as the month progresses. You need to look at doing something fun or different, especially toward the end of the month. If your relationship is feeling too routine, you or your partner could become angry or irrational. You are needing some renewal there. Address the problem and avoid the drama.
PISCES (February 19–March 20). The energies for all of the water signs are very positive now. This can be a very good time for the planets to help you find faster and easier resolutions to your problems. You are in a very creative period this month. It is a great time to express your inner child and do something that just makes you happy. Your own children could be doing very well at this time. Relationships become more of the focus toward the end of the month. Make sure that you and your partner really have some time to share. Otherwise, somebody will be feeling very cool and distant.
Read Lilly Roddy’s 2013 forecast at “Will This Be a Gem of a Year?” For more astro-insight, log on to